Any other high school hair loss people here?


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I'm a new poster here, but a long time reader; you're post strikes a cord though, I tell you.

I'm 26 now, but I had recession at 14 too. THAT sucks, big time and nobody really wants to listen to you either, which makes it worse. I mean, I could tell the difference--and can now looking at old videos of that time--but nobody really mentioned it in my family. I think that's mostly because my older brother lost his very, very fast, also starting about that age. Mine was a lot slower. I could hide it pretty effectively until I was about 18 or 19. My brother wasn't so lucky, so I'm thankful for that at least.

A lot of people here have (and probably will again) told you to take Propecia as soon as possible, but I don't really agree with that. It was absolutely brand new when I was first losing it, but even after researching it to death and having tried it for a few months I don't know how I feel about it. I mean, it DOES work, but there is a cost. I generally felt terribly lathargic on it and the concept of taking a 'lifestyle drug' forever just killed it for me after awhile. In a good twelve years of hair loss I'm only a Norwood 3, so these things really do vary from person to person.

Best advice? Topicals are a good idea, but you probably won't like generic minoxidil very much. The PPG makes it sticky and unpleasant. Save a little longer and get the Rogaine Foam or Spectral DNC if you can swing an on-line purchase (I've never seen it anywhere locally). Don't listen to anyone about topical greentea being useless either--it is the single best thing I've ever used. Maybe its the EGCG acting as an anti-inflamitory or something else, but I use a cup of it instead of shampoo these days because it works very well to clean and doesn't dry my scalp like most commercial shampoos (I have very sensitive skin; runs in my family, my grandfather would break out into horrible hives if he even touched Tide...hopefully he didn't try to bath in it... 8) ) I brew mine with a few Saw Palmetto capsules, a supposedly mild anti-androgen. I think it is crap--never did anything for me taken internally--but I have a bottle of it left over, it thickens the tea, and can be brewed according to the label. Cheapest topical there is.

I'm convinced that those of us who lose it this young have some underlying factor. Question is...what the hell is it? I've spent three years researching an answer and I don't have it. These days I'm leaning toward 3alpha-HSD as the answer, as it is supposed to balance 5-AR in the body and also modulate mood and anxiety by acting on the GABA receptor. Aniexty problems are positively epidemic in my family, including with me, so I think boosting 3alpha-HSD is probably the answer (both the anxiety symptoms and the hair loss only show up around puberty...), but there is only one even hypothesized way to boost it: Prozac. The literature is contradictory about this, some sources say it does raise 3alpha-HSD, some say that it only acts on serotonin, but I replaced my Propecia with Prozac after three months on Propecia and I didn't experience a big shed or anything. Been almost three months on the Prozac and, whatever else it is doing for my hair, I feel better than I have in years. Hell, maybe a decade. Not that I'm telling you to try Prozac, not by any means; there are instances of hair loss associated with most SSRIs, but I personally think that's because those people were not prone to genetic hairloss and altered their 3alpha levels too high, throwing off the delicate balance with 5-AR by producing the dreaded third isoform of 3alpha, but that's all just speculation. I'm just saying you need to do your own research, check sources, and follow the thread of your own symptoms until you have an answer that works for you . After three months on Spectral, Foam, and Prozac I have more hair than I did a year ago. Time will tell if I have more coming, or if this is just the calm before the storm.

Good luck! It's really hard losing it this young, but it does not mean you will be bald by 23, like somebody here said. I wasn't.

Drop me a line sometime if you want:


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Lucky_UK said:
barcafan said:
show pics, hard to believe a 14 year old is losing it.

I was, believe me

People looked at pics of me when I was 11 and said "damn, have you always had a receeding hairline"? The youngest I ever was when someone pointed out my hairline was receeding was when I was in 12th grade.


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Best advice? Topicals are a good idea, but you probably won't like generic minoxidil very much. The PPG makes it sticky and unpleasant. Save a little longer and get the Rogaine Foam or Spectral DNC if you can swing an on-line purchase (I've never seen it anywhere locally).

Thanks for the tip. I think it's better to trust generic pills than generic liquids/foams for that reason; who knows what either company puts in there besides the active ingredient.

Don't listen to anyone about topical greentea being useless either--it is the single best thing I've ever used. Maybe its the EGCG acting as an anti-inflamitory or something else, but I use a cup of it instead of shampoo these days because it works very well to clean and doesn't dry my scalp like most commercial shampoos (I have very sensitive skin; runs in my family, my grandfather would break out into horrible hives if he even touched Tide...hopefully he didn't try to bath in it... 8) ) I brew mine with a few Saw Palmetto capsules, a supposedly mild anti-androgen. I think it is crap--never did anything for me taken internally--but I have a bottle of it left over, it thickens the tea, and can be brewed according to the label. Cheapest topical there is.

That's a MAJOR confidence boost for me then, if green tea worked for you. Most people here don't condone anything that hasn't been FDA-approved (not that I blame them), but ever since I've been applying it topically I've had a lot less inflammation and no dandruff that I can see.

Do you think the saw palmetto did anything for you when you brewed it with the tea? I've been thinking about that as well--it's cheap, so why not?--but people here who have indeed tried it report no results. But topical green tea is better than oral green tea, so why couldn't it be the same with saw palmetto?

I'm convinced that those of us who lose it this young have some underlying factor. Question is...what the hell is it? I've spent three years researching an answer and I don't have it. These days I'm leaning toward 3alpha-HSD as the answer, as it is supposed to balance 5-AR in the body and also modulate mood and anxiety by acting on the GABA receptor. Aniexty problems are positively epidemic in my family, including with me, so I think boosting 3alpha-HSD is probably the answer (both the anxiety symptoms and the hair loss only show up around puberty...), but there is only one even hypothesized way to boost it: Prozac. The literature is contradictory about this, some sources say it does raise 3alpha-HSD, some say that it only acts on serotonin, but I replaced my Propecia with Prozac after three months on Propecia and I didn't experience a big shed or anything. Been almost three months on the Prozac and, whatever else it is doing for my hair, I feel better than I have in years. Hell, maybe a decade. Not that I'm telling you to try Prozac, not by any means; there are instances of hair loss associated with most SSRIs, but I personally think that's because those people were not prone to genetic hairloss and altered their 3alpha levels too high, throwing off the delicate balance with 5-AR by producing the dreaded third isoform of 3alpha, but that's all just speculation. I'm just saying you need to do your own research, check sources, and follow the thread of your own symptoms until you have an answer that works for you . After three months on Spectral, Foam, and Prozac I have more hair than I did a year ago. Time will tell if I have more coming, or if this is just the calm before the storm.

I've been doing research about this as well, because there must be something that makes some people bald long before most others do. (Of course, I also think that male pattern baldness is at least partly caused by Westernized diet...) But I've never thought about something that controls 5-AR. And it's interesting, because I've had anxiety problems years before hairloss started for me. I'll definitely start looking up 3-alpha HSD, and the effects of Prozac on it.

Good luck! It's really hard losing it this young, but it does not mean you will be bald by 23, like somebody here said. I wasn't.

Drop me a line sometime if you want:

Thanks a lot for your post, it helped a lot. And I think I might drop you a line sometime, if you don't mind.


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jedimindtricks said:
RAKBS said:
jedimindtricks said:
Your regimen is working for you? do you even have any visible scalp?


Hmm well according to bubka, it can't work. How do you know its working, and how long have you been on it for?

Is bubka an expert or something? Anyway, I've had about 90% less inflammation, almost no dandruff, and when I shampoo I'm losing virtually 0 hairs. I've only been on it seriously for about two months, so i guess I can't be sure that it's working yet, but so far, so good.


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no, he (jedimindtricks) is just having a tiff with me because he suggest regimes, offers advice, asks if he is going bald himself, although then proclaim he is not, even though he how a few hounded posts on this forum

i have never seen a "natural" regime of topics work with substantial results, thats all


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started losing my at 16 1/2, Started with treatments at 18 1/2. Wish i had started sooner, hell 6 months - 1 year sooner would have made all the difference.


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bubka said:
no, he (jedimindtricks) is just having a tiff with me because he suggest regimes, offers advice, asks if he is going bald himself, although then proclaim he is not, even though he how a few hounded posts on this forum

i have never seen a "natural" regime of topics work with substantial results, thats all

Yeah, I don't blame you. I was really sceptical at first, but it was the best I could do at the time and it's paid off.


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bubka said:
no, he (jedimindtricks) is just having a tiff with me because he suggest regimes, offers advice, asks if he is going bald himself, although then proclaim he is not, even though he how a few hounded posts on this forum

i have never seen a "natural" regime of topics work with substantial results, thats all

Wrong. I asked if I was going bald, because I have a cowlick. I then proceeded to ask docj77 and Michael Barry, who I believe have the most knowledge along with Bryan and other posters about me going bald. They said no. Barry said to stick to Revita and that I am fine, and I have no balding. I have a few hundred posts on this forum because I am interested in hair multiplication and preventing balding.


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RAKBS said:
Drop me a line sometime if you want:

Thanks a lot for your post, it helped a lot. And I think I might drop you a line sometime, if you don't mind.

Anytime, I can share some articles you might find interesting.

And bingo about the Western diet--avoid sugar like the plague. Boosts insulin levels, an extremely powerful hormone, which jacks androgen levels way, way up after a while. Czech researchers in 2005 found that roughly 60% of women with Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is caused in part by increased androgen levels because of insulin-resistance, had young male relatives who were balding. My mother has PCOS...


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yeah, i had noticeable thinning in 10th grade, it really sucks too. If its receding then id grow it longer and that should help it. If you are thinning like me then id buzz it short, sucks and i couldnt bear to do it until just this year (12th grade), but it really helps. Good luck man just stick with and start treatments asap


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cookcubed said:
yeah, i had noticeable thinning in 10th grade, it really sucks too. If its receding then id grow it longer and that should help it. If you are thinning like me then id buzz it short, sucks and i couldnt bear to do it until just this year (12th grade), but it really helps. Good luck man just stick with and start treatments asap

I just looked at your "what's wrong with my hair?" thread, and I realized that we have exactly the same kind of hairloss: the thinning of the sides that's not really typical of m.p.b. Do you have any idea what it is? I haven't figured it out yet.

Anyway, my first day of school was today, and it was good. Just about every single person I talked to, I caught staring at my hair for a second, but there weren't any comments. (That doesn't make me feel much better though.) I made new friends, so all in all it was good. I think some of the teachers will suck though.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Cassin said:
I was once upon a time. Started in 11th grade.

My head was shaved on the sides and back...past my shoulders on top back then.



Like that....


Phil Anselmo is one of the guys who looks better shaved than with hair. And no, I don't think I started losing my hair at high school but a couple of year after it, when I was 22 or so.

some ppl just donno how to style their hair right.


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RAKBS said:
cookcubed said:
yeah, i had noticeable thinning in 10th grade, it really sucks too. If its receding then id grow it longer and that should help it. If you are thinning like me then id buzz it short, sucks and i couldnt bear to do it until just this year (12th grade), but it really helps. Good luck man just stick with and start treatments asap

I just looked at your "what's wrong with my hair?" thread, and I realized that we have exactly the same kind of hairloss: the thinning of the sides that's not really typical of m.p.b. Do you have any idea what it is? I haven't figured it out yet.

Anyway, my first day of school was today, and it was good. Just about every single person I talked to, I caught staring at my hair for a second, but there weren't any comments. (That doesn't make me feel much better though.) I made new friends, so all in all it was good. I think some of the teachers will suck though.

im starting to think its Diffuse patterned baldness, which isnt a good thing, I actually just started school too, but wore a hat today so well see sometime how it goes when i dont