about finasteride


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Hello everyone , I am 23 years old male and i used proscar 1.67 mg/day for 6 months. My shedding stop and little hair was coming .But my tits ( or boobs i don't know my english not very good :) ) were being bigger and i stop treatment. Because male characterism is more important for me . Alsa hair loss is important to me . What can i do ? i am waiting your advice , i really need you friends


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My Regimen
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Has the gyno gone away? It may or may not have been caused by the finasteride it is a common problem even among people who are not on finasteride. If you wish to remove your man boobs you can ask about getting surgery to remove your gyno, if you are willing to do that


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Lower the dose maybe ? I know, a lot of people are going to say 1.67 mg has exactly the same side effects as 0.5 mg, and if it doesn't it means the dosage doesn't work as well. But you never know, and 1.67 mg is quite high !
Also : nizoral and minoxidil, spironolactone cream, tricomin... Experimental (only the brave !) : RU58841 apparently has great results.


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Gyno has mostly göne way but my boobs is not too big , just being little big like 1-2 cm than before. And Vlatch: yes 1.67mg is quite high . Maybe i start RU but ru hasn't side ? ... thanks for your replies

stop dht

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Buna tıpta cenabetlik deniyor , no major sides with ru some ppl tells maybe heart disease but dont think so u can use proscar 0.625 mg 2 günde bir u know than u got less sides . Gyno is very unlucky btw maybe u were fat ??? veya psikolojikte olabilir git vücut çalış hem hormonlar belki bir tık balanced . But the worst point with ru is Türkiyeye getirmiyorlar amk . Me too got some orgasm disorders with finasteride ama 2 günde bire düşÃ¼rdüm sanki düzeliyor gibi bilirsin your choice kardeşim


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Cut down body fat to less than 12%, don't drink alcohol, increase your fiber intake, do cardio, start taking 0.5 mg ED instead.

Plan B would be to rub DHT gel cream on your nipples while using finasteride.

stop dht

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He is right zaten %12 nin altına inersen fena adonis çıkar u know having six pack just more important


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dostum teşekkürler ... My gyno isn't that big .maybe you wouldn't think my boobs is big but i really fear for that ... so i dropped my regimen . and now almost 1 month and no hairloss ... but i really want to regrowth some hair for my bald spots ... 2 cm^2 area is empty on my right temple ... maybe i use rogaine for that

Donny J

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try using the drug every other day ("EOD") instead. see if that helps. if not, then the drug may not be for you. Vlatch suggested a few alternatives.