Anyone try black tea + soy?


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In light of the study that showed green tea alone raised DHT levels while black tea and soy decreased DHT levels in mice, I was wondering if anyone has tried a regimen with black tea and soy isoflavones together?

The study did say that green tea when combined with soy had a synergistic effect that would decrease DHT, but I am afraid to go down that route because the amount of soy used in the study was quite high so I'm not quite sure whether a normal regimen would work the same way. I have been trying black tea + soy isoflavones (50mg) for a few weeks now... was curious if anyone else has been and how it's worked for them?


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treadstone said:
In light of the study that showed green tea alone raised DHT levels while black tea and soy decreased DHT levels in mice, I was wondering if anyone has tried a regimen with black tea and soy isoflavones together?

The study did say that green tea when combined with soy had a synergistic effect that would decrease DHT, but I am afraid to go down that route because the amount of soy used in the study was quite high so I'm not quite sure whether a normal regimen would work the same way. I have been trying black tea + soy isoflavones (50mg) for a few weeks now... was curious if anyone else has been and how it's worked for them?

I've been takind DIM since 4 months and soy isoflavones 50mg for a month..SO far so good! But I am on a hard core regimen so really tough to say what does what! I am just trying to balance my hormones because I am pretty sure that the endocrine system is the main problem in male pattern baldness.I just don't believe in a low testosterone life! I am a man! Just balance it!


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Isoflavones = good estrogen...I got no tits yet.


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They're still estrogens though. Noticed any sides that could be due to high estrogene lvl's? Will you have some bloodwork done?


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Soy isoflavones is a good antioxidant, reduce cancer risk and heart disease, lowering cholesterol, high quality protein, just to name a few.. Like everything that maybe can affect your hormones..I just don't mega dose it.,also they are saying that Soy helps boost production in the intestines of equol, a substance that binds to dihydrotestosterone..and administration of capsaicin and isoflavone promotes hair growth by increasing insulin-like growth factor-I production in mice and in humans with alopecia... :punk: that is why I take damn SOY everyday!! BTW. take it with Soynatto for better absorption.


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Estrogenes = good for hair
Estrogenes = bad for male bodies.

Hairloss sucks.


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I think it's too soon to say definitively at this point (also keep in mind it was done in mice). It was also discussed in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=31510 in the New Research forums.

However, I would argue in the meantime black tea would be the safer bet.


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I am still taking green tea.,. God guys! You guys are way overkill about DHT lol..... :dunno:

the Last Fight

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Speaking of overkill i was checking your regimen and .. lol. im kddn .. hey every little thing count, if green tea can have a neg effect on my hair and im drinking 3-4 cups of it a day raional thinkg is that maybe i should chill on all the tea, even tough i really like it .. ill sub it with balck tea for now

the Last Fight

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Mainly i do like, but all the psotive factors for your health that came along with it .. during that time i have suffered my worst hair loss at any time of my life .. not sure if its connected but im not gonna risk it


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I'm right with you on the point that every little bit helps. That's my reasoning for taking the black tea... I have no delusions that it will have major effects comparable to say Finasteride. But if it helps even a little in decreasing DHT, why not have a cup or two a day? :)