I know the feeling. I have been slowly receeding since 17. I've actually been 'lucky' to hold onto my hair until almost 30, but I go through periods where I just think, for fucks sake, is this really my fate?
I know I'm getting closer to shaving down my nw3.5 to a trim and grow a beard. There really is no other option. I just despair at how bad it looks. That's the problem with hairloss. It's not just that it's a loss of ego, but it actually looks like sh*t when you grow your hair out. I have this bulbous forehead as well, my skull seems to have a kind of v shape, but I'm sure the longer my hair grows out, the worse it begins to look.
I have documented this 'cycle' on here before. When I get my hair cropped down it's OK, even sometimes I feel attractive, and then after a week or so, I begin to feel unattractive again. It's a tiresome period. At least by committing to a short buzz, you are no longer at mercy to the 'haircut, look good, then look sh*t cycle' as the hair begins to grow out again. You keep your look the same kind of way. I'm just concerned about how my hairline may look, or how 'obvious' my recession may look. But I've seen a few videos, from the likes of Nick Cage; although his motives seem unclear, there are some useful videos where he shows the difference between a 0.5/1 and so on. It seems like a short crop looks much better.
But then, I get worried about my ears, they're wider then I'd like. Although I don't think the ears will necessarily look much wider, but it's a question of how noticeable it gets. Anyway, the truth is I know I've been talking about shaving for a while and taking some control back. I think that's important in the balding process. If we 'just' go bald slowly, it is a kind of torture if we don't do anything.
My personal belief is that taking drugs are not helping that victim cycle of balding. Because you are just holding on. Maybe hair transplant's or other solutions could be argued differently though. I imagine most balding guys - once they begin to shave/trim, and take control of their situation start to feel better. You are then no longer at mercy of your hairline or your hairdresser. You choose when to trim, and it looks like it does all of the time granted you trim every few days or a week. I think taking control is going to be a much better solution then being in the shitty balding and it sucks cycle.
I think we get to a point (at different times) when we realise that hair can't serve us anymore. The awkward period is the stage of denial where we hold onto our hair, even though it looks like a crappy bush on our head. It's time for me to let go of styling my hair and embrace a buzzed look.
Going to get a haircut over the next two days and depending on how it looks, I may just go and trim it. I'm tired of being a prisoner to a mirror.