Any results from fluridil yet?


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about a month ago, several of you were starting fluridil, are there any positive results so far?


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I've been on it for 4+ months and as you see it's part of my regimen but it's the only thing I apply topicaly. MY hair is improving and after last hair cut I noticed my right temple is closing.


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Newbaldy84 said:
I've been on it for 4+ months and as you see it's part of my regimen but it's the only thing I apply topicaly. MY hair is improving and after last hair cut I noticed my right temple is closing.

Hey Newbaldy, I'm about to try eucapil for a couple months without dutasteride, what do you think the results would be for you if you dropped finasteride and just used revita, applepoly, and fluridil? And how often do you take finasteride?


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I take finasteride every day. Hair to say really but I think I would maintain without finasteride. I use finasteride as a safety plus it reduces my body hair to some degree which is a plus.


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one month?! c'mon give it at least 3 months and look closely for emergng hairs. Remember this will most likely not regrow the hair you have lost some time ago. It might, like in my case but my loss was recent It will thicken the hair and stop further progression.


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neo1234 said:
in 3 days its a month that i use it. no changes yet. :(

Neo, you are already on the big 3 plus some other stuff? I feel it's hard to evaluate eucapil if you are on finasteride already, cuz it won't do much if finasteride is already stopping dht from even getting to follicles. Once mine gets here I'm gonna try to stop dutasteride for a couple of months while i use eucapil to see if it can stop the major shed that usually follows quitting dutasteride after about a month. Anyone tried something similar to this?


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you have to stop dutasteride for more than a few months to see what would happen. dutasteride has a long half life.


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I've lost a bit of hairline. No huge sheds, but certainly no improvements.

I can't go back on finasteride, so... currently looking at more things to add to the regimen.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
you have to stop dutasteride for more than a few months to see what would happen. dutasteride has a long half life.

This is very true, but i do feel that after about 8 weeks of stopping dutasteride, the benefits have already begun to wear off, maybe not completely but at least in part. Let's say you start some dht blocker like fluridil as soon as you stop dutasteride, then if fluridil will work for you, you should be able to keep most hair gained on dutasteride. however if it does not work for you, then the hair gained will be lost. even tho it takes a long time for dutasteride to COMPLETELY clear your system, it should be long before that that the hair starts falling out.

For example, I started RU topically twice a day as soon as i stopped dutasteride, 2 months later, my sides were starting to wear off, but my hair looked horrible, had to stop. This exact scenario happened with minoxidil + spironolactone, and hydrocortisone 1%. Each time between 1 month to 2 months, hair looked noticeably bad, temples receded a lot, no density to speak of. However, when I stopped finasteride and started dutasteride immediately, there was no loss at all. Just my theory, that by 2 months you should either be able to say, "this product deserves more testing" or "this product definitely does not work", but NOT "this product definitely works"

jakeb, how long ago did you drop finasteride and add fluridil? sounds like you might be maintaining


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I forgot to add something else. I am also applying fluridil to my eyebrows because they are (were) bushy. The brows have thinned out and last time somebody even asked me if I am shaping my brows cuz they look so neat so I know for a fact that fluridil works.


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Newbaldy84 said:
I forgot to add something else. I am also applying fluridil to my eyebrows because they are (were) bushy. The brows have thinned out and last time somebody even asked me if I am shaping my brows cuz they look so neat so I know for a fact that fluridil works.

Newbaldy, i am confused, how does that prove that fluridil works? it's main selling point is that it blocks receptors from dht in hair follicles, causing those hairs to not die and fall out. Does putting fluridil onto eyebrow hairs cause them to fall out? and if so why would that be the case, very confusing


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body hair and beard hair need DHT to live. Head hair needs the abscence of DHT to live. They are opposite there, but both like minoxidil. It is hard to know how something affects head hair because head hair is changing. But body hair stays the same, so you can apply stuff to it and get a change. Try this with minoxidil and spironolactone, on your forearms or someplace.

They eyebrows are supposed to be neutral to androgens. So I find it odd that they fell out. Maybe the isopropyl alcohol is that unhealthy for them. But even DHT does not make head hair fall out that fast, so I doubt the alcohol is the reason. Don't know. Be very careful not to get that stuff in your eyes, though. It really burns.

I buzz my hair a lot, so I don't know if I could test it or not. I'd rather not stop buzzing it to 1/4 inch. So I don't know if I'd see a difference. Maybe in corseness or collor if I'm lucky.


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Upon closer examination, I really don't think the Fluridil is doing it for me. I hate to say that because I've still got two boxes left of the stuff. I've gone from leaning towards a N2 to leaning towards an N3.


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I started right after I quit Finasteride for good about two months ago.


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jakeb said:
I started right after I quit Finasteride for good about two months ago.

Stay on Eucapil/Fluridil for another 4+ months and then determine whether its doing anything or not. A mere 2 months is too premature to be judging the product.