As my hair job has been rapidly promoting me.

Green Soap

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Once my regimen had begun kicking in (and after I shaved my head down) and producing regrowth... I've gone from a nothing (literally going no where) in my company to..

Promoted to several key internal positions in my company in very short order, become employee of the month, and am now informed that I have been chosen to become a corporate trainer where I will be flown to a city out of state and put up in a hotel, etc....

and am apparently now one of the heirs apparent and am facing even bigger promotions..

This is all within a year (since I started my regimen) and the scary and...sad part is....

I was working just as hard as I am now when I was thinning.

Green Soap

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and by the way, Homer wasn't working hard. He sat there looking dumbt he whole time so there's not really a comparison.

(HAHhahahahahah. Still hilarious)


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Re: As my hair job has been rapidly promoting

Green Soap said:
Once my regimen had begun kicking in (and after I shaved my head down) and producing regrowth... I've gone from a nothing (literally going no where) in my company to..

Promoted to several key internal positions in my company in very short order, become employee of the month, and am now informed that I have been chosen to become a corporate trainer where I will be flown to a city out of state and put up in a hotel, etc....

and am apparently now one of the heirs apparent and am facing even bigger promotions..

This is all within a year (since I started my regimen) and the scary and...sad part is....

I was working just as hard as I am now when I was thinning.

Imagine if you grown an afro! I bet you become CEO! j/k meng

Good job bro, keep up the hard work!


Green Soap

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I wish I were kidding about this. But it has all happened so rapid fire that I am still reeling a little bit. I mean it's like I've blown out of the blocks like a track star. The latest one, where they are flying me out to train..has me floored.

And I have a meeting with my boss tommorrow where he'll lay out my pipeline (promotions) and what to expect... :shock:

Way I figure it is, if I can last five years on a regimen I'll:

A) be able to afford the next exotic technologies with no prob

B) be rich enough to not care and just shave it.

Either way.... it's looking good.

(knocking on wood fervently),


Green Soap

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I know that my post can bring about the horrors in a number of readers.

....Let me attempt to set you at ease.

At the very least I learned these things.

A) If you look like sh*t. Shave your head no matter what. You will gain respect in every way even if you are hideously ugly and mishapen. No matter what, once you get used to it (about three days) and the skin tans a bit you look far more human than you did.

(reference : trying to keep running a tire that's blown)

B) Put all your vanities in the corner of your mind. Run your regimen and keep it up to date and be vigilant....but don't lie to yourself. this is the core of unhappiness.

I've been able to grow my hair out a bit and mine has been looking better and better (still a ways to go for perfection....if ever). but...

Woot... Getting Paid is FAR COOLER than regrowing your hair :D

too bald too furious

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Unless its a typical sales job, where hair might be a factor...I dont agree that as your hair are gettin promotions.

Its all the hard work that pays!

Why are u putting wrong notions in readers head that your hair along with hard work is giving u promotions.

Its just your hard work!


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I suspect you are happier because of your hair and, although you say you are not working harder, you are able to focus your energies on better performance.

Regardless, congrats...

Red Rose

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I'm sorry Green Soap but quite frankly that it the biggest load of
BS I have ever heard in my life.

If you think thats the way the world works then you're either very naive or stupid.


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0 thinks that as your hair is regrowing so is your confidence in yourself :p So actually, you're getting promotions not because of the more hair that you have but rather because of your increasing confidence about yourself. MHO.



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I believe it. I was stuck at about 90k for 2 years until my regrowth regimen started kicking in a year and half ago. Now I make 115k and manage a group. Plus I got added to the bonus plan so I stand to make another 10k in bonuses as long as I meet my objectives.

Green Soap

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Thinning see's it.

I hate to break it on you guys like this but we are only 100K years out of the caves.

We still respond very much to physical stimulus. Looks count. Bigtime.

Why else are we here on this forum? :roll:


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It's hard to prove whether hair can have an effect on pay, but i know that i would never hire someone that is fat and that falls in the looks category. So, i would say its possible, or maybe just in certain industries.


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I just got promoted.....

I m 24 and started at this new job a year ago, straight out of school. I was told it was going to take me a year and a half to be a Program Manager and to get my first little account. Its been a year, like I said, and I just got my second account and been officially promoted on paper. The funny thing is I do wonder, sometimes, how things would be if I was "not so good looking." I do work very hard and have a lot of respect around here, I am Tony Montana. :^P

I guess its hard to say...... but maybe a little of everything coutns i.e. hard work, personalllity, looks...


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It's absolutely true. I've seen it countless times, guys with great hair get chosen over the others, and I'll tell you why. It's because THEY represent the company in a more visually pleasing manner. Yes, it's superficial, but it's also a sort of unconscious, subliminal message that's being sent.

OUR COMPANY LOOKS GOOD. And they want others to see it.

I've seen it time and again, and it does have a lot to do with the Homer Simpson episode.

too bald too furious

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you guys are wrong.

Its not the hair that gives u promotions. Its the ATTITUDE and PERSONALITY.



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Im 33, in computer software. Where I live thats not a lot of money because of the cost of living. For instance a year ago I bought a small 1 car garage townhouse and payed 450k for it. Its already worth over 500 though.

My boss ( the guy that runs the company ) stopped by my office friday and told me I am getting another review in the next couple weeks so looks like another raise is in the works :)

I know guys my age that make twice what I make - not in my field though. Im happy with my salery though, just wish I got laid more often these days.

There is only 1 bald guy in our entire company and he is the nephew of the guy who owns it. There is only one guy we have ever hired that has less hair than me, and Im only about a NW2.

Face it, it does make a difference. A huge difference.


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maybe you just finished your first year, they saw you were a good worker, and they gave you a promotion. You can't prove causality as bryan says. :)
Its great to hear you're growing some hair though man!


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thinning -- you got a lot of money dawg -- if it bothers you just get a transplant?