Ages for transplant?

Mr Wabbit

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Hello, Iv been thinking long and hard about having FUE done in the next few yrs, but after reading a few posts it seems you dont recomment it for "fairly" lol young people. So what age do you think its ok to start thinking about FUE? I have decided i dont wants strips incase i go totally bold then i will end up looking stupid. So im basically 24 now, and thinking of getting it done at 26. is this a reasonable age?


Mr Wabbit

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Anyone? lol am i to young for FUE at 24? Looking at hair hair today drives me mad. I looks like im heading for NW4 :cry: I need to do something :?


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personally i dont think age is an issue.

whats the point in waiting? so you can sit looking at a receeding hairline probably making it worse through stress and anguish?

if it looks like your gonna go completely bald before 30, then maybe you shouldn't do it, but otherwise, do it. deal with the other problem later. otherwise you gonna spend you whole life on hold waiting for something that you can do now.

just an opinion.


It is really dependent upon a number of considerations in addition to your age. Are you on any medicinal regiment specifically Propecia and/or minoxidil? If yes, are you experiencing efficacy? Stabilization or slowing down the progression of male pattern baldness has a big influence on when a person can get started and to what degree of surgical restoration they should or should not prematurely commit to. And of course consideration to family history on both sides. You also want to know what level of density you have in your limited donor zones and ultimately an estimation on how many grafts can be safely harvested from the permanent zones FUE or FUHT.

Have you been diagnosed and physically examined by your doctor of choice? You really owe it to yourself to get several opinions. Best wishes to you!