I think I'll leave by this summer for sure more or less and no longer browse the forum at all. It's been on my mind for a while. I've had a really good time on here and I'm SO GRATEFUL to the people that helped me on my way with hair treatment - which has proved life changing and life saving. I'll never forget them and always think of them when something relevant happens in real life. It's like I know their personality or aspects of it, that's how well I've bonded with a few. I'm sure it's the same for them. It's crazy how people online can help another, one of the best things about the internet. Back when I was 18, forums were so much rarer. Internet was on a crappy desktop, inaccessible with limited sites and traffic. Much more developed now. It's a double edged sword though. More help is available on the internet but social media also screws up vulnerable people too.
I have my full head and don't need to worry about future treatments with finasteride usage and transplants. Nor am I lonely. I'll stay over PM for my good friends with periodic logins because I like them too much. Agustin kind of does the same. I also have good support and people to talk to in real life about anything. There's a few people who know I'm on here in real life and one girl said to me yesterday she doesn't get why I post frequently, that is there something lacking in her support or my other friends.
I said to her, actually I don't know the answer to that and I've thought a lot about it. I've always liked talking/discussing, but she's right, the more time I spend here, even with mod tasks, the more time I lose in real life. With work, gym, people, travelling, other hobbies. Of course I get it all done but I'm still logging on. It adds up. Everyone has said this to me who knows I'm on here, particularly the last 6 months or so. I quit for half a year I think more or less a while go.
I think the icing on the cake was when I went to the Himalayas. Couple of my friends said you're logging on to do mod tasks right now and laughed lol. I'll admit, the mod jobs have died down since some argumentative users have been dispatched. There was a period where there was a lot of illegal stuff going on over pm, war between people too, kinda tiring. I think many of you don't need this forum either, lets face it, it does go beyond hair loss but just based on hair most of us in this section are blessed and have been forever.
If it feels like home, there's nothing wrong in that. But I will be moving on for reasons mentioned. I think many long term members have done the same and I've had time to interact with them over PM as mod and learnt their reasons. It made sense to me.