Armani Aggressive hairline on young Men


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Here is a guy who had an Armani DR do his hair transplant at age 22, the ultra agressive hairline has already come back to bite him in the *** and he claims much of his hair transplant didn't even grow ... erthread=y

Here are some links to where I and others tried to help him after the surgery years ago but he would not listen ... TMP=Linear ... TMP=Linear

He told me two days ago via PM that Armani and his reps will no longer return his calls or emails, BEWARE !

Edit.... I found another thread where I and others tried to warn him before he had surgery. This was back when Hair Loss Help was basically an advertisement board for Armani and now you cant even mention his name on the forum ... TMP=Linear


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Dr Armani...a scary guy. I was wondering when the first juvenile tranplanted hairline victime would show up.


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where were the pics? Did'nt Armani once operate on a 17 yr old aswell?


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Yep, he definitely got screwed.



Hairline was placed far too low. Huge bald spot with no graft placement or coverage. No grafts placed in the area where the patient actually needed them, as he was clearly thinning in a NW3a/NW4 pattern. All that combined with apparently very poor yield.....yikes.

I feel terrible for the guy. But I'd say this is more a cautionary tale against bad hair transplant surgeons than hair transplants in general. Granted, this guy probably wasn't a good candidate to begin with - being so young and likely headed for an early NW5/6. But in the hands of a competent surgeon, he would either have a decent NW2.5 hairline that actually grew or he would have been turned away altogether.


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Wow, I just read through all of those forums and watching everything unravel over 3 years was amazing. I feel bad for that guy, looks like he had thinned out throughout the whole norwood 5 region and this guy packs in a hairline way too low considering the loss he was headed for. HT55 kudos to you for calling it like it is right after the transplant. I am so frustrated with that kid, I'm trying really hard not to call him any names but I'm very frustrated with him! He gets a transplant way too young. He then agrees on a hairline while sedated, which is completely unethical on the doctor's part. He then defends a sub-par job as those gaps in the transplant are incredibly obvious but he continued to explain how happy he was. I won't be too hard on him, seemed like he was intimidated, and a bit in denial. I guess Armani has lost all credibility since 2007, why can't you even talk about him on that website? kinda weird.


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To be honest, this is a fairly mild hairline by Armani standards. Some of them are so low you think it's a hoax when you see them.


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I wouldn't be surprised if Armani gives them money off to set up these SEO'd blogs. No other transplant surgeon has so many weird, fanboy blogs set up from people immediately out of surgery. I've seen about 10 of these without even really looking for them!


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Boondock said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Armani gives them money off to set up these SEO'd blogs. No other transplant surgeon has so many weird, fanboy blogs set up from people immediately out of surgery. I've seen about 10 of these without even really looking for them!

You might be on to something boondock. This kid defended the surgeon tooth and nail even though his pics clearly showed sub-par work. Was he really in denial? I guess it's not outside of the realm of possibility that he got paid a little something, he even recommended the doctor to someone after only a few weeks after surgery. Now only 3 years later has he come back to express his dissatisfaction. Who knows. :dunno: Poor guy.


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It's fairly well known that this happened.

One guy on the hair transplant forum got sent lawyer letters after he began flaming Armani for the bad work they'd done. He alleged that he'd been forced to sign an agreement not to criticize the work.

Like I said in another thread, I have no solid facts to go on, but the smell from that practice is very bad indeed. I get bad vibes about everything they do.


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Boondock said:
It's fairly well known that this happened.

One guy on the hair transplant forum got sent lawyer letters after he began flaming Armani for the bad work they'd done. He alleged that he'd been forced to sign an agreement not to criticize the work.

Like I said in another thread, I have no solid facts to go on, but the smell from that practice is very bad indeed. I get bad vibes about everything they do.

Indeed, good thing you struck him down with your hairmax laser comb light saber.


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That's the thing. People thought that story was a joke. It wasn't literally true, but it was an allegory. There was a deeper meaning to that story.


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Boondock said:
That's the thing. People thought that story was a joke. It wasn't literally true, but it was an allegory. There was a deeper meaning to that story.

I liked that story btw, the music was the funniest part imo. What do you study boondock?


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Nene said:
BTW it wasn't Armani who did it but a surgeon by the name of Mcmillan who worked under his clinic name.

No but's it was "Armani techs" and a DR trained to place the hairline where Armani told him to.

Armani had several DR's working for him who performed hair transplant's at reduced prices

I have heard Armani is VERY SICK and may be dieing from a very good source


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monty1978 said:
I've had a telephone conversation with Armani and he made my skin crawl from 3500 miles away.

I'm really senstitive to good and bad vibes from people, he had bad ones. :shakehead:

Yeah this is basically how I feel.

When I see patients recommending Armani, it reminds me of orange-jump-suit captives telling the cameras that "Al Qaeda are treating us well". There's always a hidden agenda.


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If you guys want to read some really wild stuff go into that thread and see where "ALVIARMANI" ( Armani's rep shane) replies and do a search of all his posts

You won't believe the sh*t that guy used to tell people


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Nene said:
Boondock said:
That's the thing. People thought that story was a joke. It wasn't literally true, but it was an allegory. There was a deeper meaning to that story.

I liked that story btw, the music was the funniest part imo. What do you study boondock?

btw: I studied (just finished) Economics and Mandarin Chinese. Graduated now tho.


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dudemon said:
Yeah, the thing is, looking back at Armani in "hindsight" it is all so apparent now that they are basically a fraud. But they sure had a lot of guys fooled for several years...until the "true results" started coming in. I must admit, that even I recall seriously considering them to be the "Ferrarri" of hair transplants up until a few years ago when all the negative news about them started to surface.

I was actually considering having them do a hair transplant on me at one time. But even back then, I could just sense that something just didn't smell quite right about them. This was long before any bad news started coming out about them too.

It's like the old saying goes "If it seems too good to be almost always is." I just knew that they were too good to be true.

I just rationalized that how much better could one hair transplant surgeon be than some of the others that were iron clad as far as consistency and reputation (such as H&W, Feller, Shapiro, etc...)? I knew it just couldn't be so.

I guess I must posses a 6th sense...the ability to smell BS! :mrgreen:

I can't smell BS that well, but I can work out people pretty well in a short period of time when I see them. After seeing Armani's videos, I knew I didn't want this guy doing my hair.

This video is what did it for me. It actually makes me laugh to watch it now.
