Adding Up The Price Of Balding, Over 50 Years


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So a couple of fue hair transplants could total 10 grand.

But can anyone actually price out their entire deficit?

Lets say you start diffusing at 18. So that involves a dermatologist, psychologist, possibly getting off a career path, drugs, etc

Then if you can't stop the hat reaper, you might do a system for 5 years at 5 grand a year.

You might get divorced if your wife bails for a dashing full head because """ we grew apart"""

That's a hundred grand there

Not to mention not fulfilling your career goals

Could be 2 million dollars for that


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Not going to university because you're scared of being that 19 year old balding loser

Ending up in a shitty job as a result

Loss of earnings from depression/being unemployed

Tens/Hundreds of thousands in appointments with specialists,medications,lotions and potions,wigs and hair transplants

It depends how you react, but for many of us here it's a lot of money


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I was thinking this: if I get a decent FUE then I could be looking at around $10,000 and that is money that could have gone on buying a house or travelling around the world.
Johnson, just make it a goal to do all those things. If not, which one of those three things would have the biggest impact on your life?


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Johnson, just make it a goal to do all those things. If not, which one of those three things would have the biggest impact on your life?
Its hard to say as i'd like a good head of hair, a house and to travel extensively.

Right now the house is the least important. But I feel its foolish to get a hair transplant when I'm not on treatments as it would have to be one of many.

I guess travel is more important right now and then I can maybe look at other things in a few years.

My issue is I only have around £2,000 spare a year so it would take three years to save for a hair transplant anyway.

(although I shouldn't complain because a lot of adults cant even save that)


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Its hard to say as i'd like a good head of hair, a house and to travel extensively.

Right now the house is the least important. But I feel its foolish to get a hair transplant when I'm not on treatments as it would have to be one of many.

I guess travel is more important right now and then I can maybe look at other things in a few years.

My issue is I only have around £2,000 spare a year so it would take three years to save for a hair transplant anyway.

(although I shouldn't complain because a lot of adults cant even save that)
For me, I would pick the hair transplant but the thought of shaving my head and dealing with the aftermath for a year is what puts me off. However, I really don't need to shave my whole head as I just need my hairline to be lowered so I could just get the back shaved and wear it long on the top and comb over the front. If I could take about 3 months off of work, I would do it in a heartbeat.


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For me, I would pick the hair transplant but the thought of shaving my head and dealing with the aftermath for a year is what puts me off. However, I really don't need to shave my whole head as I just need my hairline to be lowered so I could just get the back shaved and wear it long on the top and comb over the front. If I could take about 3 months off of work, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Would you ever just do it and openly admit to having a hair transplant to your work mates?

As for me, I think because I don't look so bad as a bald guy I don't feel that I need a hair transplant too baldy. I'm sure if being bald reduced me to like a 4 out of 10 on the lookscale then I would be saying something very differently


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I was thinking this: if I get a decent FUE then I could be looking at around $10,000 and that is money that could have gone on buying a house or travelling around the world.

What a ridiculous reason for not wanting a FUE. Mine is that I'm scared it won't take, and then I need another one, and then end game.

Travelling the world? How old are you? Sounds like a perma-uni student.


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Would you ever just do it and openly admit to having a hair transplant to your work mates?

As for me, I think because I don't look so bad as a bald guy I don't feel that I need a hair transplant too baldy. I'm sure if being bald reduced me to like a 4 out of 10 on the lookscale then I would be saying something very differently
The main reason I don't do it is because the people I work with told me I don't need one. They say I have good hair for my age. Unfortunately, I don't think getting one would make a huge impact on my appearance really. It would to me maybe but I don't know for sure. I would tell anyone that asks. But I would not volunteer it.


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What a ridiculous reason for not wanting a FUE. Mine is that I'm scared it won't take, and then I need another one, and then end game.

Travelling the world? How old are you? Sounds like a perma-uni student.
Some people just enjoy travel.

One of my major goals is to not have to live in the UK (which I've managed to achieve) and slowly see the whole world. Even since I was a kid I knew that I wanted to explore everything the planet had to offer. I still get excited about climbing mountains, eating new foods, meeting new people, walking through forests, and seeing all kinds of beauty.

If you want to construe this desire as a bad thing then that is fine - but for me, I unapologetically love travelling.


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The main reason I don't do it is because the people I work with told me I don't need one. They say I have good hair for my age. Unfortunately, I don't think getting one would make a huge impact on my appearance really. It would to me maybe but I don't know for sure. I would tell anyone that asks. But I would not volunteer it.
Perhaps just save the cash and just get the hair transplant when you feel you really do need it.


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Losing your youth and best years of your life being an inferior version of yourself: priceless

For everything else, there's MasterCard
Unfortunately, losing your hair is declaring bankruptcy. So you are going to need MasterCard for a bail out. Your favorite word will become "charge". Dr Rahal: You need 4000 grafts. Me: Here's my MasterCard, "charge" it.


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Perhaps just save the cash and just get the hair transplant when you feel you really do need it.
I have the cash. I just don't have the time( 3 months time off) or the guts to do it.


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I have the cash. I just don't have the time( 3 months time off) or the guts to do it.
I think when the hair loss begins to bother you then that is the time to get the hair transplant.

You might have to suck it up and take a little ribbing after you get the hair transplant - its better to get mocked for having a hair transplant then to be mocked for being bald.


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Some people just enjoy travel.

One of my major goals is to not have to live in the UK (which I've managed to achieve) and slowly see the whole world. Even since I was a kid I knew that I wanted to explore everything the planet had to offer. I still get excited about climbing mountains, eating new foods, meeting new people, walking through forests, and seeing all kinds of beauty.

If you want to construe this desire as a bad thing then that is fine - but for me, I unapologetically love travelling.

Just kinda envious I don't really have any of these desires of passion for it.

On the other hand I manage to be content regardless of what's outside my window.


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I think when the hair loss begins to bother you then that is the time to get the hair transplant.

You might have to suck it up and take a little ribbing after you get the hair transplant - its better to get mocked for having a hair transplant then to be mocked for being bald.
I agree. Actually, I think if I shaved my head it would be good shock therapy for my BDD. I am sure a therapist would suggest that or tell me just get a transplant and deal with the mocking and cancer accusations. It will make you stronger.


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Ten grand to restore hair pays back 100 fold

I was thinking this: if I get a decent FUE then I could be looking at around $10,000 and that is money that could have gone on buying a house or travelling around the world.


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Ten grand to restore hair pays back 100 fold

Tell that to the men on here who had failed hair transplants.

I think a hair transplant is a great choice if you are managing to maintain your hair and you just want to build upon what you have. I'm still losing hair so it wouldn't be a good idea right now to get one


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Tell that to the men on here who had failed hair transplants.

I think a hair transplant is a great choice if you are managing to maintain your hair and you just want to build upon what you have. I'm still losing hair so it wouldn't be a good idea right now to get one
Johnson, what do your think you final Norwood might be? Like when you hit 50.