Green Soap

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You really need to get rid of the treatments forum. We post all the same things here. Nothing really gets responded to very well on the next down forum. It's highly redundant.

This forum needs a facelift.


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I agree. And I don't think that threads discussing balding celebs should be moved to OT. My cool thread completely died since it was moved there.


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In my opinion we need the treatment area to keep traffic down in the general area....

See the problem I see with merging the two is that if one area gets too much traffic, there will be too many duplicate topics at one time getting 2 or 3 responses since people are to F-ING lazy to look down more than 10 posts.

If we did that, it would be the end of (for the most part) 5 to 10 page long threads where topics go into great depth and detail. The best posts normally seem to sit there for a day or two, getting bumped a few times and then someone finally posts something very interesting and suddenly it turns into a great topic that the entire forum gets into. If there was too much traffic and too many posts, threads get buriend and get moved over to page 2 of a forum within 1 day. Some of them being great topics that get wasted. This happens on other forums. And the treatment area does have some great posts and it does get some attention, just not as much. But it does get read a lot.

Anyway, just my 2 cents opinion from being here for awhile, I am sure has his reasons for it.


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People still need time to adjust to the newfangled moderation of the forum. Hopefully, they'll start using the other sections as we continue to move more and more threads.

Further, IMHO, no celebrity thread can possibly be cool. They're pure lowest common denominator and typically have nothing to do with science, which is why I move them. They also include cyclical arguments that, again, have nothing to do with science. Lastly, 99% of the time they degenerate into needless flame wars or Tynan posting a photoshopped pic of a celeb with missing teeth sporting a Norwood 7.

I understand there's a certain desire for them - I'll never understand why, but whatever. I'd be all for a "celebrity discussion" section listed directly under Men's General, but for now they're going to off-topic.

The Gardener

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Axon said:
Lastly, 99% of the time they degenerate into ... Tynan posting a photoshopped pic of a celeb with missing teeth sporting a Norwood 7.

LOL.. now THAT's a forum I would visit regularly!


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Axon said:
Further, IMHO, no celebrity thread can possibly be cool. They're pure lowest common denominator and typically have nothing to do with science, which is why I move them. They also include cyclical arguments that, again, have nothing to do with science. Lastly, 99% of the time they degenerate into needless flame wars or Tynan posting a photoshopped pic of a celeb with missing teeth sporting a Norwood 7.

I understand there's a certain desire for them - I'll never understand why, but whatever. I'd be all for a "celebrity discussion" section listed directly under Men's General, but for now they're going to off-topic.

They have to do with baldness which comes under "Men's General Hair Loss Discussions". Just because you don't like them is not a good enough reason to move them. If you don't like them, don't click on the links.


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I have to click on them, it's my job. Celeb threads are repetitive (virtually every single one has been done) and clutter up the forum; they also often result in flame wars because people seem utterly convinced that Tom Cruise is balding, or at least want him to be so badly they'll threaten to kill each other.

They're more off-topic, since they have little to nothing to do with scienctific discussion, which is the point of this board. It's been a misconception for a long time - this is not general discussion with anything involving hair loss, it's general science discussion, or at least we'd like to have it that way as much as possible. If this was a catch-all forum, we wouldn't need others. And yes, sometimes threads go off-course.

They will be moved. I'll leave the shadow as a courtesy. People will start to pick up on it and post in the off-topic section. Then you won't have an issue, because let's be real - this boils down to you wanting responses.

Otherwise, feel free to petition for a celebrity discussion section. I'm sure it'd be quite popular.


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Axon said:
Then you won't have an issue, because let's be real - this boils down to you wanting responses.

Otherwise, feel free to petition for a celebrity discussion section. I'm sure it'd be quite popular.

Let's be real, it's about you flexing your mod muscles.

The popularity of the thread speaks for itself. 5 pages is longer than most threads on this board.


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I've been thinking about this idea for awhile. Other forums have a different approach. A million topics. You go to the home page of the forum and there are 30 or 40 categories as you go down.

Then there is the method I opted for when I set up the forum. Categorizing things by overall general topics. Transplants, Hair Replacement, Treatments, and ... there always has to be a "General Discussion". That much is accepted.

One option could be to scrap the GENERAL thread and create 30 or 40 forum categories that cover everything I can think of. THen people will be forced to look down the list and post where appropriate.

The problem is, as always ... human nature. People are by nature very lazy. They will post in the TOP category even if its totally off topic. Especially in a forum with 40 topics. .... thats why pretty much every forum has a "General Discussions" at the top.

So we have two options here ... expand the forum layout to have several topics on the home page, or do what the guy said above - shrink it by just having the general discusisons area, etc...

Now that we have moderators... maybe expanding the forums would help. They would be doing a lot more moving of things ... cuz people really dont pay attention to that .... but it would spread things out throughout the forum better.

Are you up for something like that, Moderators?


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HairlossTalk said:
Are you up for something like that, Moderators?

Fine with me, as long as you clearly define what we are to move for when people complain we can explain what were doing.

Personaly I like the way the treatment area used to be a year ago. Locked by generic topics. Ahh those were the days. That way people had a 60 page thread to research page by page of one specific topic/treatment.


Maybe we could go back to that? there are 3 MODS...and twelve pages in the treatment area. We could each take 4 pages and throw the old topics into the other areas and go back to the old way?


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I think we should just keep doing what we're doing for now. In time people will get used to it. See how that goes for a while then consider adding forums.

Personally I like the "Hair Loss Treatments" forum the way it is. Notice there is very little, if any off-topic talk there. It's a great place for no BS treatment talk. I wish people would use it more. whatever you think is best I'll help out anyway I can.


does anyone here think that Danny Devito is losing his hair?


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Oh i love these questions.... Danny D is not losing his hair....Don't be such an idiot!


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Tynan you are officially the off topic moderator... as soon as I get my avatar.


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BadHairDecade said:
I think we should just keep doing what we're doing for now. In time people will get used to it. See how that goes for a while then consider adding forums.

Personally I like the "Hair Loss Treatments" forum the way it is. Notice there is very little, if any off-topic talk there. It's a great place for no BS treatment talk. I wish people would use it more. whatever you think is best I'll help out anyway I can.

Good points. I still like the treatment area the way it used to be though. When I was deciding on if I should add CP's or not, I had 2 years of discussion to reference all within one thread.


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I hear ya Cassin, I just hate reading 60 page threads because I'm lazy like that :oops:
Maybe sub forums for the "Hairloss Treatments" section.
Have a forum for.
Copper Peptides
Mixed bag (combination of any of the above)


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Interesting ideas.... but things are good as they are, but i suppose there is always room for improvement. But, i have noticed that, for example, the "Off Topic" section is now already getting busier. So, if you do decide to make changes, be best to wait a while first.

The fact that you moderators are getting some stick for moving threads is good... change needs to be forced through and i think over time traffic will pick up in the other sections :smoke:


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Like I've said, I've done this before and this is always the reaction at first. But over time, people will start utilizing all the forums.

I'm all for sectioning off things, but I don't we need that many.


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Temples said:
Axon said:
Then you won't have an issue, because let's be real - this boils down to you wanting responses.

Otherwise, feel free to petition for a celebrity discussion section. I'm sure it'd be quite popular.

Let's be real, it's about you flexing your mod muscles.

The popularity of the thread speaks for itself. 5 pages is longer than most threads on this board.

If I wanted to flex my mod muscles, I would have deleted this post and the one in the celeb thread. Then I'd delete any and every attempt you make to voice an opinion. Some sites wouldn't even allow the discussion that's gone on thus far. I'm not like that, I welcome discussion - but you're going to have to convince me of a good reason to keep a celebrity hair loss thread in the general board that's meant for scientific discussion.

Celeb threads tend to be extremely popular because people like to b**ch, and it makes them feel better when the mighty fall. Fair enough. But when those threads crop up, their popularity pushes more relevant (and perhaps deserving) threads down the page. But 5 pages is hardly a record.

Your thread is not ended, it has just been moved. Accept this as a fact of life until tells me to leave celebrity threads here. Slowly but surely the off-topic section will gain steam; keep your thread bumped to the top if you want it to continue.


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I run a baseball board, and some people will get on a mod no matter what he does. I agree, move the celeb threads, or delete them. I find them silly and distracting.