
Argument with fapstronauts "nofap people on reddit"


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There are some people on the nofap sub on reddit that make claims that nofap grew their hair back. Naturally I got pissed at them and through every bit of knowledge of hair loss I have in their face.

Then I find out this jerk says his hair was falling out due to anxiety related causes. Massive sheddings. Well this isn't male pattern baldness! Your hair grows back in these situations. I called him out and am now even more pissed that this guy has been convincing real balding men for 2 years that his hair loss was cured by nofap when he never had male pattern baldness in the first place!

Not that we had to prove this but I think we can now bury this theory in the ground, pour cement over it and never let it see the light of day ever again!

Cue Bald

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I tend to leave these nofap people well alone, I think they have deep psychological problems. If anyone is foolish enough to believe them, it is their problem.


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My Regimen
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I tend to leave these nofap people well alone, I think they have deep psychological problems.

Really? I don't see a problem with nofap, although I think noporn is more important both for mind and body. Claiming it regrows hair is retarded though.


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According to Ayurveda..losing sperms by non sexual needs i dont know what that word is exactly will be weaking your body and this is true.
I first time face vitamin b complex defience because of this...

I have to take immunomodulators for that..this are too dangerous drugs..
Also important minerals are lost from body .

It contributes more to hairfall..

I dont say you will get your hairs back...
But masterbation is dangerous for have to accept that..

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry for using word sperms..its semen...

Norwood One

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Overmasturbation may well be harmful to your body. Not for hair reasons, more psychological and sexual reasons. Modern man was not designed to be exposed to this much sexual stimulation. If you compare it to prehistoric neanderthals, we consume enough naked ladies in one day that those poor suckers had the privilege of consuming in their entire lives.

In closing:
No fap = frustration and anger issues
Mega fap = impotence/sexual issues and lack of motivation and energy.
Fap once or twice a week = the sweet medium.