allogeneic hair transplant: is this a breakthrough?


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what is far away and what is close none of us knows, not even scientists
You’re right but legally We know clinical trails take at least 5 years. That’s a LONG time And Nobody we know of is close to cloning hair yet.


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what is far away and what is close none of us knows, not even scientists
stemson may start human trials in the UK next year. I wonder if during these trials they will do the whole head of hair or just plant a few hair?
you are just beleiving any good news you hear. i think you are lying to give us hope. you don't have credible source. u believed everything youngjet said and he leave you now


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stemson may start human trials in the UK next year. I wonder if during these trials they will do the whole head of hair or just plant a few hair?
since younjet betray everyone to make money and fame, you didnt mention tsuji once.all of a sudden now you say these things. we can never trust nw1's like him. maybe u are a nw1 too


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Maybe this is related (immune privilege of HF)

This essay reviews the available evidence that the proximal hair follicle epithelium generates and maintains an area of relative immune privilege during a defined segment of the hair cycle (i.e., during anagen). This immune privilege is chiefly characterized by a very low level of expression of MHC class Ia antigens and by the local production of potent immunosuppressive agents, such as α-MSH and TGF-β1. We discuss the putative functions of immune privilige of the anagen hair bulb, favoring the view that immune privilege serves mainly to sequester anagen- and/or melanogenesis-associated autoantigens from immune recognition by autoreactive CD8+ T cells. On this basis, we develop how the “immune privilege collapse model” of alopecia areata pathogenesis was conceived. In our discussion of the clinical implications of immune privilege, we outline the currently available evidence in support of this still hypothetical scenario to explain the initiation, progression, and termination of alopecia areata lesions. We review the most recent evidence from our laboratory that α-MSH, IGF-1, and TGF-β1 can downregulate IFN-γ–induced ectopic MHC class I expression in human anagen hair bulbs in vitro. Finally, we suggest that hair follicle-derived α-MSH, IGF-γ, and TGF-β1 form part of a constitutively active “IP restoration machinery” of the anagen hair bulb, which we propose to be recruited whenever the hair follicle suffers immune injury. Finally, we sketch some particularly promising avenues for future investigation into the far too long ignored hair follicle immune privilege.


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And I tried to contact the Doctor in Koera, but his hospital wouldn't give me his email. Not a surprise.


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And I tried to contact the Doctor in Koera, but his hospital wouldn't give me his email. Not a surprise.
Man thanks for trying. Allogenic hair transplants could be huge, I don't know why this path is not explored more by the scientists and business people. It's so strange that nothing came out of that research. I think most scientists to research just do score some point in academia and that's it.
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Armando Jose

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