An arrogant prick...


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Was minding my businesses at the gym the other day, while was lifting weights i felt as if someone is looking at me.. then i noticed that guy staring at my scalp like it was the apocalypse, he couldnt get his eyes of my head, so i gave him "the look" and faded away... before i keep going, i have to tell you something about this guy, i've seen him around the gym couple of times, like in his 30s or something, FULL THICK NW0 (!!) very good looking guy, probably doing modeling or something ... who knows.. :jackit: so back to the story, later on was overhearding him talking with this 60something douchebag (also nw1) about hair-lose ... didnt really payed much attention until the younger guy said that he is on the propecia junk, the older guy asked why he takes it because he has flawless hair so he answered :"just in case, i dont want to lose anything".. i looked at them both smiled and gave them the finger... now i was hoping that model guy would open his mouth, but he knew exactly in what "mode" i was at that moment so he did a smart decision and told the other guy that they should change the subject.
i swear to god, i dont really care this much usually, but its been a loooonnng looooooonnngg time since i was this pisses, was praying for a good brawl, even if at the cost of me losing some teeth...

Mens Rea

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Brutal story man

All i can say is you simply cant legislate for pieces of garbage like this guy. Its easy to say but this guy reallyl doesn't deserve any of your mental time.

On some level there'll always be a guy like this out there. Whether its to do with hairloss, how much weight you can lift, how tall you are, how good at football you are etc etc, they're always be someone out there to antagonise you.

Id be willing to be that although a guy like that might be better looking or whatever his mind is more insecure than you'd ever imagine.

Ian Curtis

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I dont see any arrogance, the guy was just dumb, or really insecure about his hair.


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omg he takes propecia and he's NW0. hahahahaha.

hey man, get an mp3 player of somesort and just listen to music you like. means you won't hear what anyone says. if he stares at you, like if you really know he is staring, ask him what his problem is lol. best thing is to not care really.


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I'm not really sure why you took this one to heart. The guy who looked at your hair sounds like an absolute freak show. I'd simply be unable to take someone like that seriously.


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What is everyone on about in this thread!!

Am I the only one who thinks the OP is the person with the major issue's. He was ease dropping on a conversation, then went up to the (random) people and gave them the finger becasue of their personal opinions and choices. WTF?

Seems like the OP is envious of their hair and because of this is relying on any lewd conversation between them in order to give them abuse.

uncomfortable man

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Next time bring a gun to the gym. Show them that you mean buisiness.


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My Regimen
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He was looking at your head because he was scared that it might happen to him. The fact that he is on propecia (unless I read wrongly), confirms this. I wouldnt take it so personally, I was looking at some bald guys heads today, not because of arrogance but because it reminded me of my hairloss, and the fear that comes with it worsening.


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Colin297 said:
[...] they're always be someone out there to antagonise you. [...]

So true! Some guys are constantly looking for trouble - mediocre individuals that have nothing better to do with their time.


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thenational said:
What is everyone on about in this thread!!

Am I the only one who thinks the OP is the person with the major issue's. [...]

I beg to differ.

The other guy was staring at his head like an idiot, that's rude and stupid. The OP has every right to feel offended.


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dudemon said:
Just staring at your bald head is one thing, but what really gets me is when they deliberately run their hands through their thick NW0 right in front of you with a grin on their face, while they are looking directly into your eyes. It's almost definate they are doing it on purpose. I used to work with a guy that did this to me all day long - everyday - at work. Also, if I was talking to a female customer, he would butt-into the conversation, and also do this in front of both me and her.

Another time is when they comb their NW0 hair in front you.

I also hate when NW0 guys make comments to other NW0 guys in front of me like (jokingly) "I seem to be losing some of my hair," followed by "me too," says the other guy. They say that deliberately just to see how I will react, when neither of them have any signs of thinning hair whatsoever.

You should have confirmed that he seemed to be losing his hair, and point it out to him and watch him turn into a mess for the rest of his life.


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Stacey323 said:
You guys are all nuts! There are plenty
of girls that actually prefer a bald head!!!

Well 'some' guys actually prefer morbidly obese women but I doubt that makes you wish you weighed 300lbs does it.


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s.a.f said:
Stacey323 said:
You guys are all nuts! There are plenty
of girls that actually prefer a bald head!!!

Well 'some' guys actually prefer morbidly obese women but I doubt that makes you wish you weighed 300lbs does it.


I dont mean to be rude lady,you need to realize most bald/balding men aren't Bruce Willis/Jason Statham/Vin Diesel/Donald Trump/David Beckham/some freak at the gym/some rich bald guy that girls would prefer to be with rather than the regular lot.


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not to change the subject

but speaking about this nw0/1 guys

he must be paranoid about hair loss
i mean taking finasteride without actually needing to may do completely nothing
especially because it is not shown to prevent a mature nw2

i may not even be effective when this guy really needs it

UM i think that guy was an idiot, probably not worth your time.
i think you look tuff with your hair the way it is
im sure that nw1 guy was a bit intimidated


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BodyDysmorphic said:
not to change the subject

but speaking about this nw0/1 guys

he must be paranoid about hair loss
i mean taking finasteride without actually needing to may do completely nothing
especially because it is not shown to prevent a mature nw2

i may not even be effective when this guy really needs it

UM i think that guy was an idiot, probably not worth your time.
i think you look tuff with your hair the way it is
im sure that nw1 guy was a bit intimidated

I'd go beyond that to say that the guy's obviously an absolute freak. For one thing, around 20% of people who go the gym routinely are complete crazies. Second of all, only an absolute douche-bag would take finasteride as some kind of preventive measure when they're NW0.

That's why I can't believe the OP took this to heart. I'd react the same way I would if a schizophrenic stopped me in the street and told me I was the reincarnation of Hitler. I'd just be unable to take it remotely seriously.

uncomfortable man

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BodyDysmorphic said:
UM i think that guy was an idiot, probably not worth your time.
i think you look tuff with your hair the way it is
im sure that nw1 guy was a bit intimidated
Hey thanks man, although you are confusing me with Smooth. This is his story, not mine...but I could see how you might think that since it sounds like something that would happen to me. Only you wouldn't catch me dead in a gym. f*** those places.
mpbsux20 said:
s.a.f wrote:
Stacey323 wrote:
You guys are all nuts! There are plenty
of girls that actually prefer a bald head!!!

Well 'some' guys actually prefer morbidly obese women but I doubt that makes you wish you weighed 300lbs does it.
Best thing I've read in a while. Superior logic wins the day.


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OMG, yet another idiot made a comment today! i cant believe this :dunno:
this one was cruel tho lol.... i work a security guard (im a student), i came to work (an hour ago) and met with the other 2 "friends" that are working with me, as i approach i see that one of them that had a nice think head of hair, shaved it all off, so i asked him "nice hair cut, why did you decide to shave it ?" in an honest way, nothing insulting right, so he went "look at you! haha i can do with my hair whatever i want haha" literally HA-HA-ING me like a 7 yo (that guy is over 40!) so answered right back "well at least im smiling" referring to his missing & fucked up teeth...
I have no idea why this is happening lately, i mean once a week at least... wtf :dunno:
the only issues i had with my hair lose up to this point was between myself and I not whiling to accept it, but now it seems that im not the only one who refuse to accept it.. ANYWAYS, as the insensitive morons are all men, i dont really give a f***, but when it happens i get mad really quick...i think it says more about them then me tho.


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Smooth said:
OMG, yet another idiot made a comment today! i cant believe this :dunno:
this one was cruel tho lol.... i work a security guard (im a student), i came to work (an hour ago) and met with the other 2 "friends" that are working with me, as i approach i see that one of them that had a nice think head of hair, shaved it all off, so i asked him "nice hair cut, why did you decide to shave it ?" in an honest way, nothing insulting right, so he went "look at you! haha i can do with my hair whatever i want haha" literally HA-HA-ING me like a 7 yo (that guy is over 40!) so answered right back "well at least im smiling" referring to his missing & f***ed up teeth...
I have no idea why this is happening lately, i mean once a week at least... wtf :dunno:
the only issues i had with my hair lose up to this point was between myself and I not whiling to accept it, but now it seems that im not the only one who refuse to accept it.. ANYWAYS, as the insensitive morons are all men, i dont really give a f*ck, but when it happens i get mad really quick...i think it says more about them then me tho.

just curious, how do you keep your hair? shaved or trimmed? Is it that obvious you're balding?

and either way look at it like this man....don't buy into this U-man type of thought process where everybody is out to get you and make you feel like sh*t....the fact is, you're a student...hes in his 40's, working the same job as you...he has no front teeth to boot...he sounds like a f*****g joke. If he wants to feel superior to you because hes older than you but doesn't have a genetic condition (its not like he CHOSE not to go bald...he just got the luck of the draw) that you have...then seriously...hes a f*****g joke. Wasting your energy on caring is dumb on your part....are you a young, smart, ambitious man who is working towards success in life? If the answer is yes...then please man, you need to LAUGH at the 40 something year old toothless loser who cracked a joke at your hairloss. YOU should pity HIM....his life must be so sh*t that he gets satisfaction out of knowing that the only thing he has on you is his hair...and its not like he did anything in his power to keep it, he was just born that way....the joke will be on him when you continue to prosper in your career and are soon earning more than him while hes stuck with no teeth approaching 45 years old working the same dumb job....but lets not forget....he still has his hair!!! HOOOORAY for him, some good its doing him!

hes beneath you Smooth....a f*****g excuse of for a man. A painful reminder of the type of characters you have to overcome if you want true success in this world. Think of it this way....pretend you're a professional athlete and some fat, out of shape, ugly loser in the stands yells "YOU SUCK"...are you actually going to be upset and defensive and act like "why would he say that? Hes so mean!" or are you going to laugh at the fact that you have it so much better than him that the only thing he can even attempt to do to piss you off is yell a dumb insult at you.

The best form of revenge is success...understand that haters will always exist, whether you have hair or not...some people are stupid and insecure and the only way they can get any sort of validation is to make fun of other people, especially those who are in better situations than them.

Keep your head up man....