Any updates on AHK-CU ???

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I have not heard of this before...

Can one of you sum up what it does and if it has any sides?



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Awesome, I'd love to get in on this.

One thing I wonder about is are there any problems with scalp-staining by using something so strongly coloured?

Though saying that I see the cream is much lighter in colour, could that be an advantage to using the cream over a liquid vehicle?


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hairhoper said:
Awesome, I'd love to get in on this.

One thing I wonder about is are there any problems with scalp-staining by using something so strongly coloured?

Though saying that I see the cream is much lighter in colour, could that be an advantage to using the cream over a liquid vehicle?

no scalp staining


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DavisNY said:
I have not heard of this before...

Can one of you sum up what it does and if it has any sides?

"AHK-Cu" is the same specific copper-peptide that's used in Tricomin, and should work the same when mixed into a cream, as the You-Tube video above shows. I'm not aware of any side effects that it has.


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finfighter said:
Yes that is true, but the problem with tricomin is, that they add so little ahk to their product, that it will not even tint the solution blue, you can see that blue dye is one of their official ingredients.

How do you know that? :dunno: Do you simply assume from the fact that they have "blue dye" listed on the label as an ingredient, that there must obviously not be enough AHK in the product even to "tint the product blue"? Do you know about that word "assume"? :)


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kinofthedemo2 said:
I know that because I have eyes in my head, this is what a 1% solution looks like. The fact that they have to dye their solution to tint it blue proves it couldn't even be 1% much less 2.5%.

Has it not even occurred to you that there might be other reasonable explanations for what they have listed on their label, other than just the wild idea that they don't really have a 1% solution of the AHK peptide, like they say they do? Like maybe that the ingredients list is just something left-over from some early version of the product, and was altered (or discarded) a long time ago? In other words, maybe you're just jumping to all kinds of conclusions, based on the presence of ONE simple ingredient: some blue dye. Seems pretty silly, to me.


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finfighter said:
My main point is that it doesn't contain 2.5% which is needed for efficacy, the color of the solution is completely different than even a 1% AHK solution. Also the fact that they don't list the percentage is very suspect.

OF COURSE it doesn't have a 2.5% solution!! They told us in plain English recently that it has a 1% solution.

As for what you think is "needed for efficacy", I doubt that you have any real idea about that. Neither does it surprise me very much that an ingredient like this is considered proprietary, and the exact percentage of it in Tricomin is withheld from us (at least until very recently).


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finfighter said:
At any rate I will have my proof soon, becuse I'm having a Tricomin sample analyzed by a colleague of mine at the analytical lab at the university of Georgia, the results should be in soon.

Do you trust him to provide reasonable and accurate results? Does he have all the equipment necessary to do the job accurately?


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finfighter said:
Oh really is it listed on there website? Or on the bottle? Or anywhere publicy no! [...]

By the way what does, ''they told us mean''?

You know as well as I do how that information was finally revealed to us.


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finfighter said:
Of course he has access, to HNMR, CNMR, HPLC, and about any analytical tool you can imagine.

When do you expect his results back?


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Bryan, you really are being silly on this one. He posts a picture of what a 1% solution looks like. A FREAKING PICTURE. And the Tric coloer is not nearly as blue and obviously looks different. Plue blue die is listed as an ingredient on the Tric bottle. That's not some "leftover" from some earlier version, they have to BY LAW list what is in their product!

Sometimes you just have to put 2 and 2 together man. Quit being so dense.


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Bryan stop being a dork :bravo:


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This is definitely one of the more interesting experiments that I could see myself having participated in. If you can share results when you're able to that would be great.
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