about ZINC- need help guys


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I have read about the beneficial results of zinc in halting hair loss so before a couple of months I bought a bottle of Zinc tablets each containing about 200% of the standard daily dosage. When I was taking a tablet I had headaches and I was not feeling well for the rest of the day, so after a week I decided to stop it. Has anybody else come to same situation?
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You took too much probably.

I take a 50mg GNC brand Zinc tablet a few times a week...the rest I get from my diet.

Go less, but still take it.


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you need to do a little research.....

there are numerous kinds of zinc....

zinc is an antagonist to copper, when you zinc uptake goes up so should your copper (in the right ratio)...

do you live in an area with drinking water supplied through copper piping?...

only certain zincs will be benificial to hair loss...

should you be taking it on an empty or full stomach...

etc etc....


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just take a centrum multivitamin and fogetta bout it!


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..I take Juice Plus whole food supplements now ($$ look it up)...lost lots of weight, feel great, getting 8 servings of fruits and 8 servings of veggies everyday with 2 capsules (fruit type) A.M., and 2 capsules (veggie type) P.M.

Great stuff, eBay it! I just got a 4 month supply...great for those of us (most Americans) who don't eat 'right'.


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misterium said:

..I take Juice Plus whole food supplements now ($$ look it up)...lost lots of weight, feel great, getting 8 servings of fruits and 8 servings of veggies everyday with 2 capsules (fruit type) A.M., and 2 capsules (veggie type) P.M.

Great stuff, eBay it! I just got a 4 month supply...great for those of us (most Americans) who don't eat 'right'.

Hi Misterium, Could you be kind to share what brand of Juice Plus whole food you are taking and how much does it cost. Thanks!


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I paid $130 including S&H from a dealer on ebay, for a 4 month supply of the actual brand called 'Juice Plus'.. by NSA.

You can find it on ebay do a search or on google.