
After 6 months, my completed hair loss theory for myself!

The Gardener

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Hoppi said:
jhart said:
5 months ago when I made the standard I'm balding wah wah post, one of the first to respond was Hoppi with his alternative bullshit, this guy is dangerous, he has the same frame of mind that certain charlatans have who aren't aware of their own fraudulence, please Hoppi at least clarify with every post your regimen's are extremely experimental and should not be adopted by the novice.

and if you are a troll. I hope you go bald. like norwood 10.
Please bear in mind that my views are only really considered alternative on forums like On another hair loss forum I frequent, I actually feel I am one of the lesser alternative posters, and most of what I say (mostly excluding the importance of collagen) is as accepted there as finasteride and things are here :)
Yeah, and there are forums of people out there who think that dressing up like a fairy and circling Stonehenge at sunrise seven times will bring them good luck.

Existence of "internet forums" doesn't validate anything.


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Hoppi, why do you bother posting on this forum?.

Seaback, why do you give a sh*t?.


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Hoppi, I think your problem is that you believe everything you think.

All of us have thoughts from time to time that our hair is regrowing, that we can "feel a difference here", or that we can "see a few extra hairs there".

You see this all the time on the boards. People know they're experiencing improvement. Or the opposite, they know they're losing hair when in reality they're barely even at NW1.

None of these people are lying, they're just caught up in the reality that our brains are imperfect tools. They make mistakes for us. They mislead us.

That's why scientific studies are done with placebos. It's also why you always need photographic evidence to even begin to believe something here on the boards. (Notice how Immortal Hair has plenty of verbal evidence, and very little photographic evidence.)

I'm sure you believe everything you say - I think you're completely sincere. I just think you need to step back and be sceptical of your own thoughts and emotions once in a while.

Yes, you think this is the answer. But just ask yourself: could I be wrong?


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Aw I know, and cheers guys for being down to earth and straight with me - seaback dude, I know we meet head on but I don't feel any hard feelings, sorry for fighting so much with you man :)

Erm, ok well, I think the first thing is you have to understand I get overly enthusiastic about EVERYTHING ._. Whether it's this song I'm currently listening to, or Blur I have on the PS3, or my Uni course, or this awesome girl I was chatting to last night.. hehe :) I get passionate about things really easily and throw myself at things.. it's just part of who I am!

In threads like this.. I attempt to be a little more reserved than before, I mean I really tried to specify that this was my THEORY and it was after 6 months of research into my own case of male pattern baldness. I posted it because I was interested to see reactions, and I wanted to voice it as a possibility.

Joke is, I'm actually taking it a little further already in my mind, because I've noticed that my awful stomach cramps and things I've been getting started at exactly the same time as my skin and my hair, so now I'm trying to go one step back AGAIN and understand the whole process that led to my male pattern baldness and it's causes. But that's my own approach, and I'm totally cool if other people don't have the same one!

Maybe as with many things it really is a case of just "agreeing to disagree", you know? :)

Oh, and what you were saying seaback about trying other approaches first, I do understand, and I apologize if I was being ignorant. There is a reason I still always keep fluridil and spironolactone/RU as ideas on the backburner!!!! hehe (I would use finasteride but it gave me sides and the stuff scares me! lol :) )


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I eat no meat, and yet my body hair is incredibly strong and plentiful.

My dad eats no meat, and yet is head hair is crazy strong and he has almost no body hair.


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I'm only really talking about meat as a source of collagen/muscle aminos and means of encouraging hyaluronic acid, although it does increase testosterone I believe. Whether that would be enough to affect male pattern baldness is another issue.