And now for some fun: hairloss forum members stereotypes


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15. The Minoxidil Trauma Victim. Will stalk the boards, below the gaze of most other users, until somebody mentions that they're considering minoxidil. Then boom, the user leaps out of the shadows, whips off his mask to reveal a strange dark elf, and says in hushed tones: "Do not use minoxidil. I use minoxidil, got bad sides. 15 years on finasteride, no problems. minoxidil, problems." Then poof, he retreats into the darkness for another week.

The Gardener

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11. Let's not forget the BDD forum members too................................................................... Can't you see that they are balding and receding. After all they have posted over 200 photos of their hairline and crown which proves it...............................
11. Let's not forget the BDD forum members too................................................................... :whistle: Can't you see that they are balding and receding. After all they have posted over 200 photos of their hairline and crown which proves it............................... :whistle:

Oh, The BDD cases are far worse than that. The funniest ones are the folks who have posted here for a few months, without any pictures, and they just constantly complain and vent in "woe is me" mode and are obsessed with their hairloss. The others are absolutely convinced that this guy's hair must look like utter crap. And then, they FINALLY post pics, and the dude is sporting a full head of Norwood 0.5 hair.

Of course the initial pic is followed up with a series of close ups... each of the close ups being pics of what looks like a fricking FOREST of hair, but The BDD says "but LOOK at the upper right corner... can you see the thinning? It's really bad!" And, of course, none of us see anything that even comes close to resembling "thinning".

And, I have to add another stereotype:

16. The Hairloss Conspiracy Monger
Whether it be Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Demodex mites, excessive masturbation... there is always that renegage hairloss fighter who is absolutely CONVINCED that hairloss is caused by other factors that the "powers that be" are refusing to acknowledge, and that these "truths" are being quashed so that "Big Pharma" can reap untold profits by selling us what he is convinced are "snake oil" treatments. The funniest aspect of these folks is that when confronted, they tend to get ENRAGED that their "theories" aren't being accepted hook, line, and sinker by the folks here on the site.


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18. The well adjusted newbie

This user registers just to post his story - typically one revealing extensive hair loss at a young age. NW4+ below the age of 25 is not uncommon in this group, but what truly sets this guy apart is his attitude. It's clear from his first post that hair loss is a minor annoyance at best, and he's just looking to possibly thicken things up a bit. He's not holding out hope for a miracle, and seems fairly resigned to his fate. His thread will usually be quite popular, as other users with far less hair loss gravitate toward its positivity and regard him as a beacon of strength and hope in the sea of cynicism and depression that otherwise infests the forum - i.e., a hair loss "role model". He typically gets little to no results on his treatment regimen (if he even begins one), but occasionally you'll see one explode with regrowth. He will post on a semi-regular basis, and it's obvious that unlike most around here, hair loss is barely a blip on his daily mental radar.

19. The toupee worshipper

This guy lives in the transplant and hair piece forum, and frequently pops up in threads simply to promote the awesomeness of wearing a wig. To drive his point home he posts pictures of other youngsters who are wearing, and while the results admittedly look great, its obvious he views toupees as a panacea for balding and doesn't quite understand the implications of owning/wearing one. His desktop wallpaper is a profile shot of a random guy wearing a "faux-hawk style" from a toupee forum with the eyes blacked out.


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joshua said:
Thickandthin said:
20. The toupee worshipper

A funny/tragic thing about people opting for a piece is that they no longer refer to it as a rug/piece/toupee, but now call it a "system"... as if that's not the exact same thing.

Yeah that is pretty funny. The politically correct term for 'wig' seems to evolve as fast as 'disabled'. Says a lot about the stigma of wearing one. You could maybe argue that 'hair loss' is a euphemism for 'baldness', but people don't really see any reason to avoid calling a spade a spade- no one uses 'follicley-challenged' or anything like that in a serious context

somone uk

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Thickandthin said:
18. The well adjusted newbie

This user registers just to post his story - typically one revealing extensive hair loss at a young age. NW4+ below the age of 25 is not uncommon in this group, but what truly sets this guy apart is his attitude. It's clear from his first post that hair loss is a minor annoyance at best, and he's just looking to possibly thicken things up a bit. He's not holding out hope for a miracle, and seems fairly resigned to his fate. His thread will usually be quite popular, as other users with far less hair loss gravitate toward its positivity and regard him as a beacon of strength and hope in the sea of cynicism and depression that otherwise infests the forum - i.e., a hair loss "role model". He typically gets little to no results on his treatment regimen (if he even begins one), but occasionally you'll see one explode with regrowth. He will post on a semi-regular basis, and it's obvious that unlike most around here, hair loss is barely a blip on his daily mental radar.

20. The toupee worshipper

This guy lives in the transplant and hair piece forum, and frequently pops up in threads simply to promote the awesomeness of wearing a wig. To drive his point home he posts pictures of other youngsters who are wearing, and while the results admittedly look great, its obvious he views toupees as a panacea for balding and doesn't quite understand the implications of owning/wearing one. His desktop wallpaper is a profile shot of a random guy wearing a "faux-hawk style" from a toupee forum with the eyes blacked out.
19. The Innumerate

This guy fails to recognise that 19 comes after 18 :whistle:


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somone uk said:
This guy fails to recognise that 19 comes after 18 :whistle:

Somebody else posted a stupid one as 19, but the post was deleted.

It's fixed now.

And number 18 is actually quite a few I've noticed over the last 2 1/2 years - but the point of this isn't to name names :)


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Number 21: the "just started, should I"- guy.

2 months ago he recently started a thorough regimen of propecia, rogaine, retin- a nizoral and spironolactone (with soy, saw palmetto, zinc, biotin and green tea as dietary supplements). However, he is deeply concerned that the treatments aren´t working.
Or maybe they have stopped working; didn´t he notice an immediate halt in shedding the day after taking propecia? And didn´t the shedding start again the next week. when nearly 20 hairs fell out during a shower (18 to be exact)?
He immediately starts folligen, but feels an hour later that this might increase shedding even further. So of course, the question is: should he switch from finasteride to dutasteride?


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23. The Obscure Natural Evangelist & Random Outlandish Unlikely Success Poster

The Obscure Natural Evangelist & Random Outlandish Unlikely Success (ONEROUS) poster pops up every few days and has found a never before heard of treatment, or has discovered an unlikely sounding treatment on the interwebs somewhere. These onerous members have convinced themselves that they have completely reversed their hair loss and probably cured cancer or something too.

The most commonly adopted modus operandi for the onerous poster is to create a new thread which is almost identical to dozens of previous threads and proclaim the miracle benefits of their regimen. They will broadly encourage users to try their holy-grail of treatments, often claiming it's much better than those risky and evil proven treatments (Satan himself makes those proven ones, right?).

All will be well right up until the point someone will quite reasonably ask for some photos to prove the miracle cure works at which point the onerous poster will shuffle around awkwardly and pretend they didn't see your post or *something. This is only a short lived reprieve however as they will usually re-appear in a couple of days in a brand new thread and a brand new cure.

*A variation of the onerous poster can sometimes appear where they will actually post a picture or two, but they usually show about as much proof of their regimen working as a grainy video of a man in an ape suit running up a mountain proves Big Foot is real.


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the angry balding bastard whos used everything but nothing seems to work. So he trolls the forum telling everyone to give up and that all hairloss products dont work.

The Gardener

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27. The Obsessive Shed Hair Counter - This guy must keep a screen in his shower drain, and sleep on a pillow made of masking tape because he seems to obsessively know EXACTLY how many hairs he sheds on any given day.

"Dude, I shed 402 hairs yesterday! I think the minoxidil is killing my hair, I normally only shed 25!"

At which point one of the other demented people in the forum usually offer up an assinine explanation:

"That's probably because you masturbated the night before.."
"It's because you used a shampoo that has SLS in it..."