
Any reliable compounding pharmacies or online stores for PPG-free minoxidil


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Hi Folks,

I've alternated between Kirkland minoxidil and a Canadian pharmacy-made low-PPG minoxidil for the last few years. In recent months it's getting harder and harder to get the Canadian formula, as they do not ship to the US and I live too far from Canada to fly up and get it.

I can tolerate Kirkland for about a year or so, but after that even with T/Gel use, my scalp starts burning, and I shed hair 1-to-1 in the area where the minoxidil is applied. It sucks because liquid minoxidil works very well for me, where the foam has not.

All the online pharmacies tend to sell formulas with finasteride, or tretinoin, or other additives I don't want. Emailed a couple places like Strut and Hims to see if they can help, but no response yet. Has anyone been able to consistently get minoxidil only w/o PPG, or with low-PPG, from a pharmacy? I'm not rich but will pay the current cost, as my scalp is so sensitive.