All about oral spironolactone



neis said:
Sonic-X said:
neis said:
Hey Sonic-X,

Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like mine? just kidding mate!......

Don't worry about it mate!
Everything is under control. I know that she deserves it, but I try to have sex only once a week just because sex or masturbation is related with hairloss.

You mate,
Don't you have a girlfriend?

Hey mate,
I hope you have the best relationship (with your girlfriend)!!!!!

As for me, I’m going through a rocky patch in my relationship and that’s what worries me(that's why my location on the left side of the website is: "somewhere in my broken heart").I dated a girl for just over two years and its been just over a month since we both broke up and i still think about her, and occassionally i still even cry over her and what we had. Sure we did fight a lot towards the end and i think i realize that it’ll never work between us but i don’t believe i’ll ever be able to stop loving her or wishing that it would have worked out between us. I wish i could just forget about her but at the same time i never want to forget about her. We had many good times. I’m beginning to accept the idea that maybe there is no getting over her.I am not able to move on, I try to keep my mind busy on other things, but at the same time i try not to bottle all the emotions up, I know they say time heals. Maybe i’ll always carry a little pain in my heart over her. Or maybe 1 month is just not enough time to get over a 2 year relationship. I’ll have to wait see. I know that in the meantime the only thing u can do for yourself is do ur best to meet someone else, but I still Love Her, She Drives Me crazy..

Petchsky is right.

She Drives You crazy???

Ohh Mate... that sux, I really know how it feels.
I'm only 21 but I been with my GF 2 years too and going now. But from past experiences with my friends and their GF I'd say avoid her at all cost find a hotter chick to get you back to your old self and just date around. I'm not single now but I sometimes wish I was because I'm young first of all and I'm goin to college (temptations) and its been a while since I was with a different girl.
i understand..i think once u love someone..i mean really love always love them!! you know. Life isn’t all bad. There are so much more that just laying around thinking back. It hurts. Yes. There no use just staying there. Do something. Pick up yourself & Move on. Be determined, that you want to move on and even though you may not stop missing her you may get over her.

there are soo many women out there. Don't sweet it. Just when you think you found the "right" one. theres always a girl that manages to capture a guys heart and things change. Happens all the time. It hurts, i know, expecially if she meant a lot to you..however, i do not understand, why did you break up with her?? I would have understood if it was the other way around. Things will get easier when you fall in love again.I will pray for you my brother. Just know you are not alone. We all must be strong for one another..

what does it mean when you finish kissing your girlfriend for 5 mins straight and you know it went well you gave it all you got and right when your finished she looks at you and grabs your again and starts kissing you???? does that mean your a good kisser or that she just really likes you a lot?

First off i just wanna say thank you for all the help, i'm in an awkward situation, so any advice is greatly appreciated.

Ok i know you probably think i dont know what love is but let me explain. My first love was Amy a girl from another school same age, beautiful, hottie, sexy and perfect in my mind. we went out for 2 years and during the 2 years she would constantly call me, send me notes and so on..
Situation: About 4 weeks ago, Amy of just under 2 years broke up with me. We had been dating for roughly 2 years with no problems at all, then when we started college some guy started "talking" to her. I thought it was ok cause we loved each other and I trusted her. She then tells me one night about three months after she started talking to this guy that, "I'm not in love with you, I don't wanna be with you, I'm in love with him, I wanna be with him." I was so confused so I ask her what was wrong. She says, "Our relationship was perfect, you were perfect, you did nothing wrong, the next girl you meet is gonna be a real lucky girl." That was just so confusing. So I stop talking to her for about 2 weeks to clear my head and give her some space. When I talk to her again, I just try and be nice and say, "ok you don't want me as your boyfriend, but I still wanna be friends." She replies, "I don't want you in my life, I don't want you as my friend. These past 2 weeks have been perfect, and I'm happy without you."
I just don't understand what went wrong. I'm not trying to tute my own horn, but I'm a pretty nice guy. I treated her with so much respect and love, I would/did anything for her. I never forced her to do anything, helped her with anything, and was just always there for her. I don't really know this new guy she is with, but from what I hear, he's kind of "shady." There is no way he treats her with as much respect and love as I did.
During the last couple of days I've been overwhelmed with the feeling of wanting her back, of being able to love and respect her again.I've randomly made about 20 different notes to myself on how bad i want her back.My plan is to record the song i made for her...put it on a cd..wrap it up...put a yellow rose on it with a lil note saying "sorry...i miss you...etc" and leave it outside her window one night so she can find it in the morning...honestly ppl i would do anything to be with her again i want her back so bad shes the most beautiful thing on earth. I'm just so confused cause I still love her and care about her, and I don't wanna see her get hurt. How come she doesn't still care about me? How come she can just move on like that after 2 years? What is going on?
Sorry but She Drives Me Crazy...

Thanks again for all the help.


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Sonic-X said:
During the last couple of days I've been overwhelmed with the feeling of wanting her back, of being able to love and respect her again.I've randomly made about 20 different notes to myself on how bad i want her back.My plan is to record the song i made for her...put it on a cd..wrap it up...put a yellow rose on it with a lil note saying "sorry...i miss you...etc" and leave it outside her window one night so she can find it in the morning...honestly ppl i would do anything to be with her again i want her back so bad shes the most beautiful thing on earth. I'm just so confused cause I still love her and care about her, and I don't wanna see her get hurt. How come she doesn't still care about me? How come she can just move on like that after 2 years? What is going on?
Sorry but She Drives Me Crazy...

Okay, I usually don't get into these discussions but here are a couple of tips:

1. Burn those "20 different notes", the more you try to get her attention the more you'll come of as desperate. It's human nature to ignore/care-less for things that come easy and vice-versa.

2. Watch the movie "Yes Man". I don't really like Jim Carey's movies but this one was pretty decent. The bottom line of the movie is that you are who you want to be, if you think about her all the time and let it affect your life, you'll end up exactly like that guy in the movie. No offense, but you do come of as an introvert - the guy without a decent social circle (correct?), and that's why you're letting all the emotions build up inside you which is causing you to write these notes and what not.

My advise: Instead of focusing on tasks that involve you working alone, for few days, opt for tasks that involve other people (new people, preferrably girls). Trust me, you'll forget about her in no time! Just do something that'll break your regular routine/daily life - you need some change in your life to forget about her quickly!


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I think CCS might know more about your situation,

Hmm, anyway...
Oh yeah, try having a gf who listens TO HER DREAMS because they "mean the truth." I know your pain mate... I think girls are becoming far more idiotic as time rolls by. Girls these days are just... LOL. Seriously, I really hope that you are 15 at the least, then it would be understandable. Children dating is hardly ever a serious thing. If you are over 20, then just LOLWTF at your now ex-girlfriend. Her decision shows how much of an idiot she is. At least you can know that the girl is a b**ch. If she's not in love, she's not in love. Be glad you're not wasting time in the relationship anymore.

Breaking up is never ever easy for either party. You gave lots of information about how you feel but there's really no knowing what's going on in her head or life. I'm sorry that you're feeling so much pain.

I don't know why she would want to give you up because she is interested in somebody else but maybe it's better that you've been given a clean break. My advice is to try to keep yourself busy and not spend all your waking moments thinking about this. I realize that this is much easier said than done, and in the past, I've been in the same situation and obsessed about what happened and what I should have done differently. Two of the ex girlfriends contacted me later (years later, not months) and said they should not have let me go, but by then, I had moved on. And I really didn't care enough to take them back by that point. Funny how total involvement can morph into indifference when enough time has passed.

Mate... Seriously... Get over it. There are a hundred fish in the see and even though it sucks because you pushed her away for the wrong reasons and she may have been perfect there are hundreds of perfect girls for you. What you need to do is either get her glowing, radiating, cartoonishly, up-on-a-pedestal image of her out of your head and accept that fact that she's just another girl and you do at least equally as good if not better and move on, start dating the other girl and get over it... OR... get that image out of your head and use what you know to take control, and win her back... as of right now, you're regretting what happened so much that its paralyzing you... stop regretting, take control, make a decision... seriously

You are still young and obviously have good qualities that another woman will treasure. Don't let this experience keep you from dating again or turn you bitter. She is gone, and has tried to make it a clean break, I think. The best thing you can do is mourn the break up, stay sweet and caring and a really wonderful girl will come along and totally appreciate you and your heart.

Then some years down the road, you'll run into this ex and you'll wonder what you ever saw in her...
Believe me Mate ...