An arrogant prick...


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Thanks for the input qball01!! i appreciate this alot! and you are right, we should learn to ignore these fuckers, i have no idea why i let it get to me again and again each time :dunno: i really dont think that hair loss effected my life *that* bad, cant get over it tho... so annoying lol, even if you try to forget about that something like this will happend, and usually when you are in low point as it is :) life's a b**ch lol, well at least im laughing it out now.

uncomfortable man said:
Only you wouldn't catch me dead in a gym. f*ck those places.

whats so bad with the gyms? specially when you got so much bad energies build up inside, taking it out at the gym is best feeling in the world.. and you build some muscle while you at it...


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I'd have thought that you'd have learned by now, (as I have) as a balding guy you dont mention other peoples hair.
Its obvious to me what happend - this guy shaved it off did'nt like the way it looked and mistook you're innocent comment as you taking the piss.
Once again it seems to me that you have been oversensitive and taken things the wrong way.

Mens Rea

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Smooth my friend, seriously, dont take the likes of this to heart.

I'd get the odd comment on my hair EVEN from girls that FANCY me.

99% of these people will bring it up because they don't actually see it as that big of a deal. If they did, they wouldn't mention it. Most will have no idea that it actually annoys you.

A girl in my class said to me "hey i didn't notice you were kinda balding before". I just laughed and wasn't annoyed at all. She wasn't trying to be smart or to hurt my feelings so her saying that doesn't chance anything i dont already know - so why would i be annoyed? Actually, i took it as a compliment as id seen her every day since jan i was shocked she hadn't noticed it before!!lol

When it comes to guys like this - honestly, why would that annoy you at all? During my bad shed over the summer i got a few comments on it, but none were really hateful. A friend once said something in front of everyone, i just laughed and said "so what man? you've always been ugly". It was a joke and there was nothing more thought ot it. In most contexts you're best just laughing and not caring. In that context this guy is a smart-*** type of guy so the response was fitting. Again, it didn't spoil my night and all, i didn't lose any respect from anyone (Why would you?) and i went out and pulled a hot girl. Fact is i would go around my my mates house many times and head out with maybe 10 other guys. I could have the worst hair loss out of them all but still can do as well as anyone with the women. Guys dont care about another guys hair so if you can still keep confidence with the women then you've practically shown extreme confidence beyond any hair loss issues.

Lastly, i would say, just because he brought it up after u mentioned his hair doesn't mean its the end of the world. Fact is, you triggered a nerve and he instantly looked for something to attack you about. Perhaps he noticed a bit of hair loss but that doesn't mean it predominates your appearance or anything or is even that bad. Remember that. Sometimes we lose perspective. I know because sometimes i feel i look bad and i dont have confidence with girls, other times i feel good (probably irrationally) and do really well!


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"With a body like this who needs hair?"


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Colin297 said:
Smooth my friend, seriously, dont take the likes of this to heart.

I'd get the odd comment on my hair EVEN from girls that FANCY me.

99% of these people will bring it up because they don't actually see it as that big of a deal. If they did, they wouldn't mention it. Most will have no idea that it actually annoys you.

A girl in my class said to me "hey i didn't notice you were kinda balding before". I just laughed and wasn't annoyed at all. She wasn't trying to be smart or to hurt my feelings so her saying that doesn't chance anything i dont already know - so why would i be annoyed? Actually, i took it as a compliment as id seen her every day since jan i was shocked she hadn't noticed it before!!lol

When it comes to guys like this - honestly, why would that annoy you at all? During my bad shed over the summer i got a few comments on it, but none were really hateful. A friend once said something in front of everyone, i just laughed and said "so what man? you've always been ugly". It was a joke and there was nothing more thought ot it. In most contexts you're best just laughing and not caring. In that context this guy is a smart-*** type of guy so the response was fitting. Again, it didn't spoil my night and all, i didn't lose any respect from anyone (Why would you?) and i went out and pulled a hot girl. Fact is i would go around my my mates house many times and head out with maybe 10 other guys. I could have the worst hair loss out of them all but still can do as well as anyone with the women. Guys dont care about another guys hair so if you can still keep confidence with the women then you've practically shown extreme confidence beyond any hair loss issues.

Lastly, i would say, just because he brought it up after u mentioned his hair doesn't mean its the end of the world. Fact is, you triggered a nerve and he instantly looked for something to attack you about. Perhaps he noticed a bit of hair loss but that doesn't mean it predominates your appearance or anything or is even that bad. Remember that. Sometimes we lose perspective. I know because sometimes i feel i look bad and i dont have confidence with girls, other times i feel good (probably irrationally) and do really well!

Thanks for that Colin297, i try not to let it get to me, but there are things out of my control, and some moron can easily trigger these feelings.

I was out with a friend last night and neutrally the subject of hair-lose brought about and he said that a cure for hair loss would be getting married since then you dont have to worry about it... and that guy is NW0!
sometimes i think people who are not bald are 10 times more worried about going bald then us hair loss sufferers, and these usually the same people that will tell you that if they would go bald they wouldnt care about it as much as you do, "just forget about it" sort of friends... :dunno:


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A guy who has no hairloss but is already taking propecia is either unbelievably vain or has a genetic pre-disposition to losing his hair. Either way, screw them (and not in the literal sense).


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JOE-91 said:
You have to realize that nobody else out there cares about your baldness. 'Just forget about it friends' Hahahaha, what do you want everybody to pity baldness? people have the attitude of 'just forget about it' because it's common and were men, it's the right attitude to have!

m i the only one who thinks its hypocritical to preach others to forget about hairlose and worry about it yourself?


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Smooth said:
JOE-91 said:
You have to realize that nobody else out there cares about your baldness. 'Just forget about it friends' Hahahaha, what do you want everybody to pity baldness? people have the attitude of 'just forget about it' because it's common and were men, it's the right attitude to have!

m i the only one who thinks its hypocritical to preach others to forget about hairlose and worry about it yourself?
Good point.
Other people may not worry about our hairloss, but they certainly notice it and often times either look down on us or
outwardly make fun. And women, especially the younger ones, generally won't give you a second of their time if you're bald unless you also happen to be rich.


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JOE-91 said:
thetodd said:
Good point.
Other people may not worry about our hairloss, but they certainly notice it and often times either look down on us or
outwardly make fun. And women, especially the younger ones, generally won't give you a second of their time if you're bald unless you also happen to be rich.

More generalisations, can you correct that to, 'Women won't give ME a second of their time unless I AM rich' because incase you haven't noticed there are millions of bald men living happy lives, getting the attention of women. Stop putting every bald man in the same box as you.

Smooth, how is it hypocritical? I'm balding myself and I know most other people don't care about my balding, it's an issue with myself, get over yourself.
If anybody needs to get over theirself, it would seem to be you. I never denied that my statements were generalizations, but that doesn't mean they don't hold true more often than not. If baldness was as accepted by society as you seem to be claiming, men wouldn't spend thousands of dollars trying to fight or cover it up. Sure, losing your hair isn't the end of the world and I'm certainly not unhappy in life because of it, but maybe you need to stop being so judgemental towards those of us who do consider our condition to be an issue.


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dude even if baldness was whole heartedly accepted by society, and people loved bald men, i still wouldn't want to be bald. For me i don't give a sh*t what others think, i just personally want to like the way i look ,and if i go bald, i'm not sure i will.

uncomfortable man

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thetodd said:
JOE-91 said:
thetodd said:
Good point.
Other people may not worry about our hairloss, but they certainly notice it and often times either look down on us or
outwardly make fun. And women, especially the younger ones, generally won't give you a second of their time if you're bald unless you also happen to be rich.

More generalisations, can you correct that to, 'Women won't give ME a second of their time unless I AM rich' because incase you haven't noticed there are millions of bald men living happy lives, getting the attention of women. Stop putting every bald man in the same box as you.

Smooth, how is it hypocritical? I'm balding myself and I know most other people don't care about my balding, it's an issue with myself, get over yourself.
If anybody needs to get over theirself, it would seem to be you. I never denied that my statements were generalizations, but that doesn't mean they don't hold true more often than not. If baldness was as accepted by society as you seem to be claiming, men wouldn't spend thousands of dollars trying to fight or cover it up. Sure, losing your hair isn't the end of the world and I'm certainly not unhappy in life because of it, but maybe you need to stop being so judgemental towards those of us who do consider our condition to be an issue.
This last part pretty much sums up my response for all those who feel obligated to contradict anyone who is unsatisfied with their baldness, while they have no idea what it is like themselves. Thank you Todd for your articulate response. :)