Any Armani Touch Up Patients Around?



Have all Armani touch up cases be satisfactorily resolved?

What would happen if it did not work and the patient was out of donor reserves?



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Dude said:
Have all Armani touch up cases be satisfactorily resolved?

What would happen if it did not work and the patient was out of donor reserves?


I'm in the same sitaution as you. I already had 4000 grafts done in a failed transplant and I'm not too sure about a touch up.


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Touch ups are good and bad

Good the Dr will do it for free

BAd that they eat away at you donor hair

If you go over to HLH you see many patients of Aramni who need touchups, they are taken care of and in many peoples opinion they are told to stay quiet in exchange for the free most just disappear.


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HT55 said:
Touch ups are good and bad

Good the Dr will do it for free

BAd that they eat away at you donor hair

If you go over to HLH you see many patients of Aramni who need touchups, they are taken care of and in many peoples opinion they are told to stay quiet in exchange for the free most just disappear.

dilemma really. I think I would rather have the free grafts on my crown and forget my front for now. 4000 failed grafts is too much to bear and my donor area is just shrinking. I'm in the worst situation someone could be in now regarding hair transplants. a failed transplant, 4000 donor hairs down, 4 year of payments for the loan, and no sign of a positive outcome.

People out there : do not opt for FUE procedures with high amount of grafts. I wish i had done FUSS, which was my first and only choice until the Doctor convinced me otherwise with his tactics. I'm weak when it comes to this kind of stuff. also vulnerable and desperate because all you want is a positive outcome from the hair procedure. the year of waiting for growth was the most annoying experience but the failure of any growth in the end of the year tops all the dreadful experiences in your life. its pretty much knowing you failed in your decisions and might have to go through another transplant and sacrafice another year from your life. ( no beach, no parties, no sports for months after a transplant) and plus the waste of thousands of dollars. I could only hope for HM to come out sooner than later. But, i think i wouldn't be able to afford HM anyway.

What else were you offered besides a touch up?


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Name the Doctor !!!


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foozwooz said:
HT55 said:
Touch ups are good and bad

Good the Dr will do it for free

BAd that they eat away at you donor hair

If you go over to HLH you see many patients of Aramni who need touchups, they are taken care of and in many peoples opinion they are told to stay quiet in exchange for the free most just disappear.

What else were you offered besides a touch up?

I never had surgery with Armani. Anyone who opts for Fue over strip is really taking a chance. It's obvious by the number of touch ups needed jst around the internet forums that the procedure is very hit and miss. How many touch ups have you heard of From Ron Shapiro, H+w and Armani when he did strip ?


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Avery said:
Ya, really. You're doing no favor by not naming the doctor.

His name is on the title of this thread. I'm shaving my head tomorrow, I'm in the f*&k it kind of mode now.


Senior Member
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Post some pics as well, 4000 grafts and none grew? seeing is believing.


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Surely Armani took some some pics you should go back in 6months and ask for some comparison pics to be taken. Then post both on here.


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NO, I wasn't kidding about zero growth. And why would I be lying. I will post pics too. Actually my hair prior surgery was more full than after a year of 4000 grafts. I lost hair as well. AND this is only the front.


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HT55 said:
So you had 4K FUE with Armani and Nothing grew ?

i thought i made myself clear the first time. bear with me and ill post pics. and for the final time. NO GROWTH FROM FUE by ARMANI. and YES FROM 4000 GRAFTS DONE AGAIN BY FUE. i hope its clear now


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I`d really like to see the photos fooz since I`m considering fue with armani myself. are you on finasteride or minoxidil? and how long ago was the transplant done?


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gr0 said:
I`d really like to see the photos fooz since I`m considering fue with armani myself. are you on finasteride or minoxidil? and how long ago was the transplant done?

I'm on neither finasteride or minoxidil. I stopped both. finasteride worked with me to an extent but I hated the side effects. minoxidil is BS. waste of money. I used it for 3 yrs and its not for me. You just have to see what works for you and for me it wasnt minoxidil. my transplant was done last year. If you are still opting for Armani after what happened to me than what can I say. DON'T man. only do a 1000 grafts to test first. I wish i had someone like me a year back to give me this advice.


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hey Gr0

from you pictures from a different thread shows you have diffuse thinning just like me. I have a friend whose hair looks exactly like yours. its funny because i almost thought you were that person after seeing the pictures. I post pics soon my friend.



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foozwooz said:
HT55 said:
So you had 4K FUE with Armani and Nothing grew ?

i thought i made myself clear the first time. bear with me and ill post pics. and for the final time. NO GROWTH FROM FUE by ARMANI. and YES FROM 4000 GRAFTS DONE AGAIN BY FUE. i hope its clear now

Well there never really was a first time. You said you had 4K failed FUE and never mentioned the Dr, a few replys later you said the Dr in the title of this thread. I just wanted to make sure I had it right.

Go over to HLH and make a thread about this and I GUARANTEE an Armani rep will contact you to help fix the problem. My bet is we will never here from you again as that seems to be the deal for the patented "Armani touch up ".


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vayder said:
Avery said:
Ya, really. You're doing no favor by not naming the doctor.

His name is on the title of this thread. I'm shaving my head tomorrow, I'm in the f*&k it kind of mode now.

4000 grafts and no growth is pretty serious. Did you contact Dr. Armani? What did he say?


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gr0 said:
I`d really like to see the photos fooz since I`m considering fue with armani myself. are you on finasteride or minoxidil? and how long ago was the transplant done?


another thing you need to keep in mind is that since last year the fue techniques have improved and results vary from patient to patient. My results were the worst anyone could get.


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Devender said:
vayder said:
Avery said:
Ya, really. You're doing no favor by not naming the doctor.

His name is on the title of this thread. I'm shaving my head tomorrow, I'm in the f*&k it kind of mode now.

4000 grafts and no growth is pretty serious. Did you contact Dr. Armani? What did he say?

I'm in the middle of figuring something out and will be shedding some light into this awful situation soon. I hope.