
Aplunk1's 1-Year Avodart & Rogaine Results (/w More Phot


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The content of my progress is split into seven sections.

I. Introduction and Regimen
II. History
III. Expectations
IV. Progress (Photographic Assessment)
V. Side effects
VI. Evaluation
VII. Forum Opinion & Future Expectations

I. Introduction and Regimen

I'm Aplunk1, and I've been a member of these boards for over a year. I've visited these boards long before I became a member. (For all the guests reading this, I strongly urge you to register and join the forums.) Since joining these boards, I have documented my year-long progress with Avodart & Rogaine as a treatment for my hairloss. I am a Norwood 2 on the Norwood-Hamilton Scale, and most of my problems now are just
in the hairline region.

My regimen, fundamentally, consists of:

1 capsule daily.I take it with coffee or green tea on an empty stomache.

Rogaine (foam & liquid)
I apply it over the front, temples, mid-scalp, and crown, twice daily. Rogaine has proved to be perhaps the most crucial component of my hairloss regimen. The Rogaine liquid, which is now being pushed out of my regimen, causes lots of dandruff. It's being phased out now, and the foam is now being used.

Copper Peptides
2 times daily. Although I've used many brands of copper peptides, I only recommend Tricomin or American Crew Revitalize. I
personally prefer the American Crew Revitalize for its smell and added anti-hairloss components. (As well as the price!)

3x Nizoral or Head & Shoulders During the Week
Keeps the liquid Rogaine itching down, and helps to regrow hair. These shampoos really compliment a hairloss sufferer's regimen.

3-6 Grams of MSM
Keeps hairs in the growing phase longer, grows hairs longer and darker. Excellent for achieving faster results.

The regimen used during the first 6 months of treatment, which yielded the BEST results, but was very time consuming:

1x Avodart
2x Rogaine
2x Topical spironolactone Lotion (5%)
1x Topical spironolactone Liquid (2%)
3x weekly Nizoral and Nioxin Shampoo (#2)
5-8 Grams of MSM
1-2 L-Lysine Tablets (500mg I believe?)
2-3 grams of L-Arginine
2x Tricomin Follicle Therapy Spray

II. History

Prior to joining these boards and my treatment with Avodart (dutasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil), I was prescribed Propecia.
I was 19 years old at the time, and used Propecia for 10 and a half months, somewhat inconsistently (meaning I skipped a few days every month) I had a quarter-sized baldspot on the back of my head, and the density of my hair on top was cut in half. Propecia did very little for me,
except that is helped to regrow the baldspot... Yet, my hair still thinned. I was a Norwood 1/1.5 when I began Propecia, and I maintined the same coverage area, except that it hair became thinner and density decreased... Sort of like diffuse thinning.

This is my Norwood, according to the new Armani Hairloss Scale:


The sexual side effects from Propecia were VERY evident. I had impotence, severely decreased libido, nervousness, anxiety, and depression. I really feel that the psychological effects were directly related to my use of Propecia.

I had about quit everything until I made the excellent decision to use Avodart, in conjunction with Rogaine. Supposedly, these two medications will greatly help hault further hairloss, and provide moderate to good regrowth.

Well, an entire year has passed rather quickly, and it seems that the results are still coming. You will see the photos below.

This is a pic of my hair in May, 2005:


and in June, 2005:


III. Expectations

My expectations with Propecia, simply, were a hault of all further hairloss, regrowth, and more density. That never happened within those 10 and a half months.

Before beginning Avodart OR Propecia, I told myself that I wouldn't care if I had a receding hairline, so long as the hair atop was still thick.

IV. Progress (Photo Assessment)

Monthly photos can be found at my hairloss journal ( ) I am only displaying a few here so that the page can load quicker.

Avodart, Day 1:



Avodart, 5.5 Months (Months 1-6, the Kitchen Sink Approach):




Avodart, 10 Months:




Avodart, 1 Year:
Granted, I knowI have quite a bit of dandruff in these pictures. It's not actually dandruff, but PPG, from liquid minoxidil. Unable to afford the foam the last few months, I've been using generic minoxidil to substitute. I'm never, EVER doing back to liquid minoxidil after seeing these pictures. Luckily, I just got my new three-month supply of Rogaine Foam.

Sorry about the quality of the pictures. I will provide better pics within the week. :)





V. Side Effects

Though I had severe side effects with Propecia, my side effects with dutasteride are NOTHING in comparison.

During the first 4-6 months of use, I noticed absolutely NO side effects.

There are a few things I now notice, and they include:

Decrease in Libido
This wasn't a problem the first 6 months, but it has gradually come and gone. It hasn't been bothering me lately, and I can still easily get it up... Nothing compared to the loss of libido on Propecia.

Decreased Focus/Brain Fog
Unfortunately, I've found that Avodart has made me often feel slightly light-headed, as if dehydrated, 1-3 hours after taking it. It gradually goes away. I, of course, take it on an empty stomache, which could be causing this.

Disappearance of ACNE
All gone... All of it. It's wonderful :) Finasteride, on the other hand, increased the acne on my body. Fortunately, the Avodart has cleared it up VERY well.

Increased Belly and Chest Fat
This is a serious problem for me, because I've noticed some serious gains in chest fat. They're not a problem right now, but they may be symptomatic of gynocomastia.

Infreqeuent Headaches
Goes hand-in-hand with the brain fog.

Decrease in Body Hair
Decrease in arm and leg hair. I like it.

Slight Abdominal Pain

In the lower right side of my body. It could be my liver-- I should have blood tests taken.

Monthly Hair-Shedding Cycles
Every few weeks, or about once a month, I'll routinely go through large amount of hairloss, which hardly make a visible impact. The hair regrows, usually thicker and better-looking.

VI. Evaluation

During the course of 1 year of Avodart therapy, I've come to the conclusion that Avodart is a superior drug compared to Propecia. The side effects, for me,
are significantly less, manifest in less ways, and has the potential to regrow and maintain much more hair.

VII. Forum Opinion & Future Expectations

Members of the forum, I ask for your opinions on the future course of my treatment. I feel that I have yielded excellent results on Avodart, but cost is an issue for this poor college student.
I'm considering switching to generic dutasteride, while maintaining the other treatments in my regimen. But, I'm also tempted to try Proscar, 1.25 mg of finasteride, in hopes that it will cut down on the cost,
and that the side effects might not return.

I hope to maintain a NW2-3 status for my 20's, and possibly 30's.

That's it for now. I'm rather exhausted.

Please feel free to leave questions, comments, or suggestions. I'm all ears.


Experienced Member
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Very nicely presented Aplunk, sir.

Your hair is looking great IMO. No one would be able to tell if you are losing hair/or have lost a little hair, even when buzzed.

I use generic dutasteride from Cipla(Duprost) and it works fine. I would definately try the switch. Much cheaper and many/most use generics with good results. I know ppl who have used Avodart for a year then switched over to generic and said they never missed a beat with it.

Also, you said you noticed a decrease in acne. Is that just body acne or facial too? What about oil production, did dutasteride reduce your oil production at all, esp. on the face?


Experienced Member
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havent read all of this but jeez man very formally written, like a college thesis...

ur hair looks good- but man please do something about those flakes!


Re: Aplunk1's 1-Year Avodart & Rogaine Results (Photos)

Aplunk1 said:
Members of the forum, I ask for your opinions on the future course of my treatment. I feel that I have yielded excellent results on Avodart, but cost is an issue for this poor college student.
I'm considering switching to generic dutasteride, while maintaining the other treatments in my regimen. But, I'm also tempted to try Proscar, 1.25 mg of finasteride, in hopes that it will cut down on the cost,
and that the side effects might not return.

I hope to maintain a NW2-3 status for my 20's, and possibly 30's.

That's it for now. I'm rather exhausted.

Please feel free to leave questions, comments, or suggestions. I'm all ears.

Good post.

I think that it would be a mistake to go back to finasteride after all the side effects it gave you. I don't see anything that could be gained by doing that, but there is a lot to lose. You could lose some of the hair that Avodart regrew for you on top and in your crown region, and of course the sides could return as well. So if money is an issue then just switch to a reliable generic like Dr Reddy's dutas for $360 a year from Inhouse. If that's too much money then just take it every other day. I'm confident that every other day will be able to maintain your gains until you get out of college and can better afford it.

Question on the AC revitalize spray though. I had been under the impression that AC changed the copper components of their Revitalize line and that the new formulation didn't do much for hair. What are your thoughts on this, or are you buying the old AC formulation off Ebay or something?

As for the MSM, can you better explain how it works? I've always been puzzled by how it works because I learned in high school that hair grows at a specific rate and to a maximum length in anagen, and that these two things are dependent on genetics.


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damn gaps in posts :).

but seriously as we have spoken about, shell the money out for a good haircut. and maybe some antidandruff shampoo :)


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lol, Powersam

Jayman, I'm kind of thinking the way you are. I don't want to lose an of the my gains, so I might start taking generic dutasteride soon. And about AC Revitalize, yes, it definitely has changed. I have been ordering online from sellers who are selling the "original" formula, which is usuall mentioned on the product page. I've only tried the Nutra-Rich Copper Complex spray, and not their "new" one.

To my understanding, MSM has a very interesting effect on the hair, skin, and nails. Hair-wise, however, MSM in doses of 3grams and more will help keep the hair in the anagen phase longer and grow faster. I don't know the chemical understanding for why it does it, but I think it's a helpful in growing a style out quickly, and improving the vitality of each stand.

haha, thank you, my friend. I wrote this in a hurry, so I feel like I'm omitting tons of things I wanted to say. Thanks for the tip-- I've switched over to Rogaine Foam, so I hope that the flakes will eventually go away. It's embarrassing :oops:

thanks for your comment. I'm glad Duprost is working for you. I'm potentially thinking about trying the new brand of dutasteride, Veltride. And my acne-- when I started Avodart, I had acne on my shoulders and lower back (disgusting, I know). I tried everything-- antibiotics, soaps, everything but Accutane. Anyway, I had no idea that dutasteride would obliterate any acne I had. I can't comment on oil production, though, the appearance of my face and clarity of my skin has greatly improved over the last year. :)


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Uhm what I REALLY dont get?
Why would finasteride give you side effects? And dutasteride wouldnt?


Established Member
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Yeah, I don't get that either. dutasteride would theoretically give you more side effects than finasteride.


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danish82 said:
Uhm what I REALLY dont get?
Why would finasteride give you side effects? And dutasteride wouldnt?

blueshard said:
Yeah, I don't get that either. dutasteride would theoretically give you more side effects than finasteride.

danish82 and blueshard,

I'm rather surprised myself to find that finasteride had greater side effects than dutasteride, for me. Theoretically, it should be the other way around, but if you'll search through these forums and the various other hairloss forums on the internet, you'll find that it's quite common for someone to have side effects on finasteride, yet have no side effects on dutasteride.

In my opinion, it has something to do wtih the chemical properties of both finasteride and dutasteride. While someone in my position may react strongly to finasteride, having awful sexual side effects, the chemical composition of dutasteride may have lesser reactions in my body-- less side effects.

I guess that I can't give an expert opinion... Maybe Bryan or someone else can help?


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It's great that you are clearly having success in regrowing your hair. The problem I see is the rampant use of dutasteride. I could be wrong, but it seems no doctor worth his degree would prescribe dutasteride to any young man. I agree that it is the best weapon against hairloss, but at what cost? I think it's a stretch to say that anyone who takes dutasteride would get off scott free with sides. You did allude to increase in fat in chest and belly fat, and that does seem like a corollary to dutasteride. I guess it comes down to the people that are willing to take a risk on something that is not recommended by doctors for the treatment of hairloss. Once I believe that I have crossed the line where my propecia completely stop working, I too might cross that line and take it.

Captain Obvious

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This guy!

You have great hair, you SOB! I swear if I was behind you in the checkout lane at the supermarket I would be jealous of that hair.


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This story really makes me consider dutas, I get bad sexual side effects from propecia, and acne. And my hair is like yours.
But im to affraid to try it..


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danish82 said:
This story really makes me consider dutas, I get bad sexual side effects from propecia, and acne. And my hair is like yours.
But im to affraid to try it..

Hi danish82,

you may want to consult your doctor for a prescription for dutasteride. I can assure that any side effects (if any, as the side effects on dutasteride are technically "rare") then they will go away during treatment, or they will vanish once you stop taking the medicine.

I really think that dutasteride will make anyone's hair benefit, as long as they stick to it for the necessary time, 6-12+ months.

Those who complain about immediate shedding once they've started dutasteride probably haven't kept using dutasteride enough to experience any real hair results.


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StoptheMadness said:
It's great that you are clearly having success in regrowing your hair. The problem I see is the rampant use of dutasteride. I could be wrong, but it seems no doctor worth his degree would prescribe dutasteride to any young man. I agree that it is the best weapon against hairloss, but at what cost? I think it's a stretch to say that anyone who takes dutasteride would get off scott free with sides. You did allude to increase in fat in chest and belly fat, and that does seem like a corollary to dutasteride. I guess it comes down to the people that are willing to take a risk on something that is not recommended by doctors for the treatment of hairloss. Once I believe that I have crossed the line where my propecia completely stop working, I too might cross that line and take it.

Excellent argument, StoptheMadness.

I don't understand how you would describe the users of this forum as "rampantly" using dutasteride. I can assure that I have a prescription for genuine dutasteride or Avodart.

But, I'll give it to you that a systemic drug like Avodart CAN have side effects. They occur in less than 5% of patients, and, the younger the patient, the more likely it will probably happen (in my opinion).

StoptheMadness, when I first began Avodart, I had given up on a lot of things. I was very disappointed with a clearly diffuse Norwood 2/3, a growing baldspot, and the ridiculous amoutn of hair I was losing. In fact, my older brother is now a Norwood 4, without any treatments.

The research that I've compiled and examined has warranted my usage of dutasteride-- In many respects, it can be said that dutasteride has given me the regrowth and confidence to help move on with my life. And for that reason, I'm very content with this drug.

Although it may never be approved for hairloss, making it past Phase II trials for hairloss is a CLEAR indication that it's a safe and effective drug. While it may not possess the long-term data of Phase III trials, there are Phase III trials for its treatment of BPH, the same condition that finasteride treats.

I hope Propecia is working for you. If you aren't satisfied with it, then you might want to talk to your doctor about Avodart. That's just my opinion. :D


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Captain Obvious said:
This guy!

You have great hair, you SOB! I swear if I was behind you in the checkout lane at the supermarket I would be jealous of that hair.


I appreciate the kind words, CO.


Senior Member
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Hey Aplunk - great post man! Your hair looks good as usual. I'd also suggest a blood test to make sure everything is going well. Goodluck!


Experienced Member
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Great job Aplunk1, and hair is looking great, BUT....

... Why aren´t you growing an afro celebrating the success??

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, dude, if I were you I´d grow my hair like Jim Morrison...

Lucky bastard!!!


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Did a general practioner or dermatologist prescribe the avodart? I brought up dutasteride to mine and he had to check his medical book to see that it was FDA approved for hairloss. He would never prescribe dutasteride although he did prescribe the propecia for me (and he does have some qualms about that even). Again I am sure *most* doctors would not presrcibe it for hairloss, only for BPH. I would think that doctors would have to their due diligence in looking out for the safety of their patients when long term effects are not know. So I am just surprised your doctor prescibed it to you. Did you have to convince him?

Propecia is working well to keep a relatively full head of hair for the past 3 yrs, but of course its s-l-o-w-l-y losing it's effectiveness. It's a great drug and it really does wonders, but I realize it's not the best due to the emergence of dutasteride.

The one main thing that bothers me is increased possibility of gyno with dutasteride. Propecia seems to cause this, and dutasteride would seem to be a more potent enabler of gyno. I hope you will be honest about this possible side effect for all of us, I have no reason to believe you wouldn't be.

All in all I am glad that your life is improved. I'm sure you feel a little better each day, knowing you are further from the bad days you remember (but knowing they are never that far behind).


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Thanks StoptheMadness,

at first, I had write me a script, then I later had a local dermatologist write me a 3-month script. He had no qualms prescribing the Avodart, as he had given it out to a few people who had asked for it.

At first, I brought up my history of Propecia, and then asked about Avodart as a treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia. He said that Avodart would probably give me better results, so I got a script filled.

I haven't checked back in to his office-- maybe I should drop him an e-mail telling him that I've improved on Avodart.

That was a wonderful post, StoptheMadness, and your concern is important. The side effects of dutasteride are there, and slightly higher than Propecia's (technically), but I think it would be worth a try to start up on Avodart if Propecia isn't cutting it.

And as for gynocomastia, I haven't developed it. Sure, I have a little bit fattier chest and belly, but I've also mentioned in other posts that I've gained quite a bit of weight in the last few months because of another medicine I take. So, the weightgain side effects coincides with the fatty chest and belly. I have no pain in my chest, which is common of gynocomastia.


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thanks again for your comments and the help you've give me over the last year. I noticed you don't post as much here. You're one of my favorite posters here, and I hope you stick around more.

I'll look into getting a blood test done. How much does it cost to check the hormone levels?

haha, that cracked me up. My hair is curly and wavy enough to get an afro going on, lol, but it would be kind of thin :(

Thanks for everything!