I took finasteride for 10 years and I didn't think I had any sides.
Looking back to it, I had some. But I didn't know it's connected. Watery semen and not been able to go second round very quickly after ejaculation. Both because of low DHT.
But when my hair stabilised, I just took that pill every day (for most days) and didn't visited any hairloss forums for years. I don't think I visited any hairloss site for 8 years.
So yeah, people here are either those who have more problems with side effects or those to who finasteride is not working so well and need another things in their regimen.
For me finasteride worked and I didn't need anything else. I stopped visiting any hairloss sites and didn't think about it at all. Just popped that pill as a routine vitamin and lived my life.
Looking back to it, I had some. But I didn't know it's connected. Watery semen and not been able to go second round very quickly after ejaculation. Both because of low DHT.
But when my hair stabilised, I just took that pill every day (for most days) and didn't visited any hairloss forums for years. I don't think I visited any hairloss site for 8 years.
So yeah, people here are either those who have more problems with side effects or those to who finasteride is not working so well and need another things in their regimen.
For me finasteride worked and I didn't need anything else. I stopped visiting any hairloss sites and didn't think about it at all. Just popped that pill as a routine vitamin and lived my life.