Solid post as per usual David. I always found #2 an illuminating (if also depressing) idea. I'm not clued up on the science, but am I right in thinking they've proven there to be a correlation between IQ and physical attractiveness? I've certainly heard it be claimed before. It's funny, I remember when I was a tween and I used to be obsessed with those typical 'high-school loser turns cool kid' plot movies (no prizes for guessing why!
). They always preached the same thing; 'the popular kids may have it good now, but in 5 to 10 years it'll be different, the jocks will be homeless and the maths bods will rule'. Unsurprisingly, lifer didn't turn out that way. All the beautiful/popular kids at my high school (and university) were all pretty smart: they weren't Einstein's or anything but they were getting good grades (maybe top 15-30% of the class). Most of the so-called 'nerds' that I knew weren't actually any smarter than them, they just worked a lot harder and at A-level many of the popular kids actually wound up outscoring them. Just look at the 'Greensborough Jock'. Sluthaters assumed he was a drop-out but he was actually a multi-million £ businessman. It also helps, of course, that you don't actually need to be particularly book-smart to make some good money these days. An IQ of 120 or so is more than enough to get on in life, and indeed, past a certain point, I'd argue that intellect can actually have a retarding effect. Social skills are just as important in business as brain-juice and the more popular/attractive people tend to have this in spades. Probably why they're so successful.