
Aplunk1's 1-Year Avodart & Rogaine Results (/w More Phot


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Aplunk, looks good! Just wonderin, do u put minoxidil all over the top, or just hairline/crown?


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chino20 said:
Aplunk, looks good! Just wonderin, do u put minoxidil all over the top, or just hairline/crown?

Hairline, Temples, Mid-Scalpe (Anterior), and Crown (Vertex) -- so all over. :)

(And it works all over, too!)


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Not getting a hard on as a result of taken Avodart, is just as much psychological than anything else.

Before we take Propecia of Avodart, we are made aware that it may have sexual side effects, by our peers (on forums) and even by doctors.

Because some people don't have a previous belief surrounding its effect (through lack of education), when they are told it will f#@K with your johnson, their subconscious minds believe it and in turn makes it a reality. That's human nature.


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I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

Are you suggesting that all of the side effects I've listed are imagined?


Aplunk1 said:
I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

Are you suggesting that all of the side effects I've listed are imagined?

I think all he's saying is that some side effects can stem from psychological fears of the sides. When you hear from people on here and from natural competitors that propecia will give you or has a great chance of giving you sexual asides then some people will start to expect the sides and monitor their sexual behavior extra closely.

I don't doubt that you had sides, especially because you are experiencing none on dutasteride, but I do find it hard to believe that all the people on here who claim that they got sides actually had them. 3-4% is 3-4%, period. Not 75% like it seems on here. No one's penis falls off from these drugs.


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Great results & congrats!

We need more success stories like yours to lift our spirits.

I’ve been on Avodart for 4.5 months, and can’t wait for it to kick in.


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Thanks Strat54,

that's quite the regimen you have! Please keep us updated, and take regular photos so you can compare yourself. Goodluck.


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JayMan said:
I don't doubt that you had sides, especially because you are experiencing none on dutasteride, but I do find it hard to believe that all the people on here who claim that they got sides actually had them. 3-4% is 3-4%, period. Not 75% like it seems on here. No one's penis falls off from these drugs.

I agree with you, I find it so hard to believe how many people on here get sides, and it must be because they are looking for them. So when the small changes take place (which the uninformed wouldn't notice) they immediately panic and believe they are getting bad sides.

However with the 3-4% or 2%, it must be remembered that this is just one study. A smaller but more recent study found the side effects of finasteride closer to 25%.

More importantly it should be remembered most drug companies get the results they want in their trials.


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Felk said:
JayMan said:
...More importantly it should be remembered most drug companies get the results they want in their trials.

Damn good statement!

Probably why half the sh*t we take, Propecia, Avodart, etc doesn't work as well as it should.


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JayMan said:
Aplunk1 said:
I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

Are you suggesting that all of the side effects I've listed are imagined?

I think all he's saying is that some side effects can stem from psychological fears of the sides. When you hear from people on here and from natural competitors that propecia will give you or has a great chance of giving you sexual asides then some people will start to expect the sides and monitor their sexual behavior extra closely.

I don't doubt that you had sides, especially because you are experiencing none on dutasteride, but I do find it hard to believe that all the people on here who claim that they got sides actually had them. 3-4% is 3-4%, period. Not 75% like it seems on here. No one's penis falls off from these drugs.

Before i started this stuff I could get it up anytime anywhere without even thiinking about it. It would actually bother me. Now on it I do have to make an effort and it (to me) feels just slightly less hard.... But its not like it fell off and i cant get it up at all. I actually feel like i have a little more control so it doesnt bother me none.

I know it isnt in my head because i jumped in not giving 2 shits about side effects and just wanting hair back. And from a social standpoint its always the people that have problems that complain(or look for answers)..... if someone isnt having any worries or problems on anything they usually dont say anything unless asked. Thats why you see the majority of people having problems and not a million "everything is fine" posts.


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aplunk, get the f*** off this website and never come back man. visiting this webpage when your hair looks like that is doing more harm than good in my opinion. use your avodart and minoxidil and never think about hairloss again.


Felk said:
JayMan said:
I don't doubt that you had sides, especially because you are experiencing none on dutasteride, but I do find it hard to believe that all the people on here who claim that they got sides actually had them. 3-4% is 3-4%, period. Not 75% like it seems on here. No one's penis falls off from these drugs.

I agree with you, I find it so hard to believe how many people on here get sides, and it must be because they are looking for them. So when the small changes take place (which the uninformed wouldn't notice) they immediately panic and believe they are getting bad sides.

However with the 3-4% or 2%, it must be remembered that this is just one study. A smaller but more recent study found the side effects of finasteride closer to 25%.

More importantly it should be remembered most drug companies get the results they want in their trials.

Do you have a link to this study? 25% sounds much more realistic to me. I am getting sides as well, but damn I want hair so much....


Taugenichts said:
Felk said:
JayMan said:
I don't doubt that you had sides, especially because you are experiencing none on dutasteride, but I do find it hard to believe that all the people on here who claim that they got sides actually had them. 3-4% is 3-4%, period. Not 75% like it seems on here. No one's penis falls off from these drugs.

I agree with you, I find it so hard to believe how many people on here get sides, and it must be because they are looking for them. So when the small changes take place (which the uninformed wouldn't notice) they immediately panic and believe they are getting bad sides.

However with the 3-4% or 2%, it must be remembered that this is just one study. A smaller but more recent study found the side effects of finasteride closer to 25%.

More importantly it should be remembered most drug companies get the results they want in their trials.

Do you have a link to this study? 25% sounds much more realistic to me. I am getting sides as well, but damn I want hair so much....

Tough decision I guess. Me If I had sides from them like I wasn't able to get it up or didn't want to I'd rather lose my hair, but I guess it's easy to say that as someone who has actually gotten a somewhat increased libido from the drugs. Just watch your titties closely and make sure you have no sgins of gyno. Also if you're on finasteride now, try switching to dutasteride. That's what aplunk and others have done and their sides disappeared. That's not why they switched, to get rid of the sides, but it's a nice benefit obviously. The drugs have totally different compositions so it's possible for you to have no sides on dutasteride after having them on finasteride.

But then people will tell you that dutasteride is unsafe blah blah blah evil merck gsk f*****g american drug companies blah blah. SO then you have to decide whether it's worth risking brain damage to have your nw2. . :lol:


To me it is not a tough decision. I love my hair and I would do anything to keep it. It is not that I have a problem to get it up. The problem is that I have no desire to do so and jerk off. I have lost my sex drive completly. But since I don´t have a girlfriend anyways this is not a big problem at the moment. And there is always L-Arginine or maybe even v**** left if I ever need it to. To counter gyno I have started to do pushups like crazy in order to prevent fat on my chest. Works quite good so far.

But yeah, I have read quite a few times that people have less sides on dutasteride than on finasteride. I will definetly try it. It is just a matter of time. I am not scarred of it. Dying from a car accident is about one million times more likely than dying from dutasteride.


if gyno is going to happen, it's going to happen, regardless of how many pushups you do. i'm not in fantastic shape and i have no tits from dutasteride. but i wouldn't worry about gyno since it's so rare.


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if it does happen just cut your dose or take some anti estrogen crap. simple as that. it is reversable. Your not going to be man boob scarred for the rest of your life


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A few more pics...

I forgot to mention in my update that it appears I'm getting even MORE regrowth from the Rogaine foam... Certainly the crown is amazing right now.





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And to the people who suggest that I've never experienced sexual side effects:

About 2-3 months into my quotidian dose of Propecia, I began noticing it was increasinly difficult to get up and maintain an erection. I even documented this in a personal journal.

I remember meeting a girlfriend, whom lived a few cities over, and we rented a hotel room. For the first time in my life, I was unable to get an erection. We tried for hours. I was only 19. Pretty bad, huh?

This went on for quite a while... about 9 or 10 months into my Propecia, it started to get a little bit better, but it was still not the same.

I hope you can all trust that I'm giving you my honest, unbiased opinion of the side effects of these two drugs.


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Taugenichts said:
Do you have a link to this study? 25% sounds much more realistic to me. I am getting sides as well, but damn I want hair so much....

Here you go, Dave001 posted it a while ago.

Dave001 said:
A recent, albeit much smaller trial than those financed by Merck, found a much higher incidence of adverse effects from oral finasteride.

Prasad, H., N. Khanna and R. Pandhi (2005). "A randomized double blind study of the effect of finasteride on hair growth in male patients of androgenetic alopecia." Indian Journal of Dermatology 50(3): 139-145.

"Ten (25%) of finasteride treated patients developed adverse effects (5-decreased libido as well as erectile dysfunction, 4-erectile dysfunction, 1-decreased libido). Finasteride in comparison to placebo was effective in promoting hair growth in male patients of Androgenetic Alopecia. However, the side effects to the drug were high in this study."