And now for some fun: hairloss forum members stereotypes


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2.The depressive- his sole motivation for treating his hairloss is the belief that no woman will ever take notice of him ever again. His last girlfriend dumped him and he's convinced it was because of his hairline, he hasn't gotten over her yet and probably won't anytime soon. He's probably on zoloft, hates himself, hated his time at school, works in a job he hates even more, is jealous of all of his friends, would visit prostitutes if he could afford it (he's broke as well) and would probably knock his own mother over for HM.

3. The Timothy McVeigh- he approaches his hairloss in a much different (psychotic) way. He methodically applies his intense regimen of experimental treatments onto his scalp each day, making mental notes of each minute detail and adjusting the dosage when required. Whilst being neurotic about his own health, he is willing to completly forsake it and treat his body as one big experiment if it means having the slightest improvement in hair growth. Like the depressive he too believes that stopping his hairloss will open the door to what he calls 'the kingdom of pussy' .He fails to see that this type of thinking is what prevents him from attracting the opposite sex, not his hairline. He probably knows a lot about weaponry, probably owns a lot of black clothing and would definitely knock his own mother over for HM


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1. The loon who registers on these boards because he's convinced he has found the cure, with that 'cure' always being something random like completely cutting out cafeine, alcohol, sex, etc. In reality, these guys probably never had any hairloss to begin with, but find it their duty to convince us of his enlightment.

this is you?

Bekim :)


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Well thats Hoppi, Dudemon and CCS covered. Come on someone do me! :woot:


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s.a.f said:
Well thats Hoppi, Dudemon and CCS covered. Come on someone do me! :woot:

i haves a Ram he do you for sugar cubes

maybes you pays €50

for goat

Bekim :)


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4. The hairloss nerd- this guy knows everything there is to know about hairloss. He's read all the studies and is a veteran when it comes to the use of consumer hairloss products. But this individual is not neccessarily motivated by concern over personal appearence- solving hairloss has become an intellectual persuit and is regarded as a valid field of science. His approach is careful, considered and logical. His posts always cites some kind of case study or complicated explanation about human biology.He usually has a very high post count and is held in esteem by other weary hairloss truth-seekers in search of the hairloss dhamma. He probably lives alone with a cat, wears clothes that could only be described as sensible and has a sizeable personal library.


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LOL you can tell who they are straight away!!


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5. The old veteran - He's been around for years, seen it all, and knows the score. He's seen many new 'miracle cures' touted over the years that he's become a little cynical, or a lot cynical, and wishes that newbies would read and search the damn forum before creating the 1 millioneth 'masterbation causes hairloss' thread, he's seen the fads come and go, much like many of the posters. He knows all the treatments and is on a long term maintaince regimen holding strong that gives him a self assuredness. The veteran is a rock of knowledge, though easily bored.


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6. The guy who never posts in the hairloss related topics. Only the Off-Topic section.

Those guys really piss me off. :thumbdown2:


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I can't decide whether I want someone to do me or not... Not sure I fit into any stereotypes :)


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8. The good responder- as the name suggests he's had untold success with hairloss treatments. Not only has he maintained what he had left, he has actually managed to regrow and completely restore his hairline. He rarely posts now and when he does it's usually only to gloat or share his nauseating optimisim for life with everyone. His posts usually contain plenty of photos of his hairline which he'll still complain about (fishing for compliments) or self indulgent drivel about his wonderful new relationship with the dream girl he's just met- he attributes this all to his hairline of course. Naturally, many other posters dislike him even though they might not show it. His results have been so good that deep down many suspect he might actually be a shill for Merck, or that their pills are all fake and he's the only one getting the real ones. He is mostly likely a sales rep or some kind of financial yuppie.


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9. the random transsexual - there is one in every family. the person who makes a mockery of our minimal sexual sacrifice with finasteride by essentially castrating himself with female hormones. he/she is the type of poster on this forum that you know has no secret agenda and thus what he/she says can be taken at face value. this is very refreshing for other posters and thus this type of poster is very well liked. also this poster provides us all with a reminder of what we can do if we truly need to stop out hair loss once and for all. ironically this type of poster appears to be the most well balanced, calm, self assured type of poster on this forum.

i suck at this :dunno:

funniest thread ever by far btw! :punk:


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11. Let's not forget the BDD forum members too................................................................... :whistle: Can't you see that they are balding and receding. After all they have posted over 200 photos of their hairline and crown which proves it............................... :whistle:

The Gardener

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Hammy070 said:
6. The guy who never posts in the hairloss related topics. Only the Off-Topic section.

Those guys really piss me off. :thumbdown2:
Man I hate those fu*ckers

somone uk

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12. people who post in impact forums telling everyone to shave their heads using pictures of jason statham to prove that 0.1% of bald people can be physically attractive and use this to justify a mass propecia abandonment, like deluded preachers of a religious cult they veiw head shaveing as a path on the way to salvation, however in reality most men would end up looking like al murray if they were to shave their heads which lacks the pussy promise of the jason statham look thus renders them unable to deliver on their promise of life improvement after head shaving.
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13. The embittered norwood 6.

The guy who has the advanced hair loss - he started to go very bald, very young and very quickly. These individuals will deny that anyone who's hair loss is below a norwood 4 is going bald at all : "a 3 inch recession at the temples? That's a barely a mature hairline - my hair hasn't looked like that since I was nine years old...I first noticed recession at nine and a half and was a norwood 6 by my 12th birthday.".

They're beyond treatment and hang around possibly for support and to tell newbies that it's all in their head. One suspects their life story could be desribed as "tragic".


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14. The side-effect doomsayer. This user sees darkness and malevolence behind all DHT-inhibiting treatments. He views these treatments as the big pharm equivalent of crack cocaine, only worse. Whereas crack cocaine will make you feel good and just go a bit paranoid, DHT-inhibitors will make your penis fall off and your brain become shrouded in a fog.

Can combat most other users by wielding powerful obscure studies which knock most combatants into the dust. Agaist stronger opponents can deploy bolded text attacks, or, in extreme circumstances, red and bold and underlined text.. Is vulnerable to attacks from Timothy McVeigh, the Hairloss Nerd, and the Random Transsexual. Against these combatants has to resort to dubbing them a 'shill', and merely part of the greater conspiracy. When defeated, will retreat to a board of fellow side-effect doomsayers and the index of PubMed until abilities are recharged.