Are you doomed if you start minoxidil then decide to stop?


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So what we should say is that, for the short-term anyway (about 4 years?), minoxidil can REVERSE male pattern baldness, since the graphs, the research, and our own hair (+ responders) clearly show an increase in both hair counts and hair thickness from baseline for 96 weeks and longer of useage. The clause is this: after some 4 years, the balding process (not in all cases I am sure) will COSMETICALLY take over and minoxidil will be SHOWN to lose its "grip" on the hairs that it stimulated growth and maintenance in and you will sadly keep going bald. But this will not occur for the first few to 4 years of treatment in those that respond +ly to minoxidil, since you can expect to be ABOVE baseline and above baseline is in the REVERSAL dimension still. Of course, the prescription is to "Get to the Route of the Problem" and take a DHT inhibitor alongside it (Propecia) and perhaps add Revivogen and/or spironolactone to make up for the DHT that maybe present in the balding scalp attacking the follicles that Propecia is not taking care of.


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mjd0482 said:
So it would be a good idea to use both minoxidil and a dht blocker together and when you are where you want to be in growth, stop the minoxidil and stay on the dht blocker.....or would the new hairs from the minoxidil fall out anyways?

Experience has shown that Propecia cannot always maintain hair that was grown by minoxidil, so I would assume the same to be true for antiandrogen-type treatments in general. Therefore, you would probably need to stay on the minoxidil indefinitely to maintain that "offset of growth".



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freudling said:
So what we should say is that, for the short-term anyway (about 4 years?), minoxidil can REVERSE male pattern baldness, since the graphs, the research, and our own hair (+ responders) clearly show an increase in both hair counts and hair thickness from baseline for 96 weeks and longer of useage. The clause is this: after some 4 years, the balding process (not in all cases I am sure) will COSMETICALLY take over and minoxidil will be SHOWN to lose its "grip" on the hairs that it stimulated growth and maintenance in and you will sadly keep going bald. But this will not occur for the first few to 4 years of treatment in those that respond +ly to minoxidil, since you can expect to be ABOVE baseline and above baseline is in the REVERSAL dimension still. Of course, the prescription is to "Get to the Route of the Problem" and take a DHT inhibitor alongside it (Propecia) and perhaps add Revivogen and/or spironolactone to make up for the DHT that maybe present in the balding scalp attacking the follicles that Propecia is not taking care of.

I think that sums it up pretty well! :)



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Sounds good. Time to go soak my head in Topicals and then spend the next 30 minutes wiping my eyebrows and such as the goop sporadically slides down my forehead and all over my face! AH, if only I had the balls to take dutasteride and Linoten! That is the ultimate combo, although dutasteride scares me because so many have posted shed topics about it. Also, Linoten can cause Heart Attacks. My Lisence says my hair will be donated to


freudling said:
So what we should say is that, for the short-term anyway (about 4 years?), minoxidil can REVERSE male pattern baldness,

This utimately depends on what you define as male pattern baldness.

If it is simply seen as hair loss in men, then yes, you are correct.

I see male pattern baldness as DHT attacking the scalps hair follicles, in this case minoxidil does not reverse male pattern baldness, male pattern baldness will continue during the minoxidil use, the minoxidil will just be 'masking' it.

freudling said:
since the graphs, the research, and our own hair (+ responders) clearly show an increase in both hair counts and hair thickness from baseline for 96 weeks and longer of useage. The clause is this: after some 4 years, the balding process (not in all cases I am sure) will COSMETICALLY take over and minoxidil will be SHOWN to lose its "grip" on the hairs that it stimulated growth and maintenance in and you will sadly keep going bald. But this will not occur for the first few to 4 years of treatment in those that respond +ly to minoxidil, since you can expect to be ABOVE baseline and above baseline is in the REVERSAL dimension still. Of course, the prescription is to "Get to the Route of the Problem" and take a DHT inhibitor alongside it (Propecia) and perhaps add Revivogen and/or spironolactone to make up for the DHT that maybe present in the balding scalp attacking the follicles that Propecia is not taking care of.



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I STILL don't get why Propecia can't maintain minoxidil grown hairs. If minoxidil brought them back to life and made them grow the hairs, once the DHT is being attacked can't they prosper free of worry? I hate minoxidil for the sheer fact that it's a life long commitment, and I'm not ready to douse my head in goo 2 times every day.


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Deaner said:
I STILL don't get why Propecia can't maintain minoxidil grown hairs. If minoxidil brought them back to life and made them grow the hairs, once the DHT is being attacked can't they prosper free of worry? I hate minoxidil for the sheer fact that it's a life long commitment, and I'm not ready to douse my head in goo 2 times every day.

I am looking at minoxidil 2X/day for 2 years, after that i will go to once per day. When i get to the point where it is a1/day i dont think it will be that bad.

THe way i look at it each time i get up to go apply that crap and think what a pain in the *** it is, i say to myself "hey, if someone told you all you had to do was rub this crap on your head 2X/day 10 minutes a shot (so 20 minutes a day) to grow back some hair, im sure %99 of us in here would do it.

There is another thread in here where guys talk about how jealous they are when they see guys with full heads of hair, another post where a guy says he will deal with the chest pains caused by proscar if it means keeping his hair, lol, so the way i see it is what 20 minutes a day gonna hurt me for the chance to grow back some hair...Hopefully in 2 years it will only be 10 minutes a day


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Just doesn't fit my schedule, being a slave to topicals is not the route i wanna take.

too bald too furious

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yuppy75 said:
It seems like a lot of people have stated that they started minoxidil and then for whatever reason stopped and they feel that their hair got much worst?

Yes. I am the living proof. 2 months since I quit minoxidil and yes hair is at the shittiest state it ever has been. My temples have receeded and hair between temples has gone dramatically thin making scalp easily visible, which was not before I started minoxidil.

Just waiting to recover a bit so that I can start Finasteride, which will make me shed again :(


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nexus81 said:
yuppy75 said:
It seems like a lot of people have stated that they started minoxidil and then for whatever reason stopped and they feel that their hair got much worst?

Yes. I am the living proof. 2 months since I quit minoxidil and yes hair is at the shittiest state it ever has been. My temples have receeded and hair between temples has gone dramatically thin making scalp easily visible, which was not before I started minoxidil.

Just waiting to recover a bit so that I can start Finasteride, which will make me shed again :(

How long were you on minoxidil for ? I just have a theory that for example if you were on it for 2 years and stopped you would revert to a state at what you would have been at if you did not use it. Not the state when you started it. Does that make sense ?

too bald too furious

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Lanza said:
nexus81 said:
yuppy75 said:
It seems like a lot of people have stated that they started minoxidil and then for whatever reason stopped and they feel that their hair got much worst?

Yes. I am the living proof. 2 months since I quit minoxidil and yes hair is at the shittiest state it ever has been. My temples have receeded and hair between temples has gone dramatically thin making scalp easily visible, which was not before I started minoxidil.

Just waiting to recover a bit so that I can start Finasteride, which will make me shed again :(

How long were you on minoxidil for ? I just have a theory that for example if you were on it for 2 years and stopped you would revert to a state at what you would have been at if you did not use it. Not the state when you started it. Does that make sense ?

I was on minoxidil for only 5 months...

Actually I did not research before I started minoxidil. Only after I came to this website, I found out its advisable to keep regimen finasteride and nizoral only.

I used to be terribly late to work many days because minoxidil took so long to dry and I would never leave my house with a sh*t hair and my face had become really "puffy" while on minoxidil.

It was just too much. I am not saying minoxidil doesnt work. In 5 months I had gained a bit of thickness on top even though my 2ml daily applications were on bare bald temples and hair between them.

Now I have sort of compromised and want to keep on what is on top of my head. So will just use finasteride as soon as I recover a bit from this minoxidil shed.

Saving minoxidil for after 5-6 years, as its not known how long finasteride is effective for. :?


Yes, you are doomed if you stop.

Look at my pics 2003.

My hair went to shite after stopping.


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nexus81 said:
Lanza said:
nexus81 said:
yuppy75 said:
It seems like a lot of people have stated that they started minoxidil and then for whatever reason stopped and they feel that their hair got much worst?

Yes. I am the living proof. 2 months since I quit minoxidil and yes hair is at the shittiest state it ever has been. My temples have receeded and hair between temples has gone dramatically thin making scalp easily visible, which was not before I started minoxidil.

Just waiting to recover a bit so that I can start Finasteride, which will make me shed again :(

How long were you on minoxidil for ? I just have a theory that for example if you were on it for 2 years and stopped you would revert to a state at what you would have been at if you did not use it. Not the state when you started it. Does that make sense ?

I was on minoxidil for only 5 months...

Actually I did not research before I started minoxidil. Only after I came to this website, I found out its advisable to keep regimen finasteride and nizoral only.

I used to be terribly late to work many days because minoxidil took so long to dry and I would never leave my house with a sh*t hair and my face had become really "puffy" while on minoxidil.

It was just too much. I am not saying minoxidil doesnt work. In 5 months I had gained a bit of thickness on top even though my 2ml daily applications were on bare bald temples and hair between them.

Now I have sort of compromised and want to keep on what is on top of my head. So will just use finasteride as soon as I recover a bit from this minoxidil shed.

Saving minoxidil for after 5-6 years, as its not known how long finasteride is effective for. :?

SO what is the deal. Is it best not to start with minoxidil. I'm confused. I thought taking it would be better then someting internal. Am I wrong.


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Gunner said:
Yes, you are doomed if you stop.

Look at my pics 2003.

My hair went to shite after stopping.

Gunner would love to see you grow your hair. From what I can see it looks like you have done well for yourself.


Lanza said:
I just have a theory that for example if you were on it for 2 years and stopped you would revert to a state at what you would have been at if you did not use it. Not the state when you started it. Does that make sense ?

Yes, this is correct

have a look at the yellow line in this graph.
