As my hair job has been rapidly promoting me.


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nexus81 said:
you guys are wrong.

Its not the hair that gives u promotions. Its the ATTITUDE and PERSONALITY.


This is so true. Looks are only matter in the business world for first impressions, once the first impression stage is gone, all the above mention matters.
When you go bald you don't lose your personality or your communication skills, those are instilled at a young age.
I see so many people without hair that have great confidence and are extremely successful.
Me persoanlly having less hair affects my confidence greatly, because im a person who is way to obsessed with how people percieve me, and my confidence has always been frail to begin with, so losing hair just adds to it.
I luv this story, there was a kid at my high school who was almost completely bald by senoir year, He wasn't athletic, didn't come from a wealthy family, wasn't particulary good at anything. yet he managed to date one of the hottest girls in the school and became successful after high school , because of his confidence and personality

Green Soap

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^ Look.

OBVIOUSLY.....hard work is important. As well as talent. And drive. etc, etc, etc.

And anybody can overcome hurdles.

But I've always possessed those attributes the entire two and a half years I've been at my job. Only now I'm being sent up.

I never said that hard work and dedication do not matter. What I DID say and was valid in my case is that my improving looks (and perhaps confidence) have gotten me noticed by the right people.


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It's funny you mention this as a good friend of mine struggled with hairloss for some time, his career was non-existent - he had low self esteem and virtually no drive. One fateful day he decided "F__k it" and shaved his head and joined his local gym and started to train like a machine 5 days a week.. The turning point.

As a result he became motivated, he became confident and 2 years down the track now has a brillant career, a beautiful girlfriend and is one of the most dynamic people you could meet... He turned his life completely around due to one thing - mindset and a positive attitude - Success no matter how you define it is determined by only one person, yourself.

I know that many successful bald guys it's not funny. They all had one common thread - when they stopped caring about their hairloss they realised no one else cared.... People are attracted to self-confident people, hair or no hair and that's it...

As a side note since i started to "thin" 3 years ago I've had 3 major promotions. I'm now a thinning logistics manager who's almost tripled his income in 2 years... :D


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BostonHawk said:
thinning -- you got a lot of money dawg -- if it bothers you just get a transplant?

I dont see how I could arrange it and not have everybody see my bloody scabby head. Plus Im worried that it wouldent take and I would have a badly scarred head or something.

And its a 15k investment to get a good one, money I would rather spend on toys and hobbies and improvements to my house. And the girls around here are expensive also - $400-$500 a month is the minumum of what a girlfriend will cost. Not w****s or anything, I mean thats how much it costs to take them out and pay for their sh*t all the time. If you arent spending at least that much money on them, they start f*****g other guys who "treat them better" or some sh*t.

not me!

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Thinning said:
If you arent spending at least that much money on them, they start f*****g other guys who "treat them better" or some sh*t.

Wrong mindset, man. Less is more. The less that they expect from you the more whatever you do for them means. You begin the relationship by showering them with things and they come to expect it. If you act like you don't really care one way or the other and you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand. It is simple reverse psychology but it is astounding that it works so effectively yet so many guys are so in the dark.


I agree with green soap.

That is the way people think. People 'will' get promoted for looks.

It happens. If you look better, you'll stand more chance.

I've experienced both sides in such a short time.


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social_drinker said:
It is simple reverse psychology but it is astounding that it works so effectively yet so many guys are so in the dark.

I dunno man, Ive tried that and gotten nowhere. I think that only works for guys who are so good looking or charismatic that they get women without trying very hard.