Anyone else feel this way about hats?


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Before I started to lose my hair I used to wear beanie hats all the time because I love the way they look. Id wear baseball caps too. But in an opposite move to what a lot of men do, my hair loss has made me wear hats less and less, and now I dont wear them at all. Why? Because I feel that everytime I wear one now, that when I do take it off, people will always automatically assume that the ONLY reason I am wearing it is to hide my baldness and henceforth think me very insecure and paranoid about it; And of course this is not a good thing. Does anyone else think like this about hats too and not wear them for this reason? Or do you think I am being too judgemental of what other people are like?


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i feel exactly the same
i still wear a hat in the sun to avoide skin damage but i take it of right away when im indors


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Agree. Wear a hat when the situation dictates (rest of attire, particular event, protection from sun, etc.) but don't make it a hairloss crutch. I immediately associate guys that always wear hats as either 1) not knowing any better or 2) being self-conscious re: hair or other vanity items. Neither choice is very flattering.


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Is it you in the pic? If so, you look great! Why have hair anyway?!
Your question has a tricky answer. Wear a hat that compliments you
VERY WELL and noone will think anything funny no matter what.


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i wear a hat 360 days a year, whenever and wherever i can. i've been doing it since before i had lost a single hair and i will keep doing it, i can still hide my hiarloss without a hat, i just enjoy my hat collection and ppl say i look good in hats. and i agree.


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I have been wearing a hat every day to class and am afraid to go a day without wearing it because people with clearly see I am balding....logically, they will then think I am insecure and wear a hat all the time because of it....and they will be right. If i can get to a place in my life where I don't care what people think and am comfortable with myself, the possibilities will be endless.


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I wear a cap most of the time still, but before that I used to wear a wooly hat most of the time, I always liked hiding my messy hair, even before hairloss. :)


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im pretty much a hardcore sports fan so i always wear my bears or cubs hat unless im at work or like being lazy around the house.

Hats and hairloss is a myth so im not worried about that aspect of it. I dont hide anything hell ill take it off an show people if they ask to see how im doing. i have alot of cheerleaders wanting my hair to grow back all super fast. (a few guys wanting to jump on the bandwagon also but wanna see results first)


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I dont wear a hat or beanie unless I want to wear one for the sake of wearing one. Its useless to try and cover up the loss, so all I do is grow it out, and try not to give a sh*t.

Who knows, maybe ill just pull an Art Garfunkle or a Larry once my hair starts getting really bad. It will look bizaar as hell, but at least its hair, and at least ill be happy with it/


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the handy rule of thumb is:

hats should be worn outside and when a man goes indoors, the hat should be removed.

it is considered bad manners in polite society to do otherwise.


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ginald said:
the handy rule of thumb is:

hats should be worn outside and when a man goes indoors, the hat should be removed.

it is considered bad manners in polite society to do otherwise.

Oh yea.. I think I remember my grandad telling me about that one. :p


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UK78 said:
ginald said:
the handy rule of thumb is:

hats should be worn outside and when a man goes indoors, the hat should be removed.

it is considered bad manners in polite society to do otherwise.

Oh yea.. I think I remember my grandad telling me about that one. :p
ginald might be as old as your grandad and he might have less hair the him but he still has a point
better not hang on to hats to much when your balding it just sends the wrong message


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roki said:
UK78 said:
ginald said:
the handy rule of thumb is:

hats should be worn outside and when a man goes indoors, the hat should be removed.

it is considered bad manners in polite society to do otherwise.

Oh yea.. I think I remember my grandad telling me about that one. :p
ginald might be as old as your grandad and he might have less hair the him but he still has a point
better not hang on to hats to much when your balding it just sends the wrong message

Yes it's good not to wear it all the time, but if you suit it, wear it whenever/ wherever you want, who cares if someone considers it bad manners?


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UK78 said:
roki said:
Yes it's good not to wear it all the time, but if you suit it, wear it whenever/ wherever you want, who cares if someone considers it bad manners?
you should'nt the less you care the happier you are
i wish i cared less


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manners and acceptibility has changed in todays times. its only bad manners in church or at a important event nowadays. otherwise its completely acceptable anywhere. I think the military is the only one still teaching hats off indoors. But its run by old coots.


i sometimes wear a hat to cover my baldness. when im too lazy to style my hair. but normally i do and its ok.


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roki said:
UK78 said:
ginald said:
the handy rule of thumb is:

hats should be worn outside and when a man goes indoors, the hat should be removed.

it is considered bad manners in polite society to do otherwise.

Oh yea.. I think I remember my grandad telling me about that one. :p
ginald might be as old as your grandad and he might have less hair the him but he still has a point

i'm probably older than your grandad. :lol:

and i'm damn sure i've got less hair than him. :!:


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ginald said:
i'm probably older than your grandad. :lol:

and i'm damn sure i've got less hair than him. :!: