ACV & Cayenne questions...



What do we know about ACV & Cayenne?
How does it work in theory?
Why ACV?
Why Cayenne?
Why not Habanero (200-300.000 Heat Unit ) wich has a heat unit far above Cayenne (45.000 Heat Unit)?
How to mix?
How to apply?
Time to leave on scalp?
If it gives this burning sensation, am I doing it right?
I just not understand why ACV & Cayenne and not just cayenne with some other carrier?
Can I put on to high dose of this stuff destroying my scalp making more hair fall out?

Just trying it right now when I write this.. Have it on for about 15 min now and it feels great.. Something is working up in there :freaked2:


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I have to say, don't think you'll achieve results that way. Sensation is a very unreliable guide to the efficacy of what you're taking.


I let sit in 1 hour then rinse with hot then cold shower..
calp feels reborn..
I recomend everybody try it, just for the good healty feeling of the scalp.
For a total renew.. Try use majonese mixed with eggs on top of the ACV&cayenne aplication.. Makes your hair feel soft and strong again..
Dont use shampoo after, just rinse out with hot then cold water.. Dry with towel..


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I like Cayenne pepper on my pepperoni pizza. It's second only to original Tabasco.

Just because you feel a burning sensation on your scalp doesn't mean any particular substance is inducing hair growth. If that was so, spraying aircraft paint remover on your head would give you a 'fro in about 5 seconds.

Sorry, cayenne pepper ain't gonna do sh*t. Odds are, nothing else from your cupboard will either - including EZ Cheese.



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I think your statements are a bit harsh, HWGagain.

Cayenne pepper (and it fact all peppers) contains a large amount of Capsaicin, which is a well known and potent vasodilator. While not proven, there is certainly anecdotal evidence that increasing scalp capillary action and circulation can benefit male pattern baldness. One theory suggests Minoxidil may work in this way.

It is widely used in both alternative and mainstream dermatology for this reason and also it's anti-inflammatory / pain relieving, so I think your comments are too strong.

However, you should be using the proven treatments first - if you want results that is.



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Def said:
I think your statements are a bit harsh, HWGagain.

Cayenne pepper (and it fact all peppers) contains a large amount of Capsaicin, which is a well known and potent vasodilator. While not proven, there is certainly anecdotal evidence that increasing scalp capillary action and circulation can benefit male pattern baldness. One theory suggests Minoxidil may work in this way.

It is widely used in both alternative and mainstream dermatology for this reason and also it's anti-inflammatory / pain relieving, so I think your comments are too strong.

However, you should be using the proven treatments first - if you want results that is.


i couldn't agree less...

i think ACV with Cayenne has a function more simulair to Copper peptides, Nizoral or emu-oil. If you have itching or other scalp health problems it really helps is my experience.


I Dont care guys.. how effective this is.. It feeeels good on and good after application so i guess its good for scalp health atleast.. "I wanna feel good"!! So am gonna keep up with this.
Anyway.. Some reasons to use this:

1. increasing scalp capillary action and circulation.
2. Powerflull anti-inflammatory / pain relieving / anti-itching.
3. dissolves the accumulated build up of sebum wax on the scalp.
4. modulates the expression of natural hair growth defying potentiators.
5. increases blood flow to the surface of the skin

This is good start before eventually put on some other topicals as it might incresed penetration and or absorbation..

My next step is to start with jojoba and essential oils on scalp after ACV-C treatment and internaly imortalhairs mix of pills
If that wont stop sheding in 1-2 month am gonna take the big step with finasteride oraly and double-d topicaly with maybe some AC Revitalise.

Something else I should add to my natural regimen??


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Fight4Hairs said:

Something else I should add to my natural regimen??

Being you're going w/ the topical ACV anyway - you can also add the ACV cocktail.

Some put 1 - 2 tablespoons organic ACV in a glass of water - but that's too strong for me.

I put 1 - 2 tablespoons ACV in a glass of iced green tea and chug it down.


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Fight4Hairs said:
2. Powerflull anti-inflammatory / pain relieving / anti-itching.
Come anywhere near an itch/inflammation of mine with your Cayenne sh*t and you're getting a thump. I hope you're sure about what you're basing this on, because I sure know what it smells like.
Fight4Hairs said:
3. dissolves the accumulated build up of sebum wax on the scalp.
Like f*** it does.
Fight4Hairs said:
4. modulates the expression of natural hair growth defying potentiators.
Nigga what? Fresh out of the cow's ***.

Look I'm not trying to be harsh, and you obviously love the stuff, but posting a load of bogus claims isn't really the way forward.


IAMnaked::Your arguments suCKKSs!!! Try prove my "bogus claim" are wrong and come backwhenuhavesomething to say..
Don´t mean to be hard on you but there is more people saying it bether to use it than not...It´s true, it wont give u an :hairy: but maybe an :freaked:


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this board prides itself on utilization of proven treatments. You are making claims that this concoction works.

Many people read these boards. For those who are unregistered and read these boards (yes, there are many of you), please only select a treatment after tons of research.

ACV/Cayenne Oil?

In my honest opinion, it sounds like crap.


These are the ultimate proven products.


The Big 3. ( - Proven Treatments Page)

If you branch off, do so if you've used the aforementioned products with failure. There are many alternatives:

Choose wisely after weighing the pros and cons.


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If I was to deliver a speech to the world claiming that invisible mind-control lizards were ruling the world, it would be incumbent on me to provide everyone with some proof. You've come out with some statements which are similarly deviant from what most people would think is the case. All I'm asking is that you put your money where your mouth is.


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I'm all for people experimenting but blindly singing the praises of something with nothing (as far as I can tell) to back it up, is pretty irresponsible.

Read this earlier discussion: ... hair transplant=cayenne

Any balding mice browsing these boards will be cheered up by this. Humans may want to exercise a little more caution before pouring the tabasco on their heads, however.


0hh damn.. Just lett them try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beginners,, yeah.. we could give them dutas... Gooood advise!!!

----------------------------------------- Dont ever use one of this products-----------------------------------------

This product garantee u nothing but bad healt and no sexual drive.. Not even that can it garantee u..

If u new to hairloss my advise would be,, try
essential oils with jojoba
ACV-C mix
Vital Greens superfood..
ImmortalHairs soup of suplements!!
Good diet and clean water

If that not work.. YES then try "PROVEN" treatemts!!!

Dont een think about "*TRY" minoxidil or finasteride.. If u gonna use it u need to decide to use it forever!!!


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You muppet.

Nowhere have I advocated newcomers getting straight on dutasteride. It works for me, that is all.

At any rate, In the clinical trials for finasteride 2% of those using it experience sides. For dutasteride this was even lower.


At any rate, In the clinical trials for finasteride 2% of those using it experience sides. For dutasteride this was even lower

How can you prove that??any link to some studies about that?? Never heard of that before.. Lower rrisk of sideeffect on dutas than fina!!



Experienced Member
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Well this'll do for a start:

In the double blind trial:

19 percent of people experienced adverse symptoms on dutasteride.
compared with 14% who were placebo treated,

implying that the rate of side effects is near 5%. So okay, not under the 2% I claimed but still pretty minor. (I think i saw a % comparison referring to sexual sides and got confused),


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Fight4Hairs , this little brew may make your head feel good but that does not in any way translate to 'use it before the proven treatments'. that is out and out shocking advice to be putting on this board. the only way you could endorse a product in such a way would be if you'd used it for a minimum 6 months and documented it with photos. i'm assuming you've done neither of these things.

but as if nizoral is in the big 3. such a load of shite. its a good shampoo that may possibly have some anti androgenic properties, but the only two proven products are minoxidil and finasteride.


Where da hell in this thread did I claim this was "THE CURE"....Damn... I just think its a good addon from what i've heard and read about it.. Damnit guys!!! Am so disapointed!!


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I've been using ACV and cayenne for about 6 months now. I added it to my finasteride, Minoxidil and Nizoral routine. I don't think it was ever meant as a stand alone cure/preventative though. From what I read at the time it was supposed to compliment existing proven treatments. Even the Zix guys who use it don't rely on it soley. For me it makes my hair more manageable and healthier looking and feeling. I definitely notice a difference when I don't use it. I apply it after my shampoo & conditioner and let it sit for about 5 - 10 minutes before rinsing it out. Scalp gets tingly and I personally believe that the cayenne bringing more blood to the scalp surface and increasing circulation helps the minoxidil application. (no proof just my feelings)

As a stand alone, I don't believe it's an effective treatment for hair loss.

As an addition to proven existing treatments I believe it helps.
