Any Ontario Chemical RU users?


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Just got my most recent batch and it smells nothing like the first batch I ordered. Kind of a mild fishy odor vs a strong chemical smell.

Anybody using Ontario have any input on any difference between orders?



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Ordered today, expecting to get it delivered within next week. Will inform here about how it smells and looks. First time RU orderer...

Is it marked with a batch # or similar?


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yea, it is a concern. I e/m'd Henry and asked him about it, and just sent him another email explaining that we will be randomly testing their RU for purity.

I do know that people in past have talked about the irregularities amongst various RU distributors. i.e "Koutting smells different than FE, or "FE looks yellow and Koutting doesnt, things like that.

It did say 99% pure RU on the bottle for what its worth.

thanks for the input...

i like the avatar BTW


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MrBastard said:
Ordered today, expecting to get it delivered within next week. Will inform here about how it smells and looks. First time RU orderer...

Is it marked with a batch # or similar?

thanks B, I will see what the batch or order # is and let you know.


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finfighter said:
lakota said:
finasteride, i like the avatar BTW

Thanks, that's my HK USP .40 with a viridian green laser/tac light combo....

that laser is SICK....your piece makes my Ruger 9 look like a toy, but I did just buy my nephews Russian AK as a "back up" :punk:


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Thanks man, Viridian also makes a laser for the SR9 it's pretty nice. These green lasers are so much better than the red you can see them in day light and at night you can see the entire beam! I have been thinking about getting an AK47 draco, those are nice!


If you're interested in buying one you should get it from a site called the guy who runs it is really a cool guy, I let him use my gun pics for on his website and he gave me some free gear in exchange, his name is Jim and he has the best deals![/quote]

cool, I am going to get one of those bad boys for my SR. Checking out his site now....


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I've tried two different Kout*ing batches, one Faith Eagle, and one Ontario batch, and they were all slightly different from each other in color, consistency, and odor.

It's disconcerting, to say the least.


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The color should be white, and the powder should be dry, pulverized and dissolve completely in ethanol. My powder from OC had a strong odor, like paint, and a bit like dirt when it's mixed. I've heard people talking about batches from FE which smells like fish. FE have had some complaints about impurities. I don't know what RU58841 is supposed to smell like.


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Enden said:
The color should be white, and the powder should be dry, pulverized and dissolve completely in ethanol. My powder from OC had a strong odor, like paint, and a bit like dirt when it's mixed.

My first batch from Kout*ng was like this. The second batch had noticeably weaker smell and was a touch clumpier.

The FE was off white and had a somewhat grainy look, almost like sand. Had a similar smell to the first Kout*ng batch. Took slightly longer to dissolve, but it did.

Ontario is also slightly off white, but not as yellow as FE. Not as powdery as first Kout*ng batch, but not as grainy as the FE batch. There are some very tiny sharp hard clumps in the powder that need to be crushed first, or will have to sit in the alcohol to dissolve for a while. Strong chemical odor similar to the first Kout*ng batch.

I've never got anything that smelled what I would call "fishy".


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yea, my first order from Ontario had that real strong almost paint smell and had the sharp clumps. This batch was real powdery and had hardly any distinct odor, just a faint fish smell. Different consistency and smell altogether.

Hopefully it wont matter and it will work just as well as the Koutting and first batch form Ontario. Like finasteride said though its wierd that this stuff would be so diffeent from batch to batch and smell different too.

Oh well, I hope I just didnt blow 4 bills on some BS powder....


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finfighter said:
Hey Lakota, let me know if you get the laser, or if you have any questions about which model to get...

will do fighter, Im a little light on funds right now after paying for my RU.



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Got it today. It is white, but a tiny bit yellowish. Smells like dirt. It seem to have a little trouble dissolving in my 2ml lee's minoxidil/50mg RU solution.

How long do you usually need to dissolve it?


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There was a few small parts floating on the vehicle while the rest ray on the ground. The floating part worry me a little...


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My RU arrived yesterday from OC. Strong paint like smell, white, no clumps From what I could tell. Completely and fully dissolved in 95% rubbing alcohol.


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MrBastard said:
There was a few small parts floating on the vehicle while the rest ray on the ground. The floating part worry me a little...
I've noticed the same after mixing, if that makes you feel any better. It'll dissolve after some time.


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everlast said:
My RU arrived yesterday from OC. Strong paint like smell, white, no clumps From what I could tell. Completely and fully dissolved in 95% rubbing alcohol.
Nice. I've just placed a new order.


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What do you mean with excelent quality? white to off white, what about smell? Is it the batch from november something 2010?

I changed from lee's minoxidil with 50% alcohol/30% pg/20% water to recrea forte 5% 30% alcohol/50%pg/20% water and it dissolved ALOT faster and the 3 ml solution now look clear instead of unclear as before. Who knew... Exited to see if i can handle all the PG now.


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It's white powder. Smells like paint. The batch is from 2011/01/07.

The first batch was from 2010/10/07. It was more yellow than white, and had a strong paint odor.