I used to wear hats all the time before I had male pattern baldness, because I thought they looked cool. Also, I didn't worry about my hair being messed up and it affecting how I looked, with a hat you look pretty much the same all day long regardless.
Then I got male pattern baldness amd got a bald spot real quick, so I kept wearing a hat. To cover it up. But when I'd take it off, it looked really bad because I couldn't be sure my hair was combed over my bald spot. So I stopped wearing one.
Then I shaved my head because I got sick and tired of doing a comb over and wore a hat again, because I looked terrible with a bald head. But at least when I took it off I didn't have to worry about a bald spot above my temple glaring out.
Then I used propecia and didn't wear a hat, because I could comb my hair in a way it wasn't really bad looking, but it wasn't a comb over type of thing.
My hair is pretty good now, because of hair transplants and whatever else I've done that may have helped my hair situation, but I don't wear a hat now because I still have to style it to make the hair loss less noticable. When my hiar is perfect I'll probably go back to wearing a hat sometimes, because I think it looks good on me, and it's easy. I don't particularly like styling my hair, even if it does look good that way. Of course everything depends on the hat, and most hats look dumb on me, and make me look worse. I believe a few have made me look better, and when I have worn hats in the past that I thought did do that, I got some props for them.
I'm looking forward to at least going hat shopping.