An apple a day keeps the Dermatologist away


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sounds familiar - and it's kinda pricey. haven't heard anything about it recently though.


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my doctor told me in order to make my blood a bit thinner so it would travel more freely to my scalp to the hair follicles to take a baby tylenol once a day or eat an apple....weird.... i don't do it....but that's what he said


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baby aspirins are well known blood thinners - and its commonly accepted that older guys take 1/2 - 1 full baby aspirin per day to fend off potential heart attacks and clogged arteries.

the whole apple thing - I don't know.

I've been an apple freak my entire life and I'm still a NW5A.



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Why buy these apple tablets they are advertising when you could just eat an apple?


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biff said:
Why buy these apple tablets they are advertising when you could just eat an apple?

They're probably more potent.

Like DIM and brocolli - you'd have to east like a 1/2 bushel of broccoli to realize the same effects as a few DIM tabs.

Like I said - I've been eating apples my entire life - and I have plenty of visible scalpage showing through.


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here's why:

: Why can't I just eat apples?
A: It would be great if we could all get plenty of concentrated polyphenols from diet alone, but most research indicates most dietary polyphenols are poorly absorbed. In 1997, researchers is the Netherlands reported that "flavonoids (polyphenolic compounds) present in foods were considered non-absorbable because they are bound to sugars."

A study at the Linus Pauling Institute concluded that "despite the high antioxidant capacity of individual apple polyphenols and apple extracts and the significant antioxidant effects of apple extract added to human plasma in vitro, ingestion of large amounts of apples by humans does not appear to result in equivalent in vivo antioxidant effects of apple polyphenols."
Many of the studies on the health benefits of apples are actually testing potent apple polyphenol extracts, not whole apples. Apple polyphenol extracts are highly bioavailable and water-soluble.

You can increase your intake of apple polyphenols by eating fresh apples (including the skin, where the highest concentrations are found), but unless you have your own apple trees, there is no guarantee that your fruit contains enough apple polyphenols.

Worse, the apples at your grocery store are not fresh, and may have lost most of their polyphenol content before you buy them. All commercial apples in the U.S. are cold-stored in warehouses, most for many months. A study on apples published in 2004 found that "total phenolics and total antioxidant activity" decreased in the first three months of cold storage, and that "cold storage rapidly impoverishes these properties in skin." The same study reported "strong, time-related decreases over 6 mo of cold storage..."

Most commercial apple products contain little or no polyphenols due to processing. Polyphenol content also varies greatly between apple varieties and fruit maturity. Relatively higher concentrations have been found in Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Rome Beauty, and Idared varieties.

Japanese researchers report that immature apples, which are too bitter to eat, contain 10 times more apple polyphenols than mature apples. These immature apples are used to produce the high-concentrate apple polyphenol extracts.

Surely, there is some benefit in increasing dietary intake of apples. There are serious questions, however, as to whether eating whole, cold-stored apples will substantially increase your absorption of these valuable polyphenols.

Many of the studies on the health benefits of apples are actually using potent apple polyphenol extracts, not apples, in those studies.

The use of standardized apple polyphenol extracts makes sense in terms of laboratory testing, but using the apple polyphenol extracts may also make sense for people wanting to realize the reported health benefits, for the following reasons:

Apple extracts are the actual compounds showing the results in many of the available medical studies.

The polyphenol bioavailability of apple peel powder extracts is far higher than from whole apples, which must be digested to extract the phytochemicals.

The concentration of polyphenols in apple peel extracts makes it possible to consume higher doses. (Many studies you will read report dose-dependent effects, with higher dosages providing greater benefits.)


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A new study out this week, showing regrowth of hair in laboratory mice with high doses of polyphenols, is important news for those battling thinning hair, balding, and unwanted hair loss.

New Health & Longevity readers are aware of the clinical research showing reversal of hair loss with topical procyanidins from apple skins. The unique Poly-GRO formula is currently the only formula available containing concentrated amounts of these specific polyphenols.

Now, researchers in California report that mice given polyphenol extracts in their drinking water had complete cessation of hair loss, and significant hair regrowth after 6 months.


his study is important because it confirms the field results of many users of Apple PolyTM capsules, who find their hair growing faster and thicker with consistent oral supplementation.

The research studies showing hair growing effects of apple procyanidins has focused entirely on topical application. This is the first study to show that oral intake of large doses of polyphenols, this time from tea, also induce hair growth.

I will be posting more results- we even have pictures and graphs from this one- very soon. You can read more details right now in this article.

If you want to stop unwanted hair loss quickly, this study is exciting. Most important: every single one of the mice given the polyphenol extract had a complete cessation of further hair loss.

Every one.


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chewbaca said:
here's why:

: Why can't I just eat apples?

Yeah Chewie - that's what I meant :hairy:


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I dont know ho u guys feel about this but it seems it worked for mice every one of them which makes it Better than propecia?


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The search for a true hair vitamin has puzzled scientists for years. Now, doctors in California have identified a vitamin-like substance that looks like the natural solution to balding and unwanted hair loss...
Stunning Results in "Leftover" Mice

Doctors at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles had some mice left over from drug experiments. Some of the animals had excessive hair loss, but were otherwise healthy. They decided to see if they could regrow hair in the mice, by adding a natural extract- known as polyphenols- to their diet.
Hair Loss "Stopped Completely"

The doctors divided the mice into two groups. They gave the first group a polyphenol extract added to their drinking water. The other group received plain water only.

After six months, the mice receiving the polyphenols in their drinking water showed no progressive hair loss. This finding is remarkable and bears repeating. In every one of the mice fed the extract in their water, hair loss completely stopped.
Polyphenols Grow New Hair

The findings on hair loss cessation are exciting by themselves. But the real surprise is the report of "significant regrowth" of hair in animals receiving the polyphenol treatment.

The L.A. scientists found that 33% of the treated mice had significant hair regrowth. They actually referred to this as "spontaneous remission," a medical term usually reserved for unexplainable or miraculous reversal of disease.

No hair regrowth was observed in the untreated (control) group. Other than the polyphenols, both groups were fed the same diet. Both were housed in the same conditions. Only the polyphenol group had zero further hair loss, and substantial hair regrowth.

Science Strongest for Apple Polyphenols

Previous experiments have proven that polyphenols from apple skins, grape seeds and barley all exhibit the ability to regrow hair in animal and human trials. This is the first report in the literature showing that green tea polyphenols also have some hair growth effects. This study is also important

Remarkable hair growth results shown after six months' treatment with polyphenols
because it's the first time that polyphenols have produced new hair growth when taken internally.
Proof of "Significant Regrowth"

Human clinical trials on apple polyphenols, specifically procyanidins, have shown the best and fastest results in hair regrowth, but have only been tested topically. This latest study is proof that polyphenols, taken internally, have significant hair growth effects in mammals.

The human hair cycle is a complex process. Other vitamins, minerals and hormones are certainly involved in the general health of hair follicles, skin, and other organs. But now, for the first time, you can specifically target hair loss and regrowth with polyphenols- the new hair vitamin.


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chewbaca said:
I dont know ho u guys feel about this but it seems it worked for mice every one of them which makes it Better than propecia?
Not sure. Which is better: 83% of 1,500 humans seeing results on their actual scalp hair or 100% of 5 rodents seeing results on their bellies? Your decision.


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chewbaca said:
I dont know ho u guys feel about this but it seems it worked for mice every one of them which makes it Better than propecia?

u can't be serious.


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hmm, this topic has come again. I know there are a lot of people on this site that only want to use natural treatments. would anyone on the site be prepared to try it out for 6 months? We can easily say its a scam product but why not someone just try it?


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latecomer said:
hmm, this topic has come again. I know there are a lot of people on this site that only want to use natural treatments. would anyone on the site be prepared to try it out for 6 months? We can easily say its a scam product but why not someone just try it?

How long has this product been out? Anyone tried it?
What intrigues me is that there are some customer testimonials regrding hair loss and more interesint its been gbacked by scientific research.


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The procyanidins..topically...were tested on humans..not just mice :p

I used the Medicated Mohkatsurin PB product for over 3 years..and my current morning topical contains apple peel extract as well as gse(contains the pro's). Equisomin..which I use in the eves..also contains the pro's.


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chewbaca said:
I dont know ho u guys feel about this but it seems it worked for mice every one of them which makes it Better than propecia?

I dont know about you guys, but to me it seems like EVERYTHING works on mice.

Everywhere I look - "Our studies on the lab mice have proven very promising!"

What if those were the same mice and these guys just kept recycling the images?