What has me frothing at the mouth is the fact that the communist ideology is in control right now. The mindset is one of total collectivism and redistribution of wealth. And it ain't only Congress, listen to the collective jibberish posted right here in this thread.
Another case in point....Bill Maher.....nuff said about that. The guy is a left wing loon. That guy probably cried a bucket of tears when the old Soviet Union collapsed. I wonder if Bill Ayers is his hero?
When 60 percent of the public doesn't favor this healthcare bill, yet our Congress critters go behind closed doors, give out bribes and go against what the substantial majority want....just to pass their communist agenda....yes, I froth at the mouth.
I long for the days of individual accomplishment and shudder when I realize that the recent "collective" communist mentality is in control right now.
Like I said, which has been curiously ignored, why did Congress exempt themselves from this bill and why have the lawyers dodged any tort reform? Obvious corruption and evidence that the healthcare bill isn't all that good. If it was so good, why isn't Congress a part of it?
And where is the promised transparency? What is in these 2,000+ page bills drafted by the Senate and House? Why are they not published for public review?
Joseph Stalin would be extremely proud of the way our current left wing loon leaders are running the country right now.
(Well, he would not be happy at all with how the communists in power right now are protecting us from terrorists jumping on airplanes with bombs in their underwear though. I'm sure he would have dealt with those two idiots Napolitano and Holder differently than Obama is. Even though Obama is not happy at all with those loons.)
That's ok though, we individualists will get alot of our country back in 2010. The democrats will be hammered in the upcoming elections and rightfully so.
Unlike most of the people posting in this thread, most Americans despise communism and many realize their hatred of Bush caused them to cast stupid votes.
Good bye Senators Dodd and Dorgan. Good bye Senators Reid and Blanche Lincoln. Goodbye....approximately 40 communist Representatives.
Oh, we freedom minded people will get a large portion of our country back in 2010. Our brief experiment into communism will end at that time.
Thank God!!