At least you're still treating it. You didn't just throw your hands up in the air and say 'f*** it, genetic destiny, bald beast hurr durr'.
I dunno Dante. I was in what felt like rock bottom at the time as well - I was nearing a NW3 at my worst point and I had heavy diffusion. Propecia wasn't working for me and I would've been a Norwood 4 in 1-2 years if I had stayed on it. Look at my hair here:***.jpg
sh*t was completely unstyleable, I started shaving no guard shortly after that.
Minoxidil helped somewhat, but I didn't quit losing until I threw in big guns like estrogen and RU. Only then I started to get what seems like a semi-normal head of hair. I used things most people would consider crazy and endured side effects just so I could be myself again.
I still experiment with all kinds of sh*t and wouldn't mind trying even crazier drugs like enzalutamide topically. Desperation does strange things to a person, clouds your judgement. But if you really want hair back, well... you have to be willing to take some risks.