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Well it's been about 2 weeks since I started using this stuff.
I guess too early to tell, no discernible results to speak of.



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bababooey said:
Well it's been about 2 weeks since I started using this stuff.
I guess too early to tell, no discernible results to speak of.


Keep it, yep two weeks is still early


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Just wondered whether you experience any side effects in terms of libido etc? If you don't then perhaps the systemic absorption isn't an issue with ASC-J9.


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I'm not worried about systemic absorption since the total amount in each application is so low.
I did experience slight difficulty in sleeping well after putting on alot of it on my crown. I think I had the same reaction when I put too much minoxidil on my head once and had a bad night of sleep.

I'm more concerned with the efficacy of ASC-J9 for hair loss as my hair isnt growing like chia pet as I hoped. :doh:
My hair has been getting better but it seems more due to my 1/4 propecia a day.

Ideally, the ASC-J9 will maximize my 1/4 propecia with the dual action of lowered DHT + less AR?


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bababooey said:
I dont want to reveal my source but lets just say I paid a pretty penny for it...

Finasteride causes u to go limp (2% my ***) and it makes your sperm less viable. (Just google finasteride and sperm)
Thats what I meant, sort of a pot shot. I do believe finasteride and dutasteride work very well for hair loss but the side effects makes you choose between your hair and having a hard on+weak sperm. That is a tough choice for any man between 15-55.

Right now I'm taking 0.125mg finasteride 6 days and 1 day 0.25mg finasteride. this study shows that serum DHT reduction by finasteride is:

72.2% -- 5mg
71.4% -- 1mg
68.6% -- 0.2mg
49.5% -- 0.05mg

so the qtr pill is around 69% and 1/8th pill is somewhere in the 55%-60% range serum DHT reduction.
Now, to make up for the ~35% DHT floating around I use nizoral to plug up the androgen receptors thus maximizing lowered DHT.

ASC-J9, if it works as "advertised" could make the 0.125mg finasteride dose very effective while giving me way less side effect.
It may even let me drop finasteride, though I wouldnt be brave enough to drop it.

I will be doing a spot test before I go full scalp on use. Ofcourse I will continue the finasteride nizoral as before.

Refreshing to see another educated thinker on this board.


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bababooey said:
OK this looks harder than I thought...
They felt generous and sent 40mg more, but 540mg is sooo little.
Now I need a scale that measures in miligrams ...

Im gettin cold feet already.

You are making 0.25mg to 1mL. I hope 100mL lasts long enough, but my advice is to make 25mg to 100mL.

spread the 540mg around flat in the little baggy. Then use a tiny spoon or something and try to scoop out 1/20 that much. Remember that 4x5 is 20. Try to eyeball it. Get the height even so you can eyeball it better. My guess it you will get between 15 and 40mg that way. Better to go on the high side. Even if you get 50mg, that is 1/11 the full bag. So eleven months worth if you use 3.3mL per day. Most likely the bag won't be good after 11 months anyway.

If you think you can easily eyeball 25mg, I think you should sell half to an adventurous friend.


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goata007 said:
go to a local university chemistry lab.
Maybe. But 0.25mg is very hard to measure even at a university. If he makes 100mL, and measures 25mg, that would be much easier to measure with the scale.

As of the quantity, You are NOT supposed to put 100% pure ASCJ-9 on your head, you'd probably mix it in cream or something

to make 5%, 10% concentration solution/cream.
why too much. Most topicals need not be over 2%, and it takes a serious chemist to know how to make a 10% solution of most stuff.

I'd see what concentration androscience was testing and maybe double it
good advice. That would be 50mg then.


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el_duterino said:
To be even safer, try about 0.5% which translates into 120ml of lotion with your current powder amount, to try it for 2 months, which should be sufficient to see some progress.

Good easy measurement advice, but is 2 months enough time to tell? Propecia takes 6 months to see any results. If the study he read said he could do it with a lot less, why not go with that? I still say 50mg in 100mL for 11 batches.


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Well it doesnt seem to be helping much at all.
No improvements on the temples where I applied so far.

I kinda stopped for about a week but now that you remind me I will re use certain spots.
Upped my propecia to half a pill.