
AU regrowth Possibilites


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Hello everyone. I'm new to this support site.

I am currently 29 years old and I have had Alopecia since I was about 16.
It started out as AA and over the course of about a year it turned into AU.

I have not had any hair on my body since then until about a year ago. I first noticed very thin transparent hair growing on my chin and Eyebrows. So i started to shave them off just so they wouldn't look weird. Now over the past year I am having to shave once a week or so. My chin and eyebrows is the only place it grows but now its fairly think and grows in quite fast ( at least think for someone with AU lol)

I have never used any treatments of any kind and I quickly accepted that I would never have my hair back, however recently I've been second guessing myself. Is it possible to regain a full head of hair again in situations similar to mine. If so what kind of treatments should I be researching?

any information would be helpful for me to start this quest.

Thank you