Are people really having results with topical spironolactone?


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It seems like this is a pretty common ingredient to the regimen of many here. Are you people really seeing genuine results? Or are people just taking it because "in theory" it should help, like most other non FDA approved products that we all try and stick to because we think "it might" be working.


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MJT82 said:
It seems like this is a pretty common ingredient to the regimen of many here. Are you people really seeing genuine results? Or are people just taking it because "in theory" it should help, like most other non FDA approved products that we all try and stick to because we think "it might" be working.

i just started spironolactone a month ago, according to some posts here it might help, especially with revivogen.

btw, u are microdosing finasteride (0.25mg), is this because of sides? I've used finasteride 0.25mg for 16 mnths, did nothing for me...


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There are two studies, done a long time ago (I think) which had positive things to say about the benefits of spironolactone. I wouldn't expect miracles using it in isolation, but I like to think it plays its part. The problem with your question is that very few people place enough faith in it to use it alone, so you're unlikely to have your curiosity satisfied.


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I'm taking it because i want to wait a while before i take propecia. And there is not much else. I have seen results but I dont know if it just because of the minoxidil or what.

Old Baldy

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MJT82 said:
It seems like this is a pretty common ingredient to the regimen of many here. Are you people really seeing genuine results? Or are people just taking it because "in theory" it should help, like most other non FDA approved products that we all try and stick to because we think "it might" be working.

Yes. My male pattern baldness is reversing, ever so slowly though! I use the kitchen sink approach though. (I have to edit this: My male pattern baldness has HALTED and regrowth is occurring, ever so slowly.)


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OldBaldy, why don't you use finasteride in your regimine? Do you have any pics?

Have I seen you on hairlosshelp?

Private Ryan

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from what i read it seem very little people are having success with spironolactone. guess that the reason why more and more people are asking about oral spironolactone nowaday.

Old Baldy

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Aplunk1 said:
OldBaldy, why don't you use finasteride in your regimine? Do you have any pics?

Have I seen you on hairlosshelp?

A very reputable hair loss doctor told me that he doesn't recommend finasteride. for men over 50 years old because:

1 - Increased chance of libido problems over time.

2 - Increased chance of contracting high grade prostate cancer.

Yes I have one year old pictures of my hair transplant results at 5 months (i.e., at the other site).

I have to post more recent pictures. Just too damn lazy to read the digital camera manual again. (These high-tech "machines" are tough for an Old Baldy like me to get the hang of. It's tougher to learn how to use these new fangled gadgets at my age. LOL!)

My regrowth has improved a decent amount since those pictures were taken one year ago. Nothing dramatic but a definite improvement. There is more hair and the previously existing hair is thicker than it used to be. male pattern baldness has been definitely HALTED!! Thank you Jesus!! :)


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I have used 5% spironolactone two different times each time it caused an initial shed that was horrible. I used it for a period of 6 months and I was left with the impression it made my hair look more diffused.


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science-jay said:
btw, u are microdosing finasteride (0.25mg), is this because of sides? I've used finasteride 0.25mg for 16 mnths, did nothing for me...

Yeah its from sides. I started taking Propecia at .5mg per day but noticed significant weird feelings in my breasts. I switched to .25mg and those feelings have for the most part subsided. I am also a "lightweight" by average male adult standards, I only weigh 140-145lbs, so it may take less amounts to have a greater effect on me. Did you stop taking Propecia after 16 months at .25mg because you didnt have any improvements? Did you have to take a smaller dosage due to sides as well?


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Simply because spironolactone is an antiandrogen... and Propecia inhibits the conversion of testosterone into DHT... When the latter is reversed, a "shock" to the hair follicles happens, and a shed is caused.

However, with the addition of an antiandrogen, nothing can and will happen, because nothing is being converted onto the scalp. The hair follicles will function as if male pattern baldness were not present.


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aplunk that answer really doesnt hold any weight. currently there is no definitive answer as to why sheds happen. the "hair shock' thing is a simply a theory, is the theory that the old hair is pushed out by the new. appealing though they sound, none have to my knowledge been backed up by research.

as to spironolactone not causing shedding, there are many people out there who would agree with that, and an equal amount who would disagree. i've heard of many instances when spironolactone apparently caused shedding, all anecdotal though.

spironolactone as a topical treatment is a far less invasive treatment than propecia, and is commonly thought to have no systemic effects. that could be your answer right there.


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Apart from OldBaldy, no single response of success with spironolactone.


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Gardener recommended spironolactone recently for the hairline, saying it helped him a lot. has maintained his hair after finasteride, using spironolactone and revivogen.

Aplunk uses spironolactone, and his results are awesome (though probably due to all the other stuff)

Lordhair stated that spironolactone completely stopped his hairloss (daily shed) but had to stop it due to headaches.... not entirely success but hey

Thats all i can think of off the top of my head...


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Well he said that his hair was "thickening up like crazy" and recommended his regimen to people if they "wanted overkill" and to "eliminate male pattern baldness completely" or something along those lines...

Im just going on what he said, i no nothing of how much hair he was losing beforehand...


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Never know until you try it for yourself right?

Personally I believe it's working. I started Sprio 2% and Xandrox 5% at the same time and my shedding has nearly stopped. Initially I did shed some weak telogen hairs, but overall it's been much better.


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I just started spironolactone a couple of days ago, and I am planning to have absolutely excellent results with it. :lol: :hairy:


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-cj- said:
Never know until you try it for yourself right?

Personally I believe it's working. I started Sprio 2% and Xandrox 5% at the same time and my shedding has nearly stopped. Initially I did shed some weak telogen hairs, but overall it's been much better.


how long have you been using the spironolactone 2% (Dr. Lee or your own?) and Xandrox combination, and when did your results start kicking in? Any regrowth? I am have been using spironolactone 2%/minoxidil 2% combination for about 1.5+ months now.