Are people really having results with topical spironolactone?


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I've been using the liquid spironolactone and 5% spironolactone for about 3 or 4 months now.

Shedding has come to a complete halt... a few hairs here and there, but definitely an improvement.

Will update in time.

I can say that spironolactone works.


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Aplunk1 said:
I've been using the liquid spironolactone and 5% spironolactone for about 3 or 4 months now.

Shedding has come to a complete halt... a few hairs here and there, but definitely an improvement.

Will update in time.

I can say that spironolactone works.

Yes, but you are also on dutasteride and tricomin. cj is more similar to me, using minoxidil and spironolactone. Your hair obviously looks great, but how can you be sure spironolactone is helping significantly? I still shed about 50+ hairs a day.


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dark_one said:

how long have you been using the spironolactone 2% (Dr. Lee or your own?) and Xandrox combination, and when did your results start kicking in? Any regrowth? I am have been using spironolactone 2%/minoxidil 2% combination for about 1.5+ months now.

I've been using it since 4.9, my shedding stopped for about 2 weeks then it started back up again. Thing is, I'm shedding weak hair, hair that is not near as thick as the hair I'm hoping to have. I have high hopes that this will all grow back as 10-20% of the hair in a male pattern baldness scalp can be going through the telogen phase. I can make better assesment as to my shedding as soon as it's been 100 days since I started treatment.

I use Dr. Lee's 2% Liquid spironolactone. I've noticed a lot of vellus hairs popping up in the areas that were slick (temples) and the areas that were severely diffuse. I have diffuse thinning so I use 1mL all over the top of the scalp. I have noticed short black hairs, I assume these are telogen hairs that have been forced to grow, within a few areas of my scalp. I can feel new hair, although I don't know the quality when running my hands through my scalp. I should be able to make a judgement within 1-1 1/2 months I'm hoping as to the regrowth effects of minoxidil.

I'm just chuggin along now. Trying not to think about it. I always wear a hat and am awaiting the day that I will feel comfortable doing my hair again, it's just gotten unstyleable.

Good Luck


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Ive been using it off and on since 2009 (I was a former military pilot so in a deployed environment pretty difficult) and my results are in my blog. In addition to spironolactone I also use crinagen (for the Azeliac Acid) but considering just buying AA cream separate. I am also using laser therapy as well since no longer military. spironolactone will remain apart of my plan.


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Ive been using it off and on since 2009 (I was a former military pilot so in a deployed environment pretty difficult) and my results are in my blog. In addition to spironolactone I also use crinagen (for the Azeliac Acid) but considering just buying AA cream separate. I am also using laser therapy as well since no longer military. spironolactone will remain apart of my plan.

Hey dude, I can't see your results on your blog, only 2009 pics.
And why are you stopping spironolactone if it works for you? because sides?


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I really hope spironolactone can work on my thinning hair since I don't won't to get any side from the stuff like finasteride. What's your plan?


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stillfullheadofhair: my plan has been spironolactone+crinagen+keto shampoo, I am going to post some BEFORE pictures so you can see my results. BeforeSpiro.jpg Okay this one is BEFORE spironolactone, sorry for the poor quality but this picture was taken while at a restaurant with some friends. After my friends showed me the pictures it finally hit me that I needed to do something. Here is the AFTER AfterSpiro.jpg Keep in mind the after one is taken with HIGH FLASH, so the proof is in the pudding.