am i srsly balding at 17, if so how tf do i slow it


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i’m 17 years old 18 this month and my hair is falling a lot more than usual, Doctor said it might be telogen effluvium since i have a lot on my plate atm but i dont know. sides and back grow faster than the top and i have a comparison pic to 2021 where you could barely see my scalp and i had a rounder hairline when i was 13, dad is balding grandad is bald


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It is possible, happened to me actually, but your hairloss is not visible and won't be for a while so best forget about it for now and live your life

And don't listen to the idiots who will tell you to take finasteride, you don't want to mess with your hormones during your developmental years, not to mention it's a dangerous drug that can cause neurotoxicity


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Finasteride is the only thing that will help prevent further hair loss. You can try topical or lower dosages if you're scared of sides. I didn't get any sides from it. I've been on it for 3.5 years.


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Finasteride is the only thing that will help prevent further hair loss. You can try topical or lower dosages if you're scared of sides. I didn't get any sides from it. I've been on it for 3.5 years.
Prevent further hairloss BTW. Not in all. Not even dutasteride worked and both gave me almost retrograde ejaculation. Everbody is different .


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Prevent further hairloss BTW. Not in all. Not even dutasteride worked and both gave me almost retrograde ejaculation. Everbody is different .
I'm slowly losing on finasteride but I'd rather that than be significantly balding in my 20s. I've lost way less in 3.5 years than I did in the 2 years before starting finasteride. It depends how aggressive your hair loss is, really.


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You have obvious androgenetic alopecia. Mine started at 16. I hate to break it to you, but Finasteride and Dutasteride won't help you, although the "experts" on this forum will assure you that Finasteride will work if you give it enough time, like 6-12 months. But in practice, these drugs don't work on people who started going bald at an early age. So your prognosis is complete baldness within the next few years.
Treatments that can stop and reverse early baldness have side effects that not everyone can live with. Personally, I went on HRT, and to you that may sound radical, stupid, and dangerous (I thought the same when I was 18 and taking Finasteride).
So I'm not giving you any advice. But I have warned you about the prognosis so that you don't waste your time on false hopes. What you do next is up to you.


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I'm slowly losing on finasteride but I'd rather that than be significantly balding in my 20s. I've lost way less in 3.5 years than I did in the 2 years before starting finasteride. It depends how aggressive your hair loss is, really.
Mine inte even aggressive im 36 with a mop of hair. Im the opposite of aggressive. Yet not even dutasteride worked and only sped up the thinning even faster. finasteride was sh*t too and both drugs gave the same exact side effect.


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Mine inte even aggressive im 36 with a mop of hair. Im the opposite of aggressive. Yet not even dutasteride worked and only sped up the thinning even faster. finasteride was sh*t too and both drugs gave the same exact side effect.
It sped it up? do you think it was giving you chronic sheds or something?


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It sped it up? do you think it was giving you chronic sheds or something?
The opposite. Reduced shedding alooot. Like 5 hairs in shower. And removed any itch I had. But while on it I was thinning fast, all over for 1.5 years. Even upped The dose to 2.5mg. I felt like superman on dutasteride it must have raised my T alot. Im probably sensitive to T too or sensitive to hormonal changes. I quit dutasteride after ejaculating just 1 drop of semen. And ofc my hair was twice as thin. Ever since quitting dutasteride my hair stopped thinning or slowed down to a snails pace. Tried finasteride after for 6 or 7 months and nothing. finasteride has left me with ejaculation problems ever since quitting it. I recovered it after quitting dutasteride but not after finasteride. I took these drugs for nothing only to destroy my ejaculation force. I was a big shooter before now it just seeps out. Maybe something to do with the prostate from these drugs.
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real kombo

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1. Scalp Biopsy to determine the cause of hairloss

2. Blood Test to determine DHT levels and vitamin levels as well.

3. If scalp biopsy confirms androgenic alopecia, get on finasteride and minoxidil IMMEDIATELY. I started finasteride at 16 and it helped me maintain my hair for over 10 years. Get DHT tested 3 months after starting finasteride.

Any other advice is bullshit cope and will lead to you having less hair. Even if it's not male pattern baldness and it is telrgen effluvium, you MUST figure out what is causing it. Vitamin deficiency, side effect of a medication, etc.

Good luck kiddo.


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> frontal depressions in norwood pattern
> are you sure it's Androgenetic Alopecia? Get a scalp biopsy


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Diffuse thinning is way more disgusting than just temple receding. For you maybe a transplant is enough to make you happy for the next 10 -15 years


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1. Scalp Biopsy to determine the cause of hairloss

2. Blood Test to determine DHT levels and vitamin levels as well.

3. If scalp biopsy confirms androgenic alopecia, get on finasteride and minoxidil IMMEDIATELY. I started finasteride at 16 and it helped me maintain my hair for over 10 years. Get DHT tested 3 months after starting finasteride.

Any other advice is bullshit cope and will lead to you having less hair. Even if it's not male pattern baldness and it is telrgen effluvium, you MUST figure out what is causing it. Vitamin deficiency, side effect of a medication, etc.

Good luck kiddo.
HRT is King.


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How anybody can even start balding at that age is beyond me. Its stupid to get on it at 16.
Testosterone starts to rise at age 12, at which point you could theoretically start going bald, depending on your genes. At age 13, I started growing a moustache and chin hair. That's why I was already shaving at the age of 13.


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A friend of mine was receding at 14. Last saw him when he was 17 and he had a nw3. He must be nw7 by now.
Well im back on oral min and soon topical finasteride. Will use a tiny Daily dose of topical finasteride or use 2 to 3 times a week due to my bad side effect that wont go away. Im desperate to maintain my hair :/ but I wont use oral finasteride ever again.


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Well im back on oral min and soon topical finasteride. Will use a tiny Daily dose of topical finasteride or use 2 to 3 times a week due to my bad side effect that wont go away. Im desperate to maintain my hair :/ but I wont use oral finasteride ever again.
What was the side effect? I don't think I'll ever be assed to use topicals, I'll probably add oral min soon because I think my crown is still thinning on finasteride.