Ashley and Martin success stories?


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I agree with what you posted however this is just my personal point of view.
When i first started noticing my hair loss I was in a bad mental state. The last thing i could deal with was trying to find a solution in my own time. As perviously mentioned in my post im not an employee if A&M and haven't stumbled across the forementioned thread.


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Ashley and Martin are a scam. I'm from Adelaide and the guy who was my salesman (not a doctor or medical professional in any way) was the dodgiest conman you could come across. They will rip you off for something you can buy much cheaper. The laser 'therapy' is a joke because even if it does work they only stick you under a laser once per week at first and then less. Dont waste your time or money, buy your own products.


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I think the answer is obvious

Thanks Guys.

I have decided not to go through A&M. I have purchased Proscar, Dr Lee's minoxidil and the minoxidil Foam. I have been on one quater Proscar per day for approx 6 weeks and my minoxidil products should arrive in about 2 weeks.

I have started to shed quite a bit. I assume this is due to the Proscar. I am hoping this will ease off soon.

I have taken before photos so that I can post my progress every now and again.

Do you think I should have got the minoxidil with Retin-A? I hear that it does help and I feel that I may have made a mistake just going for staight minoxidil.

Thanks for the advice.


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as if your gonna go pay those thiefs to give you medicines you can get yourself ..there just middle men that con people who havent done there reasearch