anybody know any back acne cures?


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This is the general hair loss discussion section, in which we can talk about anything related to hair loss. In my case, back acne is related to propecia, which is, in turn, related to hair loss. And it isn't my girl friend who shares the same problem.

Had I not asked, I wouldn't have gotten the good advice about Differen Gel, Oilatin Plus, etc.

Thanks guys.


I'm confused ?

Did you take offense at my 'back transplant' joke ?

If so, nothing intended, good luck with your acne



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Temples said:
Doesn't Accutane cause some people to lose hair?

Some swear it does. I've taken it, I was already losing hair, nothing happened to me.

You constantly hear stories like "I took accutane 3 years ago, now I'm going bald!" I could understand if you were like 15 and you suddenly had a horseshoe 2 months later, but if you're 23, you need to face reailty - that is, men as young as their teens can start balding...

No one wants to accept that maybe nature is making them go bald. No one wants to accept that maybe high levels of testosterone leads not only to bad acne but to male pattern baldness, and that maybe, just maybe, high levels of test leads to higher levels of DHT conversion.

But nah, it's easier to blame it on accutane.


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I was responding to the comment about me coming on this site and asking for advice. Apparently some choose to judge what can and cannot be said on this forum.

But yeah, this sh*t does suck, almost as much as losing my hair. Chics might be able to put up with balding, but bacne is another story. I've heard a lot of girls say that can't deal with a guy with bacne. I also have freckles on my back from a sunburn when I was 4. Man, what I wouldn't do to have a clear back and a head full of hair.


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Accutane rules.

I don't attribute my thinning crown/vertex to Accutane, at all.

I took it for only 4 months, about 7 years ago. (strongest mg dose) End all cure all for me and my severe facial & back/shoulder acne.

I had to go to the Doctor to make sure my cholesterol/lipid level was okay, while I was taking the stuff.

Accutane rules.


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Yikes another pill ...

Side Effects: Frequency:

Chapped lips 90%
Dry skin and itching 80% - the use of daily alpha hydroxacids will help prevent this side effect.
Dryness of nose, mild nosebleed 80%
Irritation of the eyelids and eyes 40% - Vitamin E 400 IU each day may lessen this side effect.
Joint and muscle pains 15%
Temporary hair thinning 10%
Rash 7%
Intestinal symptoms 5%
Urinary symptoms 5%
Headache 5%
Increased sensitivity to sunburn 5% - the use of daily sunscreen will help prevent this side effect.
Decreased night vision <1%
Depression, thoughts of suicide <1%