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blaze said:
Enden said:
yanez said:
I don't understand well this
I think follicle remain unprotected it's a big problem
have you studies that consider these theories?
It's just for some hours. It's an assumption based on how anti-androgens works.

yanez said:
I don't understand neither this..if the bind is strong and no receptor born before the last ones die ..what's the problem to having a binded AR ?

sorry maybe it's for my poor english
What? Anti-androgens only blocks the androgen receptors temporary. Day one; you apply CB-03-01 and all the androgen receptors gets blocked. Day two; all androgen receptors are still blocked. 12 hours later; 20% androgen receptors are free, and get blocked with the next application. Soon after, 20% more gets free, and they'll be unprotected 'till the next application. This is just a bad example. See what I mean?

And before you bring up ASC-J9 again, remember that I believe that the follicles recover faster from relief of androgens than they degenerate from exposure.

I doubt very much that CB will saturate ALL and EVERY androgen receptor. But then again it does not have to. You only need to block so many. There are many AR's on each follicle not just one AR per follicle. As long as you keep your hair follicles androgen stimulus below the threshold then you wont lose anymore hair.

The threshold is determined by your genetics. Thats why some can use finasteride for over a decade and not lose anymore hair, but other will only manage to slow their loss down. Aggressive Androgenetic Alopecia needs to get a castration like environment in the scalp. Even castrates still have androgens, they have as much DHT as a finasteride user roughly, but they dont lose anymore hair. Their Testosterone levels are WAY down too. So even though they have DHT and small amounts of Test it isnt enough to further the balding process. There isnt enough to reach that "threshold".

So not ALL the AR's need to be blocked...just most of them. And yes, some with more aggressive hairloss IMO will have to use more CB than someone with milder Androgenetic Alopecia.

have you studies that confirm these theories ?

@enden ok thanks ,are your assumptions or have you studies that confirm what you say

Thanks bye


Senior Member
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No, it's just assumptions based on what I've read and experienced with RU58841 myself. Interesting blaze, I didn't know the follicles had more than one AR.


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I have read this

Therefore we have asc-j9 :)

it limits the androgen receptors! so the combination of cb-03-01 with asc-j9 would be the ultimate regime.


from haarlijn

and this

The upregulation of receptors for propecia is slow because even through you've deprieved the receptors of DHT, testostrone still interacts with them.

However, CB will block BOTH testostrone and DHT, so the upregulation will be alot faster.

from baldinglikeamofo

so people belive even with AR blocker upregulation could be a problem ..above all when AR blockers let receptors uncovered for a while

maybe they belive that if you let receptors uncovered and this cause a more possibility that dht active the bald genes ..I have understood ..until dht activate bald gene ..then what does happen? are synthetized new protein which make follicle to become dysplasic?


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so you mean

you belive that the follicles reparation is faster from the relief of not being attacked by androgens (when the receptors are blocked) rather than they degenerate from exposure to androgens (when the receptors are uncovered ) "

So you think could be enough more than 50% relief in relief/exposure ratio ?

anyway reducing the exposure time will be.. less necessary.. but still no bad and useful


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zayin said:
cb-03-01 said:
ASC-J9 seems to be very popular in the Netherlands! :punk:.

Most people out there seems to see Positive difference in hair situation.

Those people are dealing with the second batch of Rambo Lee(

Some of them reports Regrowth at the templates :shock: ... 36&page=39

What do you mean with regrowth at the "templates"?

I think he means regrowth at his temples


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Not much to be honest, no regrowt, perhaps littles less oily skin. And stained t-shirts that i have to bin :)


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wow it stains that bad huh? has your hairloss at least stopped?

can you shapoo your hair and scalp like normal and have your scalp look normal again or do you have to really scrub your scalp to get it clean?


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Dont think it has stopped my hairloss, but not sure. I have to rub it off with alcohol in the morning but i use a lot (0.5%). Most use 0.05%.