His eyes do look slightly puffy to me. My eyes were similar to his or maybe a little worse on oral min, which is why I stopped using it.
Puffy eyes due to oral or topical min are hard to treat unfortunately. A diuretic such as furosemide may or may not help, and diuretics themselves are risky to use especially over the long-term, and should always be used under a doctor's supervision. Some people on here seem to be using oral spironolactone to treat the puffiness and bloatedness caused by oral min, which seems an unusual step to take considering that oral spironolactone is a drug used by transsexuals that has strong feminizing and other side-effects. My own advice is that it might be best just to stop using oral min if you find it is causing your face to look different. The puffy eyes, dark circles around the eyes, and premature facial wrinkles do appear to be commonly reported by people who use oral or topical min. I'm just not sure if it is worth continuing to use the treatment if you find it is causing these face-related side-effects.