Apple Cider Vinegar

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Men, listen! This is it- the holy grail of getting your hair back. About three months ago I found an article about organic apple cider vinegar curing baldness. You can either drink a few tablespoons of it straight several times a day or mix it with water. I've ben doing this for three months now, and I have hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's absolutely shocking. The crown of my head (where there wasn't even any fuzz- pure slick skin) is now covered in hair- not even fuzz - real hair. Even the frnt of my original hair line is growing back. I'm trying to share this with anyone who will listen. Not only this, but my digestive system has worked better than ever, my blood pressure went from 138 to 111, and I have no stiffness in my joints and my hands.


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WOW! Does it makes you younger too!!?? i sure bet it does! :gay: :gay: :gay:


Brains Expel Hair

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Even though this post looks amazingly like some random "buy my snake oil product now" claim, unfiltered/unpasteurized vinegar is fungistatic and possibly fungicidal in large enough dosages meaning it would work along the same lines as Nizoral in a hair care treatment just not as effective.

Bragg's is a fairly large and established food manufacturer, I highly doubt they'd resort to random message board spamming.


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I posted this because it is true, not because I'm some kind of rep. And yes, it does seem to make me younger- I've increased my running (no knee pain) and my skin looks great. Have you tried it? What's that expression? Don't knock it...? But hey-- What was that about the gluten? My mom was diagnosed with Celiac disease last year, and seeing the writing on the wall, I've switched to a basically gluten-free diet as well. Is that helping with hair re-growth, too?


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Very interesting. I have heard of acv being good for hair loss but.. incredible you claim such a degree of success. How severe is/was your loss and rate of loss?

EDIT -- ah yes I would imagine the gluten thing may have significance. Shame though as it would be nice to believe acv has the potential that you claim! :)


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I know it sounds too good to be true. I have tried everything in the past to no avail. But when I started seeing results within about a month, I was shocked. I was bald on the very top of my crown, with a kind of dip in the very back part. The dip is completely filled in, the square-inch area (right terminology??) of my bald spot has decreased significantly, and - the most encouraging thing of all- there are hairs growing where there was nothing but smooth skin. Here is how it seems to go down- I've been seeing little dark pin-hole size dots coming above from where my hairline is. Then I begin to see actual hairs growing from those dots. They are getting longer and longer-- I can see them sticking straight up as they are not long enough to comb over. There are more and more of them everyday- I can't wait to wake up each morning. I know it sounds phony-- I joined this forum because I just couldn't keep my results to myself. I'm a teacher- I am always trying to learn about new ideas and discoveries and am willing to give pretty much anything a shot. I have our school nurse- male- a retired navy nurse- giving it a try. I'll report his discoveries as well. AND-- my 75-year-old mother-in-law has been using it for other health issues. She recently was found to have too high of a blood-sugar level. She began using acv, and her levels went way down! I'll try to upload some progress photos of my results. Another great thing (sadly, it just tastes nasty- envision Dumbledore drinking that stuff in the last HP movie) it's so cheap! I get it for $4 at Kroger and a bottle lasts about a week and a half. PLUS you know what your putting in yourself! The nasty taste goes away within about 10 seconds. Give it a try!

Brains Expel Hair

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ACV in it's unfiltered/unpasteurized state is a probiotic. Gluten Issues normally are highly correlated with abnormal intestinal bacterial growth and as such along with vitamins it's normally recommended that anyone going gluten-free for health reasons to also supplement with probiotics.

Probiotics are also useful in attacking things such as yeast overgrowths such as what Nizoral shampoo is used for. Having celiac disease is also heavily correlated to an increased susceptibility to yeast infections. Not only have probiotics been shown to aid in hair loss treatment efficacy but they also improve complexion and reduce intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome).

Celiac disease is first and foremost a genetic condition meaning that if your mom has it then you've got good chances of having it too. Treatment with something like ACV or other probiotics would help alleviate some of the issues related to the disease but they would all be temporary cures as the underlying problem (gluten consumption) would continue without dietary change and would continue undermining the immune system.

I personally take the probiotic pills because I like looking for specific species contained in some brands that would not be present in ACV. However if it's working for you then by all means continue it along with your trial of a GF diet, which you'd probably want to take make full gluten-free. ACV is certainly a hell of a lot less expensive than the probiotic pills!


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acvfan - PLEASE keep us updated.

I'm very curious about this as I have seen other claims about this over the years.

How bad is your hairloss at your hairline? You said your regrowing there too, correct?

I have started taking ACV as well... if it doesnt help the hair at least there are plenty of health benefits.

Did you go in to this for hairloss reasons or was that just a strike of gold?

Sorry for all of the questions, but please stick around!

Would you be willing to post pics?



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Brick said:
Hate2Loseit - Why do you say that? I've been on these boards for a good 7 years now and anyone who says they had any kind of success with something other than finasteride or minoxidil gets shut down with no questions asked.

It's more a case of people showing up saying "Trust me, this works", while claiming a miracle cure and yet not willing to provide one single shred of evidence.

Many of us have been stung by shills and scammers, as a result we like to stick with tangible and proven evidence rather than risk being made fools of by yet another snake-oil peddler.

Of course, if any evidence appears then he will be welcomed with the proverbial open arms.

Brains Expel Hair

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I already provided the evidence for it. It's a probiotic, nothing special.


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Brains Expel Hair said:
I already provided the evidence for it. It's a probiotic, nothing special.

In that case I apologise, I must have missed it. Do you have a link to your before and after photos?
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