
Aclaris Therapeutics Entering In Phase 2 / Taisho Pharmaceutical Ended His Phase 2a


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Oh so maybe in 2021 I will be able to save the 3 hair left on my scalp ^^ na wig game is coming for me. Some men look good with bald shaved head, but close to zero female does!
I had sides from Diane, CPA and even spironolactone at only 100mg/day.
Not convinced either regarding soft Jan, I was mostly underlining how bringing awareness to universalis and totalis would not help our case. I am as skeptical as you are.

Ps: Sorry I am all dark and sarcastic today.

I can see that, don't loose hope, the upcoming Hellouser post becomes more and more necessary.all forum is tense.
Some day this mess totally anhiliates me aswell
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Well thanks mate, it's nice talking to you.
I should probably not express myself too much on Tsuji as I don't want to crash people hope here. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that Tsuji is advancing the art of regenerative medecine. Beyond the topic of hair loss it would be a revolution for human life. But I am realistic about it not coming til a decade or so and being very expensive. Still great to follow the process tho.
Knowing that other people are going to get dark too does not bring me comfort. But fortunately most people are not as prone to sides as I am and can manage this sh*t.
Even if I end up with a wig, I will go on and try to enjoy my life the best, and for now I still have hope something alternative is coming.

Same here, always nice, between French, we must stand together, right ?
It seems that, after 13 years on finasteride, i cannot tolerate this drug for much longer, getting more and more tired, and...well popol is not vigorous as he used to be too, i feel bad for the poor guy, he didn't ask for that.
I thought i was safe from sides, but this is just like hairloss, one day all this sh*t hits the fan, no one is safe.
Same for Tsuji, great medical advances, not for just hairloss, but for all kinds of diseases.This is just too slow in my opinion, i remember when i started balding in my early 20's, i was pretty confident finasteride will be just temporary, telling to myself, "f*** this is the 2000's, medecine is advanced and can figure a cure" i am 15 years later, still waiting for safer drugs, not necesseraly more effective, i just ask for a safer and sideless drug
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Same here, always nice, between French, we must stand together, right ?
It seems that, after 13 years on finasteride, i cannot tolerate this drug for much longer, getting more and more tired, and...well popol is not vigorous as he used to be too, i feel bad for the poor guy, he didn't ask for that.
I thought i was safe from sides, but this is just like hairloss, one day all this sh*t hits the fan, no one is safe.
Same for Tsuji, great medical advances, not for just hairloss, but for all kinds of diseases.This is just too slow in my opinion, i remember when i started balding in my early 2000's, i was pretty confident finasteride will be just temporary, telling to myself, "f*** this is the 2000's, medecine is advanced and can figure a cure" i am 15 years later, still waiting for safer drugs, not necesseraly more effective, i just ask for a safer and sideless drug
Wish I was as lucky as you man, couldn't take finasteride for more than two weeks, extreme fatigue, slept 14-16 hours a day and was still tired as hell everytime.


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Wish I was as lucky as you man, couldn't take finasteride for more than two weeks, extreme fatigue, slept 14-16 hours a day and was still tired as hell everytime.

Sorry to hear that, did you give it another shot ? Maybe a little longer ? It could be your body that adjust to the new hormone level


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Sorry to hear that, did you give it another shot ? Maybe a little longer ? It could be your body that adjust to the new hormone level
Yea I tried it at a lower dose and it was just about the same except after the 3rd and 4th week I felt weird and felt unreal at times that's where I just said I'd rather lose my hair than lose my mind.


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Yea I tried it at a lower dose and it was just about the same except after the 3rd and 4th week I felt weird and felt unreal at times that's where I just said I'd rather lose my hair than lose my mind.

Yep, i see what you mean as i experienced the same, what they call the 'brain fog', hard to describe, like you're at a slow rate or trapped in a dream


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Yep, i see what you mean as i experienced the same, what they call the 'brain fog', hard to describe, like you're at a slow rate or trapped in a dream
Yea the only good thing about propecia was the week after I felt really good after not feeling like sh*t all the time, made me realize that regardless I could still have a good life.


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Damn... That's why I never get my hope too high.
Worst thing for me was that apart from the sides the meds were working greatly for my hair... That's even more cruel.
Sorry about your sides. Did you tried alternative treatments, agressive regimen??
I will start RU soon, just to give minoxidil a boost until I figure out a new treatment (I am willing to try everything but really scared by sides as mine had kind of irreversible consequences).

Yeah, i try to moderate my hype now
Sad to hear as treatments were actually working great for you, and no i didn't try anything else.Minoxidil was a bad experience, i didn't respond well and it gave me itchy scalp and bloated face in the first months so i dropped it.I would not even touch agressive regimen such as dutasteride or spironolactone, this is just going too far for hair to me.
You were talking about irreversible consequences ?! With finasteride ?


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Okay, I get it. Sometimes I also think that I am willing to go too far but at the same time it's such a cause of stress...
No, i am female, I did not tried fina. It'snow indicated for female but not really the one that could conceive. That's not really what would stop me tbh, but i have a feeling I would suffer same sides.
spironolactone made me put on weight very fast even though I eat very healthy and exercise... There was nothing I could do. I gained like 7 or 8 kg in 6 months... So that's a lot and fortunately I was thin cause 6 months later I still have not shed everything even though I am very careful with diet. It's just crazy. Only by eating less than 1000 cal/day I could stabilize, si not doable long term. I felt like powerless and actually worst than with losing my hair. So I made my choice.
More problematic is the fact that I had bad veinous system (jambes lourdes) and it really aggravated it. That's why I said irréversible. There is no cure for Bad legs either and it can be very painful.

Sad to hear, looks like each gender as it's own sides problems with those treatments


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Yep, i see what you mean as i experienced the same, what they call the 'brain fog', hard to describe, like you're at a slow rate or trapped in a dream
I experienced this when starting dutasteride. It lasted about a month or so. It was a very odd slow motion feeling, but it did eventually pass. Or maybe im just used to it now and dont notice. Either way it seems to be ok now, just took awhile to get through it