Accutane and Hair Loss - a mother's story - w/pic link


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There is no doubt that Accutane causes major hairloss in people who are predestined to have male pattern baldness. I lost almost all my frontal hair in two weeks + a lot of hair in the crown and I regrew very little. If I knew Accutane causes this I'd never touch it.

Someone's Mom

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HARM1 said:
Do you think there is a way to check if the VITAMIN A overdose is what caused my early male pattern baldness?

This is the test for vitamin A toxicity: ... -info.html

"Accutane is chemically almost identical to Vitamin A. The daily dose of the drug is equivalent to about 200,000 International Units, which is about 40 times greater than the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A. To prevent the symptoms associated with vitamin A toxicity, individuals taking these medications should avoid taking supplemental vitamin A in doses exceeding 10,000 IU per day."

"Chronic vitamin A toxicity may occur following many months of daily intake of the vitamin in amounts exceeding 14,000 IU (4.2 mg or retinol equivalents) in children and 25,000 IU in adults, and is most likely to develop in individuals taking high doses of vitamin A compounds to treat skin disorders, or in those with poor liver function."

"US recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 5000 IU (2500 IU for children aged 1-4 y).

- Supplements usually are 10,000-50,000 IU per capsule.

- Fish-liver oils may contain more than 180,000 IU/g.

-Acute toxic dose is 25,000 IU/kg, and chronic toxic dose is 4000 IU/kg every day for 6-15 months."

You can do a Liver Cleanse (you can find these at Sprout's or your local health store). I'm not sure that it really helps but it doesn't hurt. I would also suggest avoiding supplements that contain vitamin A, especially in high doses, live Fish Oil.

Take 3-5 mg of Biotin, a High Potency B Complex, and 3000-5000 mg of MSM