Guilty if:
1- male pattern baldness was not cured/treatable or a work around the problem, sci-fi sh*t like replace scalp skin with something that can grow hair with no problem or artificial hair (which would be better and stronger and never gray etc).
2- had a b**ch "wife", when i should had settled down with a strong and intelligent Lady but i had somehow fucked up, a bad mother is the least i want for my children.
3- no future plans for the kids, not a good life that i could give, or raise them properly with all my knowledge and skill, i don't want to just enjoy time with my kids and Lady, family is important, loyalty and trust, where we will go in the future and build something great together, would be cool.
4- and no matter how i think about it, the small guilt will be there, giving my children life, because life doesn't last forever... and the world will break them, they will suffer, as i have, but i hope the positivity will negate all the sh*t this world has, i hope i can be one of the positive forces, and not the opposite.
5- Haven't come this far, no Lady to call my own so i cant progress further into this