Anecdotal Evidence For Regional Variation In Online Dating Difficulty


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People often suggest that they're in tough dating markets but I usually assume that they're making up excuses. Of regular posters here, only @shookwun can definitely be said to be in a tough market (fort McMurray).

I'm in California this week and decided to try swiping for fun, or rather to procrastinate from what I should be doing.

With marginal effort, and even greater selectiveness than normal, I got 5 matches on tinder and 23 matches on Jswipe. That's like a few weeks worth of effort in Baltimore, in a single night.

Please convince me that it's not as it seems as this can make me hate the world if true.


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People often suggest that they're in tough dating markets but I usually assume that they're making up excuses. Of regular posters here, only @shookwun can definitely be said to be in a tough market (fort McMurray).

I'm in California this week and decided to try swiping for fun, or rather to procrastinate from what I should be doing.

With marginal effort, and even greater selectiveness than normal, I got 5 matches on tinder and 23 matches on Jswipe. That's like a few weeks worth of effort in Baltimore, in a single night.

Please convince me that it's not as it seems as this can make me hate the world if true.
David, the universe will either flow in your direction or it will flow in the opposite direction. Right now the sun, the moon, and stars are lining up in your favor. Take advantage of this while the moment is still "hot" for you. If anyone deserves happiness its you.


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David, the universe will either flow in your direction or it will flow in the opposite direction. Right now the sun, the moon, and stars are lining up in your favor. Take advantage of this while the moment is still "hot" for you. If anyone deserves happiness its you.

I cannot take advantage, my week is booked. I was procrastinating by swiping at all.


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maybe it has something to do with cali being more artsy and alternative and nerdy. you got silicon valley, extreme liberalism, a bunch of weirdos, etc

i think theres definitely something to the regional variations in dating difficulty

in the rural south(often ghetto as well) where im at theyre conservative and traditional which includes gender roles

its usually traditionally manly men here. either good ol boy type or ghetto. and thats what women tend to go for here so ofc that leaves little room for nerds and less manly men like myself to get laid

baltimore is ghetto as hell david, pretty sure the same holds true there eh?


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maybe it has something to do with cali being more artsy and alternative and nerdy. you got silicon valley, extreme liberalism, a bunch of weirdos, etc

i think theres definitely something to the regional variations in dating difficulty

in the rural south(often ghetto as well) where im at theyre conservative and traditional which includes gender roles

its usually traditionally manly men here. either good ol boy type or ghetto. and thats what women tend to go for here so ofc that leaves little room for nerds and less manly men like myself to get laid

baltimore is ghetto as hell david, pretty sure the same holds true there eh?

I'm not sure, I don't have a great handle on it.


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People often suggest that they're in tough dating markets but I usually assume that they're making up excuses. Of regular posters here, only @shookwun can definitely be said to be in a tough market (fort McMurray).

I'm in California this week and decided to try swiping for fun, or rather to procrastinate from what I should be doing.

With marginal effort, and even greater selectiveness than normal, I got 5 matches on tinder and 23 matches on Jswipe. That's like a few weeks worth of effort in Baltimore, in a single night.

Please convince me that it's not as it seems as this can make me hate the world if true.

its definitely true.

Atlanta for example i know a lot of people moving down there past few years

its brutal for women dating in Atlanta.


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People often suggest that they're in tough dating markets but I usually assume that they're making up excuses. Of regular posters here, only @shookwun can definitely be said to be in a tough market (fort McMurray).

I'm in California this week and decided to try swiping for fun, or rather to procrastinate from what I should be doing.

With marginal effort, and even greater selectiveness than normal, I got 5 matches on tinder and 23 matches on Jswipe. That's like a few weeks worth of effort in Baltimore, in a single night.

Please convince me that it's not as it seems as this can make me hate the world if true.
Thanks for the consideration, mentioning.

Indeed, When I commuted over to Edmonton (major city) for a week

I ended up sleeping, and seeing around 5 women. Not to mention I was actively talking to around 5 more through texts, and plans to get together. Unfortunately I had to vacate, and resume work.

But I still stand by how easy it is to get laid in a major city.

I also happened to go out, that weekend with a couple buddies to the major clubs.

Ended up going back to my hotel with this shooter girl I met at a hip hop club. Stayed until closing time, and we went back to my place and did cocaine all night.

The previous night I ended up meeting a women that works at L.A fitness, she's a personal trainer. ended up talking, and grabbing her number. Bumped into each other towards the end of the night outside during last call. She was smoking a ciggarette, we ended up shooting the sh*t together for a bit then I left. I wasn't to adamant on this one. Texted her the next day, but I might of come off to aggressive as I believe she wasn't as gung ho about me as I was with her. (this is all looks related) . Anyway, she ended up texting me a few days later after ghosting me around 12:30 am in the morning, this raised a good flag in my favour. We ended up getting together at my place, and FIRE WORKS went off.

CITY GAME IS LEGIT. f*** Fort Mcmurray.

To much effort, and almost everyone you meet is in a relationship. I can swipe every girl on tinder in less then five minutes. (maybe 150 chicks use it)


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Thanks for the consideration, mentioning.

Indeed, When I commuted over to Edmonton (major city) for a week

I ended up sleeping, and seeing around 5 women. Not to mention I was actively talking to around 5 more through texts, and plans to get together. Unfortunately I had to vacate, and resume work.

But I still stand by how easy it is to get laid in a major city.

I also happened to go out, that weekend with a couple buddies to the major clubs.

Ended up going back to my hotel with this shooter girl I met at a hip hop club. Stayed until closing time, and we went back to my place and did cocaine all night.

The previous night I ended up meeting a women that works at L.A fitness, she's a personal trainer. ended up talking, and grabbing her number. Bumped into each other towards the end of the night outside during last call. She was smoking a ciggarette, we ended up shooting the sh*t together for a bit then I left. I wasn't to adamant on this one. Texted her the next day, but I might of come off to aggressive as I believe she wasn't as gung ho about me as I was with her. (this is all looks related) . Anyway, she ended up texting me a few days later after ghosting me around 12:30 am in the morning, this raised a good flag in my favour. We ended up getting together at my place, and FIRE WORKS went off.

CITY GAME IS LEGIT. f*** Fort Mcmurray.

To much effort, and almost everyone you meet is in a relationship. I can swipe every girl on tinder in less then five minutes. (maybe 150 chicks use it)

Given your tremendous talents it makes no sense for you not to fish in the biggest pond you can find.

You have the brainpower of a white collar, as displayed regularly in your long, detailed, and coherent posts.

Yet you have chosen to dominate in a blue collar environment, and you have done well, making a solid income very quickly.

You have been consistent in your exercise habits not for six days, six weeks, or six months, but six years. I suspect most men don't make it to six days. You've also had the will, and the aptitude, to inform yourself on the subjects of steroids, and hair loss.

You know a lot about people, politics, etc.

In other words, don't sell yourself short by finding the best girl available in Fort Mac, you can almost certainly do better.


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People often suggest that they're in tough dating markets but I usually assume that they're making up excuses. Of regular posters here, only @shookwun can definitely be said to be in a tough market (fort McMurray).

I'm in California this week and decided to try swiping for fun, or rather to procrastinate from what I should be doing.

With marginal effort, and even greater selectiveness than normal, I got 5 matches on tinder and 23 matches on Jswipe. That's like a few weeks worth of effort in Baltimore, in a single night.

Please convince me that it's not as it seems as this can make me hate the world if true.
Of course there are regional and national difference. As individuals we are altered by the environment we live in; our tastes, our dislikes, and our behaviours are all directly linked to the culture around us.

I'm sure the temperament of a Texan is very different from somebody in, say, Seattle.

I'm in England and even here we have massive regional differences. In Wales the greatest commodity you can have is a ripped body and a fake tan. In London the greatest commodity is either fame, money, or connections. In Newcastle it is to be buff and to have a laugh. In the Midlands - where I live - we are more down to earth and it is probably the easiest area of the country to get sex.

Every area and every region with have its varying factors and differences. Your ethnicity, David, could be problematized in one place (lets say Denver) but not even a factor in LA or NYC.

As for women being pickier in certain cities - again, this would be logical in its occurrence. If the calibre of income and beauty is far higher in one region then that will become the expected norm. You could take a 7 out of 10 girl from Boston and put her in a Orange County and suddenly she is a 5.


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also is it just me or are affluent or rich places the best looking? i went to a rich part of florida and goddamn there were so many beautiful people jeez. they all looked so perfect. i often go to a richer suburb of richmond virginia and the people there are noticeably hotter than the people in the neighboring poor suburb.

same in raleigh and then seeing the people in the neighboring rich preppy chapel hill. chapel hill was ridiculous. everyone was hot i was like wtf


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also is it just me or are affluent or rich places the best looking? i went to a rich part of florida and goddamn there were so many beautiful people jeez. they all looked so perfect. i often go to a richer suburb of richmond virginia and the people there are noticeably hotter than the people in the neighboring poor suburb.

same in raleigh and then seeing the people in the neighboring rich preppy chapel hill. chapel hill was ridiculous. everyone was hot i was like wtf
Yeah, I like the old Coco Chanel idiom, 'there are no ugly girls, only lazy ones.'

You can take a lot of people who are 5's and raise them up a notch or two through a little tan, better body, good hair, fine clothes etc.

I'm not sure if many people agree on this forum but I am a huge believer in looks-maxing. I believe that everyone can 1 up on the looks scale by having better teeth, hair, body, and clothes.


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maybe it has something to do with cali being more artsy and alternative and nerdy. you got silicon valley, extreme liberalism, a bunch of weirdos, etc

i think theres definitely something to the regional variations in dating difficulty

in the rural south(often ghetto as well) where im at theyre conservative and traditional which includes gender roles

its usually traditionally manly men here. either good ol boy type or ghetto. and thats what women tend to go for here so ofc that leaves little room for nerds and less manly men like myself to get laid

baltimore is ghetto as hell david, pretty sure the same holds true there eh?
Where about in the south are you from, exo?
Can you give us a state?


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also is it just me or are affluent or rich places the best looking? i went to a rich part of florida and goddamn there were so many beautiful people jeez. they all looked so perfect. i often go to a richer suburb of richmond virginia and the people there are noticeably hotter than the people in the neighboring poor suburb.

same in raleigh and then seeing the people in the neighboring rich preppy chapel hill. chapel hill was ridiculous. everyone was hot i was like wtf

This is 100% the case here, and it's obvious why. Obesity is much higher in poor areas than rich areas.

The area where I work is so bad. If I happen to be at the shops when school is finishing I see that every mother is fat. Seriously, every one of them.

I saw a whale of a mother and her about 8 year old fat daughter waddle into subway the other day. Both of them looked nearly out of breath and sick. I honestly wanted to punch that mother in her face for what she's doing to that girl. Any parent that lets their 8 year old kids get fat should be ashamed of themselves and should never have had kids. If your kids is fat it's your fault, as far as I'm concerned it's far worse abuse than hitting your kid.


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Atlanta for example i know a lot of people moving down there past few years
its brutal for women dating in Atlanta.

And now their pro football team is in the damn Superbowl.


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Yeah, I like the old Coco Chanel idiom, 'there are no ugly girls, only lazy ones.'

You can take a lot of people who are 5's and raise them up a notch or two through a little tan, better body, good hair, fine clothes etc.

I'm not sure if many people agree on this forum but I am a huge believer in looks-maxing. I believe that everyone can 1 up on the looks scale by having better teeth, hair, body, and clothes.
It is definitely true that alot of girls could do better and be viewed as beautiful, but saying 'there are no ugly girls, only lazy ones.' is as blue pilled as it gets.
Some people just don't have the genetics no matter how much they work out, or how nice their clothes are and how expensive their make-up is or whatever they will always be ugly. It's called genetic garbage.